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Photo Contest - Keep 'em Coming U neodt loh of cob phoern o* #» fan or* fa»ft of ryeryday lolefi lift ill pay yw S7S fa nay one pub KM aid you none and (ampin wi be (tndrttd flir. m It offermp fow SI 000 wbolaryhipi and rtmnti up pilfer fa the bnl anas wbramd «i la* (attain raw ianpui Me Iderfyln sporty and ertertaaenert Subyeelr can be of anyone a any ortnoy on a off cnmpin fiam the norma! la oultppeew flam reneor la Kmy you now I U photo ae automate a#y Kittled till (olefe ISrte canterl la* frtf pbee weien «i iemit SI 000 ufmlwihpr U i Hoy IWJ mat wi fee lure a ipoad (alefi Tea ei Inn rertno ■Jvmurjrq au dirt (Me mum and man Send yew enlur, on (ala prtrt a rbde f*n tabeted an the b*» (pertly I «*fi y«* name tfhooi adieu phone nuttier (hone and uhad! and drtoied nfe an *ha edwn •by «bc* and *here the photo oar Wien Inciudt names and phone numbar of ihe people n the pntore d povidt tiyener caw* be returned and berime Ihe property aI U VOlttU Mapo.nl fVlc (prted ! 800 (May farlc ion Sale 170 Ur inpeier U W067 ! S03 MAH* ST Hi MAh U Of CAL It OftttlA If HAH IT tort*In t Ctoc **• Hm 9*9* Inn tarf* c**nfe m to cttilfm nrtM tanp*t ■ »—§* hm mm U. Pick the Oscars Contest yi [licrc ' nothing quite like H uVt'i’V tfejr li s a rile nf spring in ! Hollywood and -ill over tin;-world li s Ovur Night W lio will thi- big winner! hi ilu» voir; Jlie of them could lx- you it j j you pick .ill tin- Oscars’ i t j f . I Ion* s how v hi cntci r lie'. j|ri ■ jnd flontral 1 I’ick the* Oscars contest j : lust semi in .1 |«.sti.ml w ulry j»u Jiuk.cs for Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress Don't lorget to in< ludif? v<|ut name. school. address and : l>h>>ne numlx i s(> we i an m>ufy \®u if y-- »u re a w inner' \l! entries must I*- postmarked lj\‘midnight on March 28, 1993 i \\ e II niati h V. an selet m ms w'afb lilt Winners announced on the < )s< ar) J telet ast i : It ion ph k them all Clrrrecth and me sclci ted from our draw ing. you could win SSOO in cash Ti n tlffliers up will receive one veai i tin alei passes In mi Wit so send in yout entr\ and w .ftlh fi nfs our i hame lo w in You'll hear j | Iiom us either lw phone or ni.nl. l|l Api tl CkhkI luck! i l\tinni i'lio err/n /• I /*r< k• //c jOtr A/s I the \atiotuil (.olhw UugiKnie I .sun (.,'tiiim i’ttri. East dJag.v sjn. I.us Angeles. < 1 90(X> IM l»l( )\ MINI CRUISE JOBS I urn $2.00© ♦/month wovlting fot ( miim: Sh»p% and ttwr Companies Holiday. Summer. and full time employment available Oviw UitT, lour guides aHpcm»nv Baricmlcrv MuiteiUH. ( •ninvclor* cu I w employment pruguni call ( mice I mploy mem Ser>kc* at (206t 054-04OK K\l. i IIH5 • ALASKA SUMMER JOBS • Students Needed* luum SMI i /wtefc in i anncnc*\ or $4,0004 per month on (idling boats Room & Board' I-fee transportation’ Over H.tKiOt^pcntngs No experience rmrswri! Male or l-emale I iw employment pn»gram call Student I mployment Sen-ico n 12001 545-4155 K*C A5272 • INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT • M.iU money trjthins I n^li'.h dbrtutl Mpin ,iml Taiwan Mak.»2,000-M,000» p*r month Many provlili- room & lx>anl < other bom-fit!.' No prrvtou* training or li-uhin^ irrtitu.ilr mpnri'd l or <-mplovmrnt program call International T'mplo* mrnl (.roup t2U*i *32-1146 F.»l. 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NATION \1 CAREER NETWORK. 742 S*H»th Mill. \ngek« < V <**>14 (21 SI !»?•* H72ToJt«ui N\s( Rerutite Photo. $A 00 CLASSIFIEDS HlKltsMIlt# IM!i8MlT!l>\ Mil Jl» 3il 13*1 u kn \«irmlt4r j*n*din t% ,ti h*HVtr NoirllinU V»hi tr |uid (lirn i hilh (nuunimt FREE mltmnatMMi *4 llout Huiimr HOI 57<*29<»0 l «»p\ tight *MJ< »kl>H AMA/1M. SI SIM) K \*UR«(M Nl) J nsi* * 24h«*ii*71t»*A*.S7«»r» ATTENTIONENTRJ PRi Nfct Ks Immediate profit*. spate time, no imett me n( Butinr** of I‘1‘JOe Student* idea! Send $2 t .tmluiir HI it HI MV it* Sheet. Suite it n t _ Miami 1 l 4\]td» *| |t H MM 1 IFKS NM.I )))>’ Hi vatu aira In national i4){4iiii/JlK>ti I all (tilMl l’*4 1444 dlWUllir ).\KN $1*00 $400 wrrkh «*tic ampui |.mii iiinr t all • sol '*»1 4022 <24 hr*) SO FT W A R I l v\ I. t.MA 1 N 11 %tud\ %o!t*air $4** M5 Kdui Jlioiial tauiofl )ri ^800) MAINOI I SIMM 1 K ( AMP IMP. 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Inum tal Aid I jmiiiK U$ rit <»enrl Publicatiom Bo* 40254 Mrvi. \tu«XU KA?74 music: kooks Jiff ( J) < avkcuc t .itulo^iK . Hurry Publication* ■177 B2nd Si IV. h>klyn. M I 12t*» •ANARC JIIS'I COOKBOOK* AvuiUbir $JY |m>%t|mkI HauiMiir lV*»kv B*»x 1401-C Srt4u» i Hnoa a w w^j|«*Ws..4» *riliu>» AL TOS FOR SALK CHEAP! mi VS. SEIZED HV Mrnrdrs Sr, \‘\\ $ V; #7 &im*de\ $KMt '>K- f50 ( h«x>*r from thousand* suiting S‘Jr> FREE Information — ‘i-l Hour Hotline. (HO!) $79 'J929 (4>|IVTlghi #\IJ()K)( . SHI) HN.\N( IA1. All* !*n> %tudrtu mmi( our »rnur i% ^tuijhlrnl to tnelve MONEY' N»»i )u»( 4 tut «»( V ti«>l4! \hi|> Sourer*’ ( all immedwirly'!! (501) 961 46*5 U ruf i*4 7X>Wi COUEGf 4MOA.TNf not acrapt amuitmd ad. ta> latm papa* saw. ad»ng .atvicd. taaaarcn asaatanca aannca. tasaarcn papot. tans iDUiaM promoang maalrng diugu tocfedng drug tamind pc**cationa and patapnamaMl pornogr«*ac "atonal. and othat product, and tar.iai a.atoUa only lo aUU ow lha aga o» 21 Wa rsaatYS mngt» raluaa adraraatog M