Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 29, 1993, Page 24, Image 35

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    EMFDrops the Fluff Act • Elvis Makes Beautiful Music
Ice Cube Preys on Your Senses • Phish Stinks • Peel Stateside%
U. Oolicgi Radio Chart
I Mudhonay.
I‘ktruf( nikf
‘.'Tom Waits
limt\ h it hi nr
Jesus Lizard I mu
1 Faith HBaton ImU>
r>. Sugar. < mftin Nut
A t t 1— —■
n. BM Mappenmg
> Vxj l'um .Mr On
7. King MMb Huff’s Hmn
8 Television THnnsum
9 Mummies Vir? /Vru f Mttgh/
in Setadoh
Smtuh )inn Hnuhm thrl'unk/{inks
(.«W*1 Jhmi <m .u4b«* ‘ .■m*th**i* '«*«» KAMi \tui«v» V*h I . fctJN. I -«»•«'«-» NMfcr l X* iararuto*
KAlX l nli 4»htt*i*u Krtilir. MA I ><( Ji<»nu t «■» Angrtr* M <R t <* ‘ * 4<«*A> HXtlfc \ 4 t'ftrtonvw* H\J»t
tkr-iH t <M. I .i<t-n4|pj Vkll S I H XJM |*u»r« V4j*»«»ih I HKIl I trfkrofeal* HA 1 Vf l
\M KM l kttW t -4 Mmun WAV1 Am V««l l H'XYl i <4 V*«h i KIWI R*t t W1I»R
Xm.iKrtn la*,**. l klSRI .4 l<u> Vs H l I ttUor I H MU W*fcrf«a*«t k< Ml t <4 W«ltttaK* m
EMs Costello
The Juliet Iiiters
★ ★★★
Kivu ( omHI«h Ht»rk <*f imiMi al ait,
I Hr /uliri Irtirts. rolls to a slop and ihc last
lone note hunt's m (hr ail I< is a Uuutilnl
Depai ling from hi*
normal pop new wave
formal. (imirllo has
ineotporalrd (lie suing
ensemble Rrorisks
Quai tel In ailcl a i lassi
i al ivsisi
His llitinexs mixes the
tx'dillv t>f Ml lllgl'd IllSIlumelllS Vsllll Ill's deep.
wavering voice to produce .1 melcxbc, hvp
iiiiiii . dynamic and ob-«cs-hauntmg album
This listening rxprrirm e begins with
“Dclivct I s' hi whic h (antello softlv sings
above a deep c ello, ( rrscendomg into a tint
rv ot violins He uses the tieaulv of classic al
instruments to Ix-nclil the mood ot the song,
rrminisc ent of "1 Ills Mol tal < oil's lllood "
Very cool
In "I Almost Had a Weakness," Costello
uses a last, shaip violin, teasing the hsteiiei
with his lilting voice And the uplifting
melodv itself disguises the Isrics (and 1
burned the photogtaphs ot vout wedding
1 lollies; (text dies were uglv 1 hiidren). leav
ing a ven astu grin on the serious music
Hus album seduces sou. taking vou in to
■•pm aniltisl swilling violins .did (nslrlln's
signature altrmatisr (ihe original iim- <>1 the
Him)) stslr \ (IcflllKC IIIUM flit .IIIS ItUlSIl .il
hhian • him M> (.re. Iht RrM Yell, t <>l
Nci.«la, I as \ rgas
Ice Cube
The Predatin'
it it it
Hm urn release from hr < tilx- |>mhahh
won t mala u into I i|>|*ri ( «nr’* iolln (toll
of ( IK. hui Ihr 1‘intalm is Mire lo gamer hr
( IIhr ifir one thing fir irrmi so gooil at
attr.u ling - atlrnlion
Mut fi like l»r lias on [jasi molding*. hr
( ulx- makes lilxral use of i.it tai slurs anil uo
Irnl drv i i|>uons. earning a |>airnial advisory
foi lus allmm Anil if vou tan gri aintmtl his
less than -poetit juslifualum lot violence
i m i■ *«11 m 11 .ii iiir
moihrrtm kri up"),
y»ni‘II find that i*
fairly rcpicwnUlivr it)
< ul««-'>prrv*>uswork — a
l{ui-wr«:tKhmj{ von «• tor
up wnh itrin,lulling,
riici^rlit Ii.ii k^ioiiiid
ills IIH-VWlgC oil tills .ill >11111 is .is |« rtSl ltllllv
m-vour-faec as .ill Ins mheiv "I <lo ssuni lilt*
white nun to iiiiiUmsuikI lo scr ilul wiut
in- (Ini in the jus! is shil .illrt ling us now
Taken with ilir mt-sinrn/ing |.im llui gives
these wultis lile, li r ( Alht* lias <on< ih led .1 M l
i>l tap limn as passionate and frustrating as
thr wilt r dial < a rues them.
Hunt dm one down ■ Hu ll Kanoiupicrr,
Ihf SufuMs Worth, Ni< hulls Stair t
★ ★
Yon i an’i sas n am 1 Irarct than this — dn*
in west 1 an h Irotn I’lusli is not I'll lot < on
sump! ion
I hr band s trademark eclectii style track
liies into a montage ol I t landom. oltrn
mismaic bed piec es called Ri/l, which
diowns in one loo mans grilles ol (humping
musical snle, despite the group's obvious
mumi al lairnI
"Sparkle," ihe band's
meaner attempt a l
something. Is * coun
try-western nightmare
straight hum Her Haw.
complete with twangs
guitar And "Weigh"
vmuds like all episode
Iioni I hr\ Might IW' (■lams nirrli altema
uvr jar/ Mam <>! thr songs su< h as "Rill"
and "hast t mini’ll koi Vou" Man nut with
milling, bluesv rhythms, nuh to turn into
Olivia Newton |ohn-ish reprises It's a profs
Inn is |m al of thr allium
tint Plush's most prominent rrtl hen mg
lies in its singing ahilits nr lac k thereof At
lieM the g>oii|i sounds like a weak veiMoli ol
Simon and (.ailunkel
Ai wont, Phish sounds like a recording
from Vvjmr Vied / ue mill synthetic -sound
mg harmonies and iui|>nssihlv Mupid and
repetitive Ivins
I he onlv caving gtate for tlir group is its
talent lot miiMi al solos. At least halt the
songs on the allium contain Stt-second imp
lied of some of the |.i//iest guitai and piano
vilos outside New Yotk, the band's s|k-< uil
ilasing come ofl a taging sumtnel tour
with Blues 11aselei and Spin Ihx tots, mu d
think I'hish might have learned something
about quality music Obviously not. Fhrow
this one hai k ■ Nuole ( obhan, Thr
Huiknrllitin, Bui knell l
in the studio
Following up his album-length nod (yawn) to Beatle-esque pop hooks. Robyn Hitchcock
finally has settled into the mature groove for which long-time fans have been waiting His new.
Ob yvt UllUtWU IX IMd nilWHUUV iiVAiity Mia» iiiuu:>v*jviivc mu^ic airu
turning oft the amps tor the first acoustic album with The Egyptians
Release date is Feb 23.
They're heavy, angry and want nothing to do with Seattle With only
two seven-inch singles to its name, college radio darting. Pm, is in the
midst of recording its debut album, set tor unleashing in earty 1993.
Thank the retro muse — word is Chicago's Urge OvertdH is record
ing its major label debut somewhere on the Eastern Seaboard Catch
the fever in April.
Big Hnd Todd end Mm Meaelets is Boulder's Meet success story,
with two mospenoentty proouceo aioums oervno mem ana an envtaoie
nationwide buzz, their intelligent brand of folk rock has found its
stomoino around on the beautiful SttMTSweefr. duo out In MM983.
The yound-bfUting Nil t—lw itrtiiidi? Thar» right. S«c« 1967 t>Q>nd>ry Britfch DJ
John PmTs ridta program has givw promeinc ntw bands a ctwnct to bust i mow on tha big
tin*. Stating Kill ML flta ii wtitatag distribution to tndud* tin US. taMom tit damn *ta
ttiy You heard H hart ■ Jain OdpMh, MtaMary Cmjm. MMMmi Catinga
S!T * ’**r^
Bs*yj*&£Ti s» *?&ft2L» «*-**.,.
_ ^ aan franco
.&% c&i!^ Whiigyy «**y IX » ._, u — ■•“
wanted h^. . QllOtakl.
2^. Los