MoiriePreviews • DoesNC-17 Spell Box-Office Failure? Hughes Brothers Get Gritty In Menace • Video Releases 1U PHILLIP ZONKEL / V \nrUum Star. Northern Illinc >i> l Willi ilnllvwiiod executives retovermg Iroin llir drspet ale i Iish id i e lease ()\i .11 1 .1 libel tlii ks in tune tin nominations. the |m blip for |amiarv and February are slimmet than ever llul why mil take in a movie anyway- I hal |K'kr 12-page reseat 1 h papet isn't due until \piil Groundhog Day (Columbia Pictures) It s not Saturday Sight with I odd going 111 MV gies to I isa Instead Ibll Murray is live liom Punxsutawnev. I’a . as voul local IV vseathei man Phil Connoi s lie s no Willard Si ot 1. diougli, ( minors is a selfish si hrnui k on Ins least lavorue assignment — the (.roiinilbog Das Fesuval I le finds himself stui k in time, endless K ie|«-atmg Feb 2 — ad nauseam lot bun and. In >(x'lnils, ad lulaiium loi aurlieiues Untamed Heart (MGM) ( linstian Slater pumps up the drama in this film exploring the never frecn-cxplnied topit of voting adult lose Caroline (Marivr Fomei) is a street smart waitress with a history of trad tela imnships Slater plays Adam, the reilusoe tins liny wlio dies to rleati up the leftovers of Caroline s life It's an entree of learning aFrout life with a side order of romaner Together tfiey mas breomc die sjrei tal of the das National lampoon'* Loaded Weapon I (New Line Cinema) From die company (hal brought us 1 lassu s like \tiwuii lltmv anil Ytuatum 1 umes an ai non 1 ometls stalling Fmilio F.sleve/ Still smoking Irony Irox office fronan/a Stighh Itutks, F„sleve/ should he in prime form for ibis one With I Jilico appearances from WhiKipi (loldFrerg. William Shatner, Charlie Sheen anti t 7/i/’i II tors Fail F suaila and I airy Wilcox, it's (round io tie an inlellet lually snmulaiing r ineinatii expel idue Loreruo's OH (Univwwl Ptcturee) Originally set for an early tall release but delayed in an effort to rmg in the new year with loads of (>v at nolnes, dns film slats S11 k Nolle and Susan Sarandon in the real-life story of Lugusto and Mu fiaela (kfone A dot tor tells the couple no cure is available lot the condition 'din ring their .Vyear-old son, lasreiuo, who is gisrn a two-vrai life expectancy. For this couple. Sk morn weeks of whiter? BIN Murray travels to Puruautewney. Ps . to cetatorate Groundhog Dsy taking tsso aspirins and tailing lhr doctot in the mi lining isn't an it|>litm Blood In... Blood Out (Hollywood Pictures) I In- lives of three Latino cousins air linked forevrr bv, among other things hlood Incase sou inissrtl die Iasi HI) gang Hit k\. heir's anoth er. but, untlouhlrtlh. not soul las! t ham e loser siren violence at its finest I luring a span of 10 vrais. the ttmsins' lives lake unexpci letl luins in their individual pm suits ol posset and stn sisal Will their t|tirsls least- rivers that run blood red' Will Hollywood esrt stop making this tiietl genre of film.' Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice (Miramax) Brutal murder, laihri son bonding and romance t ombine to luel a provoc alive slots line in this sequel to die juiuoi high t lassn that Itighletietl mans a preteen-agrt Again a land t>! murtieroas souths has Willed a slrss ol adults in this sleeps Nebraska town (Is there any other kind ol town ill Nebraska'I But liaik. a repoitrr desperate to Vive his tairri anises to gel die scoop and brings along Ins son ill an attempt to reconcile thru strained relationship What tier tet was to improve tamils relations than Its sui rounding vuui nod with (tended (.Iratasil creeps* Bui wait, there's more Romanic bins soins whet) the meet twi < women What civ* muld .t lilm offci • her admission nuvbc The Temp (Paramount) You know In i ax Sun - Wayne's mentally unstable giiltriend Irorn Warnr i World Inn laia Flvnn Bnvle won't lie tiding her Inkr into am parked cars .in die [XrrTrayx llir He khm temp ol doom she' x not just typing, anssseiing phones and making copies; the * hell bent on i limbing the torjwiraie ladder rvrn il n rccpiuex murder (let ready lor Hurting loti uieen I hs Hand that Htxk\ ths < nulls in dm ai lion thriller dial will make \ou tremble in Irar csets time y ou Mo ill pad a lemp agent v Pas*ion Ftsh (Miramax) \ routine leg waxing turns into a brush with death when wrathful soap Mar Mas Vine (Man Mi Donnell) is hit bv a i ah nil the wav In die salon Bill she's about lo gel an attitude adjust ment (lorn a v als ereaiure I hat's light, it's a fish, and it sou vpieere il when thinking ol the one sou lose, anything i an happen. Set in the l.ouisiana bason, dm lilm should lie a lingei In king good cajun comedy. U Meet Albert and Allen Hughes — a unique set of twin brothers At age 20 they are directing their first feature film. Menace II Society, slated for >etease in May n s a mm inai doesn't puH any punches about 'oner-dty strife. Menaces cen tral character, Caine Lawson, lives in Watts. Amid accusa tions of murder, the fatherless ’ 8-year-old must And a way to survive in Ate toe Angeles ghet to. ‘It is a pretty tuckod-up ptocs to We m itaM imw * IM im. 'An/ major dty tor minoftiai - anybody - Nm praMm. and K iHkM to look « ttwn. Tton lino My yon can ctoM your ayoo.* And toa tadna ntoa no aManpl to toad toton to m MirWCMfOMMSTAII ILUMUCN on the set nesses to issues m the film M