Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 29, 1993, Page 17, Image 28

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    No sex to safe sex,
spring break flicks
reveal naked truth
By Matthew Pedrolie. Marquette Tribune. Marquette L .
He’s tall, he's hands*>me and he'sgot
the darkest tan in Florida With
that hairy, heaving t best and those
swim trunks that leave everything
t< > the imagination, it could only lx- one man -
< »c« »i gr I lanulton
See him dam mg the Pom at the lx*ac h and
'«<• him gather babes wearing swimsuits that
expose minimal flesh It’s spung bleak bOs
tde as portraved b\ the < lassu film Whrrrthr
Hoys \tr
It n not exactly the pit ture painted by
•dav s flit ks with l>eri spraying everywhere.
> Main mg t row ds of insane t ollege students,
tan goddesses m teeny weeny bikinis and
hulking college men plunging
ftoin palm trees into
(hr |xm»|
But (h<- missions of these films irnuin the
same - (o arouse the* migiatoiv hormones m
high s< hooleis fxdorr (firs drpait foi ihr won
del vrai s <>f college \nd the films have
i hanged iiiut h thr vunr was (hr at tiul breaks
have pn»gre\sed
I hrs started with SKhtre thr Htr\s \rr, the t me
inatu pioneer of spf mg f>rrak
Ihr surirvsof (fir time honored collegiate
ntr of passage could Ik- attributed to (fiat first
attempt at btrak entertainment.
" W har Our \rr is teallv just a < amp it on
1 fiat movie along with thr i n ation of thr
asttonaut tuliuir, had something to do with
[the popularity of spnng break)," savs
( hns ( onnrllv, editor of f'remttre
magazine and host of MIN \ / hr fUg
"Non !.d.<- .1 \t m »k U it. H had
H.Ullii’i Ih ( .'Him f MU' I*
am! m mi.i! < ■din stais > »f dx nine
The 1961
IVhere the
Boys An (top)
kept genitals
under wraps, but
the 1964 Spring
Break (center), left
little to the Imagina
tion. And even the
geeka got women In
Revenge of the Nerds
ll (bottom).
Si Wlltl lll.tl II V».l> V ll t ill .1 l\|lit jl
i kn«n kill I "I .i movir in 11% <!.*>
k dial did wrll "
b ham it was uuivim mg as thr
A naivr Killf^r mi I hill'll in-U'l
had a lirri llc i )>rii<iiius
r • cinc-pircr swimsuit and cun
vrrvativr Inin liaiidu nidi
i alrd hri 1.1111111111111111
^i.im! txliawnl and imnal
purity Ana nri *n<i
dc'iirc to plav iar<h on
i the Ik-.u h further mm
k munitJtrti tlutvoM
L The teal-lilr hi rales
ft ol that tune were
equally as era/'
Pam Barrett, a
PI VI )>i aiiuatr
Nftk U rhsti l '-llr-r
hri istirs l Hr
memory ol her
spring break rv
(apade in |9!>H
It was a trip
L with hrr
ft friends down
\ to Ft laud
crrlale lor a
week of
lull in fhr
, sun.
5 miles
faun* M in pwcantaoM ThM po) m not
•cwnttc Pareantagaa fix mch question we
baaad on *w numbar o< laapondanti to mat
quoadcm Somaqudaaonaracatvad rnuMpio
Foufloan Sctwata and 422 rtudant* partapatad m
A/t/ona State U
CaMonw State U, Lot Angela*
U of CaMwnta Oavtt
U oiQnannaa
U o* Connaeaeut
Howanl U
Jamet MaOaon U.
u w mwtoufl
SoJhom l*moi» U
U of UUfi
U of V**mont
U of Wttcanm, Uhmikm
i hn ken Ior.il ailing llir was ami nil we went
driving alliluy ami all night tngrt thrtr "
Alter Whrtr ihr ft<ry> Arc, the spiing break
tii|» betaine serious fun in the tun vtilfi a |>ui
jxiv - to seek out Ixm for mill) king < anatta
garnet on tlir vim I ()ilin spring break tmnies
nf leviei ijuahn were released. In the late raK
there was Ijm in a h\h ftmii, stalling fahian
aiiiong others It serins the (hi ks snnirhnw i ir
alrrl a i ult billowing desperate In nnnoi the
darning and mmannng done In the likes of
the hairy Hamilton
“II suu msthn i/e sotnetlimg like that it deli
illicit splits an interest in (hri king it nut.'
Connelly saw “Pie distance created In time
lias kind nf made it uunething more than it is '
In the 1960s things remained innrxenl —
Annetlr Kunicello was a model Iren, f rankle
k'alli was a hair mentor and genitals stayed
under wraps (wlierr they lielnnged) - hut as
Irre-fhinking hippirt dev ended nn the east
rm Florida roast. there grew to lie more in tear
than just sting rays Drugs started to pop up
along with more lihrral allrtudrs tnwartl sex
luckily the spring break movies stayed
rbreast of the t badges and set new agendas
Pie absolute hedonism nf the '60s was oflerrd
up in Jtggle-and-glgglr flicks Irkr hiuiisrcUiU,
Spring Hrmk and Rnmgr of iht Verdi // Wet I
dun mtitrsts came m national prominence,
‘sells flopping trrrame a favorite pastime and
through .• s< iciiuIh hiraklhtnugh. .ill bugs
wrlr hi ii krfl mil ill .1 M rw devil r — die lirn
Imug Hiii .ill <>l ilus pi ogle*.* didn't |iisl li.i|>
lien, n was .1 gi.iiIu,iI ti.imfoim.uion
"Spring liir.il. hiurvoknt mil ol a combina
mm ill lechnolog* ami .dlluetii e," vivs Inula
Kn hlrf, a social v u-nlisi al Kansas I
With all I Hum' ailvaiurv spring lurak lias
I mi mir a i ollcgr mill
And main iludcmi say thru bleaks have
lirrn likr the movies Danila (lallero. a wniol
ai ihr 1' u( Dayton, van hri trip in South
I’aitir Island (ho ir.us ago i* onr ihr Hon't loi
"ll hail lhr movie atmosphere. Wr wrnl
i|imu with a whole group ot Irirnils Iroin ml
lege," shr 'll was wild and Inn in ihr sense
ol ihr movies, hut thrrr wrir mipmalr spun
sols ail user tile plai r
Slatting lo think, aluiul lout Hip ilus leal' It
ihr movie* help shape your plans, ii semis
lhere * onr (lung tntlnsr for — msaniii
And that profiahls won't be a problem
"Wr wrnl to Disnrsssoild Iasi seal. almul I !>
of us lioin « IiikiI." s.ns( Inis Jones, a senior ai
i’tovidriu r (a illrgr
"At night wr would go to this (lung thrrr
lallni l*teasurr Island It s an island filled with
diffeient bars I saw sweat shirt* from across
the country Kvrry night it was like a thousand
lollrgr kid* drinking and going mil* " U