Thrv'ir in); K ou Soiim hotio in I’alm S|n in^s, ( .ilil . wlicic i ollrgr students on s|ii Im .ik out <■ look ou i run Man h, 111111 nil* the genrralK 11 '1 tiatk downs on students who* .imc t«» wreak l).iv Italic* Haunter. dim to! ol marketing ami tottmm Ioi Palm Spnngs ~U was out ol hand * Sl> lillt of ll.tlld motel managers like Rolieit Sh tills who operates the Motel t> m Palm Springs, sass the lUMtrlih wrteti t vmtth the tumble “Wi n* not trying to dtv outage Spring break Imt wt hast .in t'Xti uoiiim.ifs set of nilrs while they s% it H us," Shu Its sass Students must Motel h .it all times Hie hotel culottes uirlcws, ami students air lotted to sign a blank rrrtiu i aid vs Hu hr t as a safrtv deposit \nd Palm Sjmngs is not alone |rllrr> lut/. a jumoi at IHikr l . spent spnng bleak last vrat in Mvrllr Brat h. SC Sri unis at the Red I ter Inn then was light, he viss “One night out mixer got nailed In one of the jioliiemrn." I any viss “When we slrpped over the line, dies wrrr right their to put us lut k it) out plat e Xml it is these rules that titles and business owners in prune It m at i< uis like Palm St Minus. Oavtona ami hwi know in.iv \|m U ihr drmivr «>( spring break in thrir < in< \ and on llirn twat he* < vtudrnt*, who (cum tor** ape ihc vtiiulurr ol thru univc ivitics, an* noi t oininm to j»!a\ bv the rub•* "Y»m * an t ta\t«>na Ilea* h. sav* Melvin ( it*io, a sriimi at I he l ol ( JMUKt In ul Ami iimi imii iiliu inis kntm imi r Wind ^ris mil Out uikIiiiIi .urn't in i- In |Min in |>aiuliimmnim mi spiing br»k. lhc\ will go rlsrwhrtr i’.ilmi. knndiatm, a valrs duo tm Im Student li.ivri Seisms, whuli maikris «|>iin>; birak v,naimm, uu Hit drills .m migrating in Florid* limn Foil l aiidirdalr .mil Ik.iMmi.i ih .it Ii in Panama ( its. v»hrn this In I levsrrtttu trd "Panama * in allows iln' knts in r Minimis" hr sin " I hr .imimir is inmr ai t mium dating to the Sluiirnts" In thr l.iii Hits, il.isltnu Ih-.n Ii attrai Irti i iiIV in 'dtl.OOO sin dents mi spiing Ini ik In IW2, ih.11 numhri was down in Arttl.OM ■| WUIl I H'l du ll tg.llll. S.ISS Nikki Ml*'. .1 llitlllll .It dll' I lit \\ is* niisin Nor sj toil spring tur.ik two mmis ago 111 I knit 111.1 “II soil air going In sjm iuI dial HUHh nionev vou'ir going In waul In hasr Inn ami ih it worn uIhhii getting liustrd lor ihis and that.* Bill | tail m i.i Pnlur Oilkrr \l lnllrs \ass lirlote dirtils slait Palm Spring* Sgt. BIN Harriett give* spring breaker Fa had Sollman a tlckel lor Jaywalking. Cold Spots Prime break locations losing their appeal Bvlereim Kohler. I'he Daily Campus. I . of ( onneelieul rd * rat king cl*wen on students. \|nmg hirak was }um out of * «m Uoi "Hirer was sets little t oofdtnaturn of the rvriils ttul t<*»k }>).«• e." 1«»lk"V sass Now split ig hi * aks in Ihnlotia .irr *»n hesitated t at el nils bv the*« UN hatnliri of (ommt it r \nd poll* r * ontmi is tight ‘Ivrit in the hotrh. thr\ had sr* tints walking around ' Ns "You * ouldu t have* ah ohol hv thr jhm»I and there weir lot ks «>n thr v tern doois vou « onIdn t go out on thr hah nines at all ' \tui that uutkt*s plat es like Daytona and Kofi lauderdaie levs attia* live to tullegr students who head t** new sj*>ts Panama ( it\ ami South Padie Island "I think we re seeing a big shdt lowaid Panama < its.* savs Kngei llama* k. a student at hmbrs kiddie \rrnnaumal I in Davtnna “It took \r\eial veals for it to shilt heir tioin Foil I audeidale. txtt inoie anti mute air going l*» Panama ( atv \ml \ Itnr with ( Dean Hofmcistrr, prni dent of the < »t eatrt I ni t I .tudnd.ilc Convention and V union IVotrau * I hr word is out on rampuir* acrovs the rmifitn - bleak m (.irate! Foil 1 aueieidale is a thing oi the iuM, something toi the lusti>r> hooks. Ih viss I’.iul haklis, .1 sojihonime at I Slali l hr got the message " Ibex weir!rally, trails < i .It king down .1 lot .is l.u .0 i>|K-n 1 otilaniris anil imposing tines.* s.tsx K iklis who spent \pimg bleak Iasi seal 111 hoi! latuleidale 'll hits t hanged ill a main alls ' Doting the six works ol sjMtng tweak in I OK > Cal non students i if si ended on lull I Juili-nlalr lm ihr past three veals less than 15,000 hase mine 1 lining tin- same (k iukI * jhii! Iauderdalt ! didn't want the 1 ra/nlevs .isms lain! with spiing bleak s.iss hiiinluins. who's worked wtih 1 he travel set sue loi si-sen seals But then utiex like Fort laiiiittilalr don’t get the louiisin 01 tliemoin-s students sfsend while on tweak iliere \nd tor most spiing bleak destinations, that's the bottom line 'We dull! I base 1 lot ol tomhli sass i ami lottiei. diln toi ol viles and inaiki ;mg lm I lolnlas Inn in IW h h 'Hut 1 we ii alls didn I lust a lot ol husiness ' Q I “We have an extraordinary set of rules while they stay with us.” Spring break "bargains' give students more than they bargained for Hurry' Its jour Ui\t (Karut In rrgislrr fin a sfmng birnk trip U> thr sun itrmihrd hrtuhn of Hw dr Jannm for the low, lou frru r of $ W. \im1 vt Kill lx living down in a t aigo plane* full of what you .nr toltl in baking powder. living in a shed Ixuause you thought nthrrhzit was an rlrgant wold foi hotehon 1 he* lvea< fi with jvoolside hat and wondeting wltc*n thr travel representative will tome In to give v*»u details on tfiat fabulous (mi tv he promised Don't hold your breath. h veal i ollrgr students s» ramble to t irate the per let t self indulgent break lot the fewest pennies |K>v»ible \n«l even vrai some students pay a sin k salesperson for a deal, onb !<> find themselves living in squalor, with no • me to complain to for a week Kim Ri« hards, a set not at Virginia I re h, knows that situation well \invtng in (lam tin Mexico, hri group found it was not staving at a hotel amthing like what the students had been piomived ~ll w in .» v an S4 ene the hotel was tails . just f feepv. she suvs It was located awav ft mil the trvHl aiea, a i.r> minute taxi i ide to the Ik\u h not the short walk the trav ri I < UIJ | MU'. I lilt l ^11.11 annul, si m s.o > rv«« anil in i friend* evrntualfv jMul extra mono to mmr in a Ik*Mo hotel. Inil she saw it wax a hassle \nd havsles ate the last tiling on (hr minds ol college students who Ik* k lo \pimg bleak hoi sj>ois Km it thev do no molt than irai down one of those fluotevent thris dial sows lo shuttle them lo spimg hirak hravrn ant! fun k .igam. dies ma\ fx- sleeping in the* gullet hnk Kilo, vice president «>t inaikrting foi Student k xpievs \ at ations m Denvri saw his t ompam provides piannrd packagrstor t ollrgr break (tips Mihotigh ihere air companies dial tr\ t«> pull one over tin sin tk nis. Kilo saw fir dies to do the fxsl loi the studrnrs Student* who simply go with the* ( hra|x*si deal, hr saw. often end up paving mote overall on thing* like tab fares and othri im onvriiiriu rs Kit hauls div osrird the wtx-s of going with (hr t heap rsl deal during ho spring hirak fiasco *| Ihr atfj was one of those dungs dial makes it sound like it is (f)00 t lied to us,' S< hillav savs “Hit* vc mid Hr got there nr ail had a frrlirtg nr wcie tiring * jened ' \nv pat kage dt*al lhal sounds too good to in- true piohahlv ts, and to avoid st .inis students should invrsti gatr Obtaining a topv ot the* travel u»ntrai t and reading the line punt is an casv nav to avoid anv s* am, Riles saw And in tin- game o| getting students to folk over l»ig but Is Itir spring break jounuvs — unvthmg goes < )rgam/alions Hill do anvthing to allrat t students, savs Harold Van, president ol ( ampus Marketing. lm " I heir s always someone living to gel ail edge.' be sav> Rilrv suggests avoid dealing in lash anti never make a i bet k out to an individual- I le saw! be out e had a rrpie villa live from the l ot Illinois make oii with deposits lioni mine dun Mn\ undergraduates “We diought be vsas going to Ik- a good rep. Rile' vivs We (level saw luin again U Bv Bred Mt Peak. The Brown and II hih , 1 ehij;h l