Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 29, 1993, Page 12, Image 23

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    College hoops’
dream team
guns for a
national title
Former coach and broad
caster Al \lc(nine once
said the first thing about
freshmen is that tin's become
sophomores. If that \ true, l .
of Michigan s basketball team
has a lot to look forward to this
\lin .ill. with five rookie* in (In Malting
lineup .1 \rai ago. the WohninrN fi ll «»nlv
one game- shot! of an \< \ \ title- \nd
with the addition <>! a lull vMw»n'* txprii
rm c*. the “Kal» I i\r" (he <{umtet <»f |alc-n
Knv( juwan liowaid. Ra\ j.u kvnit. Jitntm
hin^ and ( Inis Wehhei have- j^ieat
e\|K't tainun
I 'll! g i i.iI is lu iml Imr .ill\ gallics a1l(l
w in am i hampiunship that i(imri
thmugh om (Iihii , 1 low.ml "winI (lining a
prrscason workout
ll they imild win oil confidence alone,
that inmldnt lx- a piuhlem Sun r th«" kali
I nc. liei .illicit as ltic- gtcatcst in I lining
i law cvet. stepped on ( ampm in \nti
\ilnn a icai ago. they have made it (leaf
tliat iiotliing less than a national title- is
ai i cplahlr
"II I didn't think wt- could win a national
ihatnpionship. I wouldn't plat." Wcblx-i
I he players, alln all. have ha< knl up
then Inltv claims with retulu No group ol
freshmen eiet went as fat as the
Wolverines starting live progressed last
season in the \( .\A toumanient. tutning
mans skeptu s inn i Ix-licvcts in the pim ess
I lies sc had then share ol dill'll nines with
the attention a filial Kout team attraits.
though, mi hiding a question o( N( \A
violations last sumtnei
five Mirhigan players received $300
each loi pai tu ipating in a chants rsent
dining tin- suinmei I lie amount of mm
pensatioti was called excesstvr. and two
l ab lisc players were snsjieiided IVnt allet
an insesiigation lotind no wrongdoing, all
five Wolverines involved were reinstated
No one missed any games, hut the stigma
ol the investigation has atlei ted the team
"It bothers me," sass Mulligan head
math Steve fisher. “What happened
didn't need to lx- made the national stois
that it ssas “
Hut the incident certainly did not have
am itiipat 1 on pit-season rankings. 1 he
Wolverines earned the preseason No I
tanking from the Asvxiated Press anil the
( NN l SA Today mat lies' |x>ll Many vis
tl Mh higan iloes not make a repeat
The Michigan quintet hat its sights and skills set for a national championship.
l>\ K\an 11 *-i i inuli m. Mu lu^nti l)ml \. I . <>( \ 11« Im
appearance in thr Final Four. vimrihtng
mils Duke l' and l ol Nevada. l-as Vegas
have done ill thr past sr\en seals, ihr sra
vin will have Iiitii a disap|H>intnirnl
A htggrt diiappiiliumriil, though,
immill Ik losing vimr ol the playrts In the
pins before llini rligilnlits is up Despite
prisistent rumors to the contrary. Weblx-t
.mii Ruse have denied am mirations ol
going in die NBA e.u !v.
Many pm mihiis sas Wrliliri is good
enough to Ik- (lie No. 1 pick in the NBA
draft il hr dri idrd lo lease Mii lagan alter
this srav in.
IVul after playing against the "Dream
Irani" priol to thr Olympics last August
as a member <>l the eight-man I'.S
(>l\ui|>ii Developmental Sipiad. Wrbbet
has soar doubts.
"I learned a lot about msselt and my
game," the b-loot-'l-im h, 240-pound for
ward sass “I alvi learned I hase a long seas
logo ’
Rumors about a possible professional
< atert also have surrounded Kosr. with
suggestions that hr could leave Mu lugan
tins seat Hut Kosr saw hr still has work to
do lor the team
"Ms future is tight heir as a Mulligan
Wolverine," he sass *1 plan oil being a
Wolverine lot lour scats, even d wr win
the national i hainpionship " U
Sports Shorts
She shoots... she scores.
UMass women go
to the mat to win
back their sports
When administrators took awav thru
1'. ill Mavsai huvtLs jerseys, the women s
lacrosse, volleyball and lenms players
l In cal tiled to take then university to
And now. thrre seats altei l Mass
dumped the three vaisity tcainv. the
women are wcaiin^ llieii |< i w" again
-\Vc challenged the system and it
worked — ami we won.' \a\s Pam lesme
|uiih>i Kxapiam of the reinstated tenuis
team 'Me totally shook tip the system
and t Mass li lt the heal It's amazing
Membcis of the three women s spoils
teams i harged l Mass athletii adnnniv
trators with discrimination undei litle
IV a federal mandate whit h i alls loi
equal opportunity hetween men s and
women's s|«nty
With the help of Patricia Flannery a
Boston la wye i who speoulizes in se\ dis
iriimnation i a vs, ihe athletes readied a
settlement with the university last tall
"It's almost likr a miracle," savs Stacy
Sy hcc knei. a junior triiniy plaset 'Mr
devise lo have it hat k
I hr umvrrstv committed to a Itve-yeai
plan (« hi mu the si bool's funding <>1
women * sport* into compliance with
lnlr IX. l ndrr ihr agreement, the
w IiiniI must irsioic the tram schedule*
and budgets without taking money from
other women'* sports, minimise thr slu
drill* for legal io*i* and allot nr* s Irr*
and irsurl.ur thr trnnis court*
"You can't balance the budget In div
criminating against the women,*
Flannel* *a\* "Ihr tail lliat thr* cut
ihe»e tram* a* thr athletic department
nil iraced money to ihr basketball and
football team* made 11 *o clear thai thi*
was disc nmmatron*
1 hough placet* *a* administrator* div
com aged them from trying to reinstate
thr teams, Al Rule, associate athletic
director, savs he's happy the women *
Irani* are back "I'm delighted.' Rule
say* ‘Wr want to provide good pio
gram*. and everyone's pleased.*
Levine savs the women's Irani* simple
got wliat the* deserved,
*\\e'rr bring treated like a varsity team
and not a burden lo the athletic depart
mrnt * ■ Michelle Bayliss, MauachuirtU
Daily Collegian, U. of M—schusetts