Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 29, 1993, Page 8, Image 19

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► Naptime isn’t
just for kids
Si tiden Is ,»t imi Iowa iiiiim isi
lies tirrdn l liicic m thr t>.tt k of
ihr < l.i'MiHiin wilt n ii»t ’* ft cl 11it*
nrrti t< »t .1 in l.itl, iht \ ft*
t in t »ui «i *«» lakt nap**
|« »m |*ii i) < Mainit i jm sidt nl of
I ( ikvo \\( Miiui 1 .inti Icikvo
Mam k m l it «t ink it niitMt tl
Mutlrim lake- turn mil of fhrii
(i.uh m hcdults t»» lake a nap ai
Sound i«h» good in Ik* iiu* In
ins (11 si presidential memo
Oiande* wioit I aim, \m.hi,
\iin an .uul Mrdiirnanran jmo
jilt s haw long known whai ton
u iujmm.un mrdn al icscaithrrs
haw mvl (list 11\t ied nap*, air vrt>
You ar* feeling very tieepy President Otander says It'a OK to nap in daaa.
t«»i us I heirfoie. I should like- to ru« otnagr cat I* of
you. sometime l»rlssecit I pm and 2 pm run das. to
take a 10 to t > minute nap "
t )tandei sa\s he s alwass believed tn the sptntu.il, inrn
t.d and phsvttal iK-neltts of napping and rn<outages his
stmlents to make time foi a nap even das “We air all
t hasing all kinds «»f g« >als in life vse nrrd to take time out
of mu s« hedules and if vou « ail t slee p, sou need to at
least take time out to lx* still and reflet! on vouiself foi
awhile,” he suss
Hut < in hug up foi that snoo/e mas not Ik* a feasible
option lot sot tie students and fat lilts ssho vas (lies te too
buss to take a nap “I think esersone thinks it’s .i gtrat
idea, although most hasrn t had am tune to at t on it,”
sass Jell llaltt iman. student bods president at leiksu
Mam lest " | he\ also mas Ik* a little tint omfoilable with it
IM-l .HIST II S .1 III I If Oil Hill III lilt- I III II I1.IIN
Hut Muilriili .it I rikvo Wnlm.tr .tic taking ( ilandris
adsuc. suvs Student Hods 1‘irsidriU Iiiii Kmvli "I think
il n ilillii nil vs itti siinir < lasses. hul mine ir.u hers are
Ix-ing irallv good .tnil letting sltnlenls have naps if they
ask ” Sltnlenls sini|>h ask (hen professors il they can lake
lime hu a nap. anil some alloys it sshilr others |iis! hloss oil
the idea, kmv h says
< )ne of his iea< heis even takes a voir u> det ide whrlhri
enough sludrnls vsanl a nap. and a couple ol leai hers
automatic ally v hedule die nap every day . hr suvs
kriisi h lakrs his nap even day now and is happy with
[hr irsults
“ 1 hry do help a lot A lot ol |>roplr have hern making
hm <>l us. Inn irally | the naps| are kind ol niir "■Colleen
Bradford. Iowa Stair Daily. Iowa Stale U.
► 79-year-old likes to hang
with his fraternity brothers
Will.11 il “Drvsrv DuRoss is old enough l<> lit- l hr it
({i .millatliri Mill mi ihr ucckrutls. the 7l* vr.u-old
IVlinsv H.iiii.i ill.in is |usi anolllrl litnllirl II the Sigma
I’lu t psilmi hutrinitvai the-1 . of I Via war r
DtiKnss plrdgrd Sigma I’ln Kpsilnn I>1 vrant ago dur
ing Ins trrshliian vrai at (hr umvrisilv lit- livrtl in ihc
tdrnl asla-il me is heir I (1 like Itll tied," Dll Row \.iv\ "I
told him upstaus ti\ (hr window I ho .ill though! I was
mining in. mi I ihil
\liil mow'd in, hr has DuRnw is thr onr .11 (hr Sig Kp
p.u ties with a In mi Imn .inti gmgri air in hand, i harming
a young woinan with Ini old lashinn wil oi iIim losing thr
latest Blue I Inn game- wnh one of thr guvs
Srmoi Kevin Mi< aillougli savs his oldrs! brother is an
“Drwrv reminds me that youth is everlasting ’ »
lindn Solomon, Thr Hcvtrw, U. of Delaware
Ml MII II .11« I I 111 > 111 Hi III I
where hr pursued a degree in
"fresh an. sunshine. coeds and
Xml it's as it DuRoss nrvrf
Hr ti as els 10 miles now from
his home in Fia/ei, l*a . bac k
In Ins old stomping ground
e\ers Ft id as and lianas out
with Ins brothels until Hundas
morning DuRoss saw hr
hasn't missed a single weekend
id c asmttng with his vounget
brothels since he letumed in
the mtd-’SOs “I’ve made 52
tups a veal lot seven and 1 2
sears,“ sass the letiied sales
I le has made enough nips to
become a )>eimanent fixture at
the Stg Fp house In 1985 when
Sigma Pin Fpsilon mosed back
on campus. DuRoss was there
to help Ins brothets “ I he prev
Willard "D*w*y" DuRom Mjoyi partying wtth Sigma Phi Epailona at hi* alma matar.
► The perfect spring
break for pee-nuts
W in n im friend (amir suggested we go somewhen
tor spring break l.tsi year. I was aghast
"We don't need to go anywhere," I snapped "We
< an stay home and get drunk. It s r heapet and Itesides
the smell ol I lawauan I ropi< makes tny nose hleeil
"No," she argued, "I think we need to travel, a mail
nip, pai k up the i ar. get a carton ol smokes, a hag ol
Kunvuns and weir oil It will do vou good We wert
going v anew lien " Hi >i lda."" she suggested
"lire I and ol the 1 ost Si-1rior Citizens.' No, thank
"Ma/atlanr” she c illercd.
I just looked at her Kvidentlv, she had sen high
hopes lot this trip, ami she was at ling as rl we Imlli still
hail credit cards that worked. < )nc hs one, the plasm
keys to out life ol luxury were seized at inopportune
times. i ut up in front ol out eyes
Now we were o|>cratiug on a i ash-only basis, which
limited out options tremendously It had to Ik- < heap
It had to lx- within a reasonable driving distance Sin
wanted to be near a beat h I bis left us only one
choice: Kinky Point, Mexico, alvi known as the |xm.i
man s Ma/atlan.
W’e tomimed out Inend Stai i to join us lx-i ause slit
hail a tent and never went anywhere without Id packs
ol cigarettes. She also is the strongest gul 1 know and
can nai.mcr a <>i ikti mu
shouldei She's .1 woman, all tight
We would be safe with hei \h
were off.
As soon .is we made it into
Kik k\ Point, |amie and Star t head
ed direeth for the 1k-.ii h As dies
ImiuikI into the (Kean and plaved
in the smf, I was htisv in the sand
building m\ cabana to shirk! mr hum the miii
Hien the liesi thing m the world happened \ tilth
man appeared with a basket id burritos. annthei
|Mip|N-d up with a trav ot silver jewelry and vet anothei
tame limb healing straw hats b was Mexico'sversion
ot the Home Shopping Netwoik, right on the Ikmi b
Hai lering si ill is alive and thriving in Km kv Point
lieiausr I traded iwo Pepsi* lot a silvei ring and was
veiv proud ot mvseli lot making sut It a deal until two
weeks latei when ms lingei mined green and swelletl
up like a sausage and niv fathei bad to rut the damn
ling oil with a part ot hedge i lipjierx
After a while, il bet aine i leal to me that I needed to
use die restroom I looked around but couldn t bud
anvthmg that lesembled one. I walked down toward
the water where Sia< i anil Jaime were swimming I sen
lined in. getting in\ ankles wei and then went in up to
im knees
■Hey, you guvs," I veiled when thev were close
enough to hear me, "Where's die bathroom;'" Slat i
started to laugh and then screamed out, "You're
standing m it."
ll serins iliai ihr beauts ill going u> the lie.u h is not
the silks. warm sand between vmir toes. i>r the splash
ol ilir mii1 aguitisi ihr shore, or ihr shallow ol sra mill'
living ag.unsi a lien hi>11/011 No, ihr beauts ol going
lo ihr braih is that you 1 an piss in ihr m ean sshrnrsn
sou Irrl like 11 Iwi ausr, appairnils. rsriM»nr docs it
No matter what you're doing, plavmg volleyball, gel
ling a tan. huvmg burriu>». you ran grt up. walk into
waves and relieve snursrlf in from of total sirangrts,
and 11 isOK
During thr next ihrrr days, wr drank whiskey,
smoked, air what ihr prddirrs hroughl us on ihr
beat h. jieril in ihr ocean anti never, at ans litiir. did
wr tneei one single man with a full set of teeth that hr
couldo’l pull out of his mouth with ihr mere suction
of his longue ll pinh.il,Is would have liern ihr same
thing in Florida ■ Laurie Notaro, Stair Prrtt,
Arizona Stair U.