itk >nal i^axine* / n the onlv national numthh puhiii adon i u»l «• intent inn h »r\ 11 »iic ^r lifr. nlv,,,K 4 nammul jwinprt mr i*> U*al « anunt* luim, .»«iiMim And inirtriu f »% written In MtwirnU lot tnidrnu l '% foot rdltim «m frll« %rle< lrutnalt*U from more than 4<** i ollr^m ihai air mein licryof I \ \mei w an < oUegiate Nrinml Puhh*hrr ami Mitorial Ihrn lot i»\\l t %!«»KKiy Swi t U AM> hliim \wh uir f (it(m AiKtton i (itt«jf In W>m.» r j s Ntvoos }\l *i M-AWrit »N Ri>ito«* On Fu iimsiur Kmsii Vi< Dowm N{ Nofir l >4fllf \U »i n Wu 11 win t <»| ! >rl.»wt.ur llDiioiui Amivmv Un n< ii l>n Dwinl -Vimus Itltll.tlKI t K- >m k i Hi t i vmu Mu h»>{4ii Si4lr l W B ( -WY I ( HlUXUvt ! rut I rt ti I Ml ISA ( «u»s\ I irfSuiiihrini jltfiinili Mam* <•« m »i'U\s Sturlrnt l < ll I m lj.\ Sirtilhrm Mnhiiliti l f*M |\UNIS l i»l PruikwHitiiu k U>n 1.AWKI S4 » l oI ki< HMD < l VTU l ul lru» t *si»\ Nl\m tin* Nu ti« »U» Sutr l D* | |)\\lti Km* f a*trrn IIIiiM'H I 1<|\| k< U NM «J \*«»i u»»r (.4>Hr^t4itr« lltt lht»-« to* ( «i uUtHin Mjli4|(ri MiiirtitiK 1 hrrt km Sjic* uJ Plojr* fs Mia^n I h« »m\sJ Mm mi t Nil( mats \ns\ui Ks\s < .11 »Mt ! lltKN SSI*/ I IHi |\i jm llswrios AmiinuM. S*m Omul ( HUM Daiian !>» (Hi Ml I 4 Av .llh Niv% Yottfc San Funs* im «* ( tAvumn ( AUDI k fci> ii•» 1.4 tsnim prim.t i.vniM. \llkl S*IU I ir. lilt M (MlUii • i t W. M/. b7*M*»V. MH HUil /IH4II S« UN 11IJLNO M»«\M k t (jH)ws rAxrim I i »M l*ltl St>) m.AM, I\\ t »A« »A S Krw \vm * Mn\ 1|9| S97 74**» M\< M9i *.97 7V#i < .» S( M MUM i 1% t meiummroi Aihnlmng I >nr» um MOf’iM IVHI KAXt 9I0» VM IbV* Jim M< < «is11 v v on. MMimit, wmm if wnu »II9l MK4>34* lAXiflli W2 non K< **» \»U»NV IS \41kmuI AilvriiHiiiK iHiriU* tJUi 'iH&'imio j1 him Vurr him k lh>u* M cm. M\*VUll . Ui J JNlM k OCMJ ,4lS» 4?l 7W> I \\(4l9l Al*Xl < iM I.IUIS (910) Ml IVU I\X(9I0) Amirican (a>iJH.UII N'lnmn, Im. h rtwlrtM V f A VdtfilMA k* NMUUl 1/ M\k» i i> MtJtt Aim (jfdtLaOott I *» million *t l\t Saturn*U < «M*jpr » pultltUtnl mar Utnt% a vr«u In intriUii) < Srtwirk. I at IHIMM ritiur> Suiir H20. I«mi Aitfrlft (~\ 9*'H>b7 Irl i!l|0) Ml IA*1 *.»* < MT VOUI lll.!^t/ll)C give 10.000 Mania* > high maiks toi thru nr* album (hsr 1'imr in ttirn (in lhr Deermbn issue) However. I ^*iH N don't think vou have* given it ihr jus tier it di*s(*r\r' lo sav. “I ikr a line* wine, the hand has matured." and “Whatever rnav have happened sun e the hand's last torn. it worked, is an undei statement 1 his hand is bill ham, and this album is brilliant. Stan Aties, senior, Syracuse l ‘. Dispel myths with definitions Your .inn Ir Tin Not .1 Krimiml. Hui ’ (111 tin- Novrintiri iv»ur| iv .111 .tppi(•< Mini .Him 1 pi lo some ol (lie imllio vuiioundlllg Irmtimm .mil 11> irur meaning. Inn I ilon’i Icrl von the* problem head-on You thouhl have defined feminism anti dim nu ll dial definition ay a rein riu c [m mil 101 all lui dirt div uiMoit \ s it is an Iinillloi mi'll iradn totild lia\r blushed youi ai In Ir Mill nol having a ir.divtn priirpdon ol letmiiisni A. Buddy Tobias, graduate student. f. of Tru> Witticism is for the birds I am infuriated with the- sensational!* tic apptoa* h the editors <»t voui maga /me used in regard to our s< hool mas* ot (in the \oveinlK*i issue). Not otllv did it mislead readers into believing that VVai kagle VI was previously kept in a "laity 4 4M»p," it fuilhei implies that she is now "homeless While I am veiv disappointed in the wav you insult voui audience s intelli gem e with unnet cssarv and tasteless wit in ism it liulv distuihs me that voui National C x >llc*^v za>:ino Simply Entertaining ('ir< iatrd mk b an artic le Vmii at tit le irallv captured some t»l tbr "magic «>f In ing in malt hmg hand Tim A. Shaffer, •rnitir, Kent State 1). Standard of reference lacks respect I just finished reading the \oveml>ei issue o! t MagtiLinr I he article I I Ml UH'd Mil V\.*H the* Spike I «'«* ar lit lr .itxiui his \ in«> v K' bv i (..Il\.mek \v u» Mrn.iii \im iH an woman. 1 .mi dismase-el ii th< l.»« k «>t trsj»n i gixrn to ihi- IM.u k i .»< r V\« ,in |x*«»j»lr. not ohji i is .iik! wr drsrt\e- i*» hr t apitali/rd m a sriitrttt e 1 hr liiirt t rt l gi\e n shows m« that \t*u might as well hast- put Spike* 1 * «• s nanir in all lowrn asc Irliri’t thiough nut the* vshoh .tint It ( hand King, Miphomorr, l*. of C jlifnniin, Brrkfln Sugar review leaves sour taste I am wilting l«» exptess im duptea tuir anil astonishment that \oui mag a/mr thmr to pi ml thr umnlormed, rornplrtrlv nil thr rrviriv «»I Sngai s ( oppet ftlur alhtim wnttrn hv Mu hr lit* l Zielinski [ in the l )r i r ill hr l I ssnr | She* ,it i ihC' l hr ham!. ltd h\ III ill M»»uUi, whose wotk with llllskri Du hrlpeel ilriinr allei native i• m k muMt «»1 tiring a i he ap mu tation" of sm h "altr! naliw* bands as Prail |am, \ii\ana ami Alitr in ( hams Hob Moulds vs o i k will) and without Sngai has aiwa\s brrn ahlr te» hlow thr t otniM'tltlon out «»l thr watrt and ( Mur is no rxerption David Nit hnUon, junior. U. of Maine U. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR \ddiex* youi i «*i i rspondrnt r to I runs biilor, / I hr \ulwrmi (oiUgr Wngmirtr |H.r»! lhr»M ln< ludr Venn name, vr.ti. m iiool anti piionr nuiuiin tor vrntitatioti Irttrrs siioiiltl Ik- IffM) words oi Irss I revives thr light U» | e dit submissHms toi Irngtti and < laiitv U. VIEWS What issue most affected college campuses this year? Ml election l(i% 19% THIS MONTH S QUESTION Do students get til « >■ ayUMItW meir fnoncy 5 worth froma college education? !r- a aft* iOiVw*. Chi ou Id# Sr« mrtw (8001 m <19/ (>t the 107 (.tils n-< rived Intm Dn 1 12, dir issue* Muilcnlx iletl as most mnoennai on i Hiller < ampust % l.iM veal ranged from ihcrflet l of Nmlrndoongrade point averages lo apathy (whu li had olih one \<>ir) \ Irw i U mi winners emerged, nu ludmn the piestdeniialelct lion with 2S votes, rat imii with 20and iheeronomy widi nine " I Ik- issue iIimI most allet It'd i ollrgr (ampuses this vrai was dir pirsideiillal i ampaigti Y«hi < mu look Ml that ms ihr umbrella issue lhal rvrn»nr talked about." - Brad Fringer, senior, Michigan Stair U. •| dunk <>n all t ampuses there is rai ism. Hicre arr so many isms' in dtis world. Imii I'm pretty wire dial rat imii is the one d,al nu rM .ifIn is every*me hrrr and al iim >sl • ampules " - Kathleen Szvriat, freshman, Pransyts-inia State U. ‘Join and die p >fi maikrt are die issues mini affecting