THERE ARE NO HIKING REFEREES. NO hiker HAS EVER asked to have his hiking contract renegotiated, nor has any hiker filed for hiking arbitration. No hiker has ever been traded to another hiking team, no hikers have had disputes with hiking managers, and there are no loud or obnoxious hiking fans. There are no rules in hiking, no hiker has ever been picked last, and no hiker has ever been cut. No hiker has ever won, and no hiker has ever lost. Hiking isn’t perfect, though. You do have to step on sharp roots and rocks, which requires that you wear well-cushioned shoes. Not that you’ll be suspended from some hiking league if you don’t. THa Tambura, a lightweight and cuahionad hiking ahoa by Nika. For brochura call 1-800-462-7363 (in lha U S only).