jANUAHV/PfcNHlrAMV 1993 National % A in Ami iik AM c:«>l i miia i i: Nm woiik. 1 M' I *1>III II A I IIIM Simx ni Lui Just Joshing I’rracherv, creativity and a yiw <>l humor arc tritit al in pulling oil lilt- swerlest prailbol all time, from a ihoasand wayward pink flamingos to a < ainpus dt >me disguised as a breast Paftr 10 Sl’OMTS Hopeful hoop stars After nearly laptunng thr \( -\A title* I.im season. 1'. of Mu higan's lift - allied basketitall quintet, lhe lab Five. iy hat k for more. And with itm trmersy behind them, they 've got their eyes on the prize, /’age / 2 N EnII HTAINMIN1 Baring It all Is an NG17 rating a cinematic kiss of death at the box office? Filins like Madonna's latest - Hah cfEiminur — are rutting racy scenes to aw withe l.ilx-1 and secure a healths profit margin. Pagr22 isn't just testosterone, leqiula and, ta^vino ariytnorlfyjiese days it's a uhole lot wore atid less. $ 0 Gays and lesbians have rights, and they won't let you forget it — Page 9