Super Bowl XXVII Weekend Special Delivery or Takeout Only BOY II LfIROE FORTHIPRK8 OF* MH>KM INot iiuUulint) tieU) Why Pay More Somewhere Else? Del lurry Hours; 484-2919 730 E. Hroadway • P«r»i u» I .noil ()u m i sh i p: You ( an I .isle I li< I )iffrr«,ru’»,l Price* Effective Jan. 89, Jan. 30 A Jan. SI, IMS !■'()()l) \ Al .1 .title < oupon 12/12 ret Cans. Assorted Varieties Pepsi, Diet Pepsi $£Y79 Plus Deposit Addl at regular pure On* coupon par family Ktdmnabl* at Food Valu* EflsrUn Jan 19 thru Jan 31. 1993 tool) \ \I l ,ii 10 5 Oi Cl Grand*. Round* or Regular Eagle Snacks Tortilla Chips Adrfl *1 regular pnr* On* coupon prr family Redeemable at Food Volu* EflurCm Jan 29 thru Jan 31. 1993 Top sprinters to meet at indoor By Erick Studenicka E metal a Sports Reporter Who is the fastest sprinter in the state of Oregon? Oregon assistant coach Pat l.anning. who is also the meet director of Friday's Kugene in door track meet, is hoping to answer that question "Friday night we are going to have an invitation-only 50-me ter race limiter! to those run ners who either live or train in Oregon at least six months out of the year," I-anning said. "It will fie our 'Fastest Man in Ore gon' nice." Kxpeeled to participate from tho Oregon track team are Ron nie Harris and Derrick I) e n d w i I e r . Harris and Deadwiler were also both wide receivers on the football team last season LaMont Woods, the 1(H) 1 Or egon state high school sprint champ, is also expected to make his Miosnn debut for the Ducks. Lanning does not anticipate Harris having any trouble drop ping from his usual distance. 400 meters, to the 50-meter sprint distance. "Even though Harris is usual ly thought of as a 400-meter runner, he still has one of the fastest 100-meter times for any Oregon runner in the past six or seven years." looming said. "This race will be good for Ronnie to see how fast he is be fore he goes to football tryouts this spring." Harris has a lifetime best of 10.63 seconds in the 100, and Deadwiler's best time is 10.66. Other top runners expected to contend for "The Fastest Man in Oregon" title include former Oregon hurdler Bob Gray and Paul Scarlett, a for mer sprinter from Brigham Young who now lives in Port land. banning said that the middle distance races will also feature some big names from the world of track. "Greg VVhiteley. who took fourth place in the Olympic Trials 1,500. is expected to run." banning said, “and there is a chance Mary Sloney might run.” Slaney. a Eugene resident, is the former 1,500- and 3.000 meler world champion who at one time hold seven American records. Assistant coach John Gil lespie said Oregon would enter several athletes in field events Friday, but he was unsure whether the Ducks' distance runners would participate. The meet, held at the Lane County Convention Center Ex hibit Hall, will begin 5 p.m. Fri day. The first event scheduled is the 50-meter high hurdles, with the middle-distance races set to begin at 7:30 p.m. Ducks to take on No. 1 Penn State Thu football team had it# shot at the No 1 tuam in the country when it played Washington in October. Now it's the wrestling team's turn to take on No. 1 when it meets Penn State Satur day in Norman, Okie. Penn State had been ranked No. 2 going into last weekend's national dual meet champion ships, but the Nittany Lions surprised Nebraska and Iowa to take the title. Light of the 10 wrestlers in the Penn State line up are ranked in the top 10 in national rankings. Oregon has had its own re cent success with four dual meet wins in the past two weeks. The upper-weight class es have been especially impres sive for the Ducks, as 190 pounder Jeff McCoy and heavy weight Chris Anderson have combined for a 13-3 dual-meet record. Oregon wrestling coach Ron Suzanne Kaykas - Regal Productions Presents s a d e love deluxe world tour 1993 Hult Center Silva Hall Saturday February 27th 8:00 p.m. Tickets $24 50 at the Hult Center bo* oltice, EMU ticket outlet. Face the Music Records or call 687-5000 Sponsor«d try Cofc>»— Bmnkm CtAllWtfFWUry Finley is looking forward to the 190-pound match Saturday. "We‘11 get to see who the real wrestling McCoy is. as Jeff will meet Penn State's Kerry McCoy." Finley said. "Jeff beat Kerry earlier in the season at the Mat Town Classic tourna ment." The Ducks will also meet Oklahoma, the 10th-ranked team in the nation, two hours after meeting Penn State. WUMDEfttAMGI* TW— 50, STREET A B«_PUBLIC MARKET VIDEO t .