CruteaetitpAlaeta <*» $170016000 Summer* Career' Qwd* CmmUi m.inrW (916) 927 727' C«t ITS Crulee Una entry level on boartttandaide positions avail, summarlyaar round 310-281-5912 Earn eaah stuffing envelope* at home M meeanah provided Sand SASE to PO Boi 9643. Spnngfteld. $10 65601 I ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT • fisheries Earn $600»*weet m canneries or $4000»/monto or fishmg boat* Free transportation1 Room and board1 Mala or Female For employment proyam can t 206-64^4156 art A8068_ Beautiful S bedroom 2 bam. large Dockyard oampua area. $1260. feel andlaat 686-9665 22S A.PTS DUPLEXES IVi blocks from campus, studtos, on site laundry, tree water and sewer. $305'mo <85-0790 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS Great l bdrm In conveniem 4 o*e« 1452 6 19tn.f1 $375 3438000 Redwood Park Apts. Quiet. Country Living With City Convenience UniumUhed 1 Bdini $46$. (sterling No* 1) Low Utrntteo-On Busline Equipped Weight Room, Spe Wood Perk $ Playground Laundry Facilities Also Furniehed Sulla* Studio. 1 S 2 B/R $600 to $87$ Individually Decorated Completely Furnished Everything From Cable TV to Linens For Bad, Bath $ Kitchen On Site Management Teem 4103W. 10th 434-3770 Big studio ♦ $336 Most utilities pad Downtown ares Very hip 343-7426 or 484-6603. Joann Campus Apartments Furnished- tA2 Bedrooms Winter rates $37S/*$2$. 466-2623 GARDEN TERRACE 1862 Garden St Roomy 2 bedroom, wah to campus, available now. quiet, only $466. on-site laundry and parking, along Milrace Call Paul tor showing 344 1721 Lass than i b* trom campus Large t. 2 6 3 bdrms avail starling si $240 Inc! covered parking, laundry lac No move in lees 3460626 or 461 -0199 PROSPECT PARK 1 and 3 bedroom apt avarf now. qumM country atmosphere w/convernent city location. other features include pod. fennt&foasketbiaM eta, rec room and playground. right pas* 25th and Chambers Can 484^8653 tacmay, do— to cupw launcby. pariung. pin WWR Unfurnished Apartments In Eugene Spaibbng cNtf ' bOToOff. M spc*arvc»d. afeourtyard *•». *39S c«t «io—d n>*p ’ I a deaf Sparbbnq dean large t aom. a* uW « cab* *406. graa tacabon. 1060 ferry $« 46*7441 pQJLBAX YlfkAOp | bgoy tht beauty of woodt aad wiMHtt la eupar How pUo 2 DDRM, I '/.BATH *495 & *515/mon I h • Bui id canyoa • Swtmnun* I’uol • Weijhl/liincM R«.m • Sauna* 111 tuam (Dual* * ruWlhO 687-1318 irmnYmnn 35 bUbLtlb Vialtlng faculty couple desires pleas ant Vanished house or apt. March Sept 19 Can 344 9672 2*0 QUADS tM and Alder. aft uN md, tomtahed. *22Wmo . St00 dap Can 606-11*7 tftul beam m spacious hatoric house md Living rm. tag lutchan. itvcto. TV. laundry, storage. d> uM pd. Great study «nw Compahbta Irving group ROOM IN HOUSE 3 docks to campus Shared sachen and both Vary dean and quiet $t96/mo. aft heal and uttMiaa metud ad XMIM ?50 DORM CONTRACTS Taka over dona contract tor 140,Cali me. I need ouf rm gomg a ary I cam taka it anymore Hatp1 Can 3*6-8060 evenings, ask lor Toby. 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Taro tamale* seek to share 2 bed room, furnished (bad). $i96m»nth * util 3*62250 2 Bedrooms In Mg house 240 each md util. !*9t Je her ion St *64 1686 Noel or Elisabeth ;■ v:s Emergency Ski Repair Clinic ouaa lor ttantaoiaHry afti ra pair ghran by Olct amrtow. Thura Jmr ML Tpai. Outdoor Program •am, UMvarafty and «■*. OO OuMaar Program MP-Oat AH I CINt MAS 192 E 13lh • f>86'2458 (NCOUNT HOW WWiKlutkO) mb mmm I BetiML **t» em B»!l PICK UP OUR RUi FIST CALCNOARfl Mr* no tw» > «a t * •*» w« t» Flirting rmLfiovwmr mr*r »«ri> o«o Cat Food Lodging] I IIMM iiuamw • tor* ’ » tuntoon i Cmmmr eM* THETUN BUOUIATENITE l Boh M.irliv - 1 mu Will 1 v II MrfKHf n 40fUl DRVOIR 8. «TH HOO’S8/C CJ>AX> R.B WELCOME tPRQ-fAIH SUNDAY TICKETS (a) THE DOOR WOW HALL wow HALL Sth A Lincoln TONIGHT Jolly Mon & Heatmiser SATURDAY The Suearbeats Kuaana Fiddlin Big Sue & Uncle T All A^cs Welcome 6H7-2746 This FRIDAY ft SATURDAY 8* 10ph *180 P.L.C. jjfMMQB •2 >tud«nta w/ID, *3 OP Q ODE Classifieds -stop shopping ) OFF LINE by Rick Ball WARNING! something's hissing in Ycur ufs., IF THIS 1*3 YOUR MOST FULfiLUNG WE.EXE.NO 6XTfc.RTAlNM6.NT._ HtV GUYS-' HURW HUWUf. IT'S STARTING By GARY LARSON i i i i i ‘Oureameteaiedeed.weherrenoawler.andyetwe muel etoaa iNa daaart H we ara to aur**#. .. Fof tha love at ABah. Omar, do you aver cut your neea hatra?* Calvin and Hobbes by Bill watterson -— 1 100 WHG! DON'T XtAR **)R OjKSVOtRlNG WO£ *1 SNon WML BEEN, I TM006WT ^WLO 0E WW PHOU.OMT C* Uo® Om Um lor mwntntM cr»» ooumoHna and rolanate Spm-Sam, M f , 24 hour* .naUarxtt 346-44M. 3;: SERVICES FUR PftEONAMCV TEST Eugono Pregnancy Support Cunlar TmIuc*». turtf' control, pragnar' cy ’Mia and unOUaad c own acting )44 04K_ Pregnant? F4aad n«4?7 Frau pragn*> cy tnat (ady detneooo CoS BimTM RK3HI (S«? *06! Hot Chocolate 5 Italian * £ Sodas io o _ u r At The Espress6~Caft a iw tocdod at tx a Canon Wort Mo Mo Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Cappuccino Doonesbury by garry trudeau K veee: ,u*; i?ax & ^ poftecnw.HAs, jxw*e. HP? LON6 SNCB PONS fits n*e ffurrm susHtesPtmm RX/N ON HIS ! i f i I both amnbstv tommom. Mp HUMAN 216K& MATCH Aftf. COHxCWNG CVSKSMT iH6 .HIM A (UmCAl PRISON fP XX! GOTTA TAKA UP KIM BOZIN'S CAX‘ I POTT KNOW. KICK. M/ITH ax 60* ruNorevtN sus& isvu-nxxAjce anpp i pa vveGCTwouN CAXes m Champion ... uks MHATf V H/CCL, UKE, r*1 IKYING TO 667 Ml KB /mJC&i sack mo ml Mtfvac ner 'OMPSMTCH twees | CROSSWORD Hy Eugene Shcjjer | ACROSS 1 Gtoaon or Brook* 4 Took to • Try a 11 Mayra at Kal*4 11 Inaugura tion 14 LaScala 15 Typaol J£' 17 Ou*a 14 Tha — Comatti* ISLovaaaal capac*y 11 Mato* 12 Ty H Danish atlrono nourt sound M -Sal-' 11 Ttoatan 32 Whia apart! 11 Rato dalay tarn 14 Raw rock 19 Squid „ V__ M’ team* n Iwi 37 Typaot ■tick 38 TlmM tot Pi 40 Mam* * man 41 Taa vartaty 48 OMIgaMon 48 Typaot SO'Th# WUant - 81 SewtartM 83 to Iha ■lyta of 83 Cottar 84 Frog*' hangout 88 Uka uMn i DOWN 1 Bamako I land 2 Author Amblar 3 Grownup nt« 4 Snatch tor food 5 Frank* or Ctno • King Uongkut’i ,{"* ■ Daalruc 10 Luna Mat 11 Sunbaam 10 Nor mandy baach haad 20 *Mokr mackaratl' KX8 23 KubU ot Ganghia 24 Mafca 29 Kannal aim 2#Poimcal union 27 Ava id)«dM tt Prayat cod* 2* fatd 'nand' cartoon*! 32 Pat*** MPtiytaal Nkota Sod Rang up Scan at bramad 3# "Sainin' in lha Rain* 42 Gan Btadtay 43 Vinoanl thama 44 Ad fodan Haty 45 Paw. to Padro 43 Sala mandat 47 Slranglng •nafca 4* "Bui— on totavat* (Tannyaon) - ■ m —i