Cam caab sMing enveiopm at ham An mourn* provided Sand SAKE *5 TO Bn 9643, SprmgAaM. MO «MOt GREE KS 8 CLUBS $1,000 AN HOUR Each member of your fral. sorority, team, dub, etc pitches in just one hour and your group can raise St .000 m just a few days! Phi* * chance to aam S1,000 tor yourscifl No cs*. No obligation 1-800-932-0528, ext 65 SUMMER JOBS Counselorv'supporl stall-chilckeni campo/northaasl-top **ary, mubdtaundry. travel aHowenee Mus*^ have skill m one of the following actw ties archery, baseball. basketball. bey elmg. crake. dance, drama. *um». I enemy, field hockey. lootb*l, goll. gui tar. gymnastics. hockey, horsaback rid ing^hunt seel, juggkng. karate, la crosee. nature, photography, piano, rocketry. roHerbtadmg. r^es. sail boardmg, sailing, scuba, tennis, track, water ski, 'weights, wood Support staff kitchen stewardNuorkers. bakers cooks, bus drivers, maintenance, nurses, secretaries Men call or write Camp Wmadu. S Glen Lane. Mamaro neck NY 10543. (914) 381 5983 Women call or write Camp Vega. TO Bos 1771. Dukbury MA. 02332. (617) 934-6536 We wiH be on campus 2/1/93 from 11-4 in the EMU, rooms Cedar A and B__ SUMMER JOBS Tennis Jobs - Sommer childrens camps northeast men and women with good tenms background who can teach children to play tanms Good sai ary. room and board, travel allowance Women caif or write Camp Vega. TO Bo■ 1771. Dukbury MA 02332. (617) 934-6536 Men can or write Camp - Wmadu. 5 Gian lane. Mamaroneck NY 10543, (914) 381 5963 We will be on • campus 2/1793 trom 11-4 in the EMU. i _ rooms Cedar A end B_ Waterfront (Obe WSt Summer Childrens Campe Northeast men and women etoo can teach chtdran to swim coach teem team, water s*“ (ste lomrtndObaretoot). ta mo kaa. $M6. tool ona Cal 3450626, 34563S' or 461-0199 1 todriw apt S42Qrmonth 2 bdrm jeOtVmontn Laundry, parking, securr ty. ctoaa to campus 464-9922 PROSPECT PARK 1 and 3 badroom apt aval now, quart country atmosphere wtconveroent erty location, other tealures include pool tennistbeaketba* eta rac room and playground, right pan and Cham ban Can 464 6553_ 1 y» brocks kom campus, shakos, on site laundry, kaa water and " SaO&mo 486-0790 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS 0.-*M ' bdrm m conversant 4p*es 1452 E I9th.9i S375 34X000 Redwood Park Apt*. Quiet. Country Lining With City Canaanianna 1 t _..__ -»D Low UttUUee-On Buallna Equipped Weight Room. Spa Wood Park » Playground Laundry FacMWee Alas FumlahaS Ssaltsa Studio, UIM ssootossn tndlvtdualty Oacoratad Comp tat aty Fumtebod Everything From Cable TV to Linens For Bed. Bath t Kitchen On SIM Management Team 4103 W. 18th 484-5778 ;oaux VILLA*-! j; Ea»oy the beauty u( woo* end wildlife tb Ki(*f (Vx* pl»* 2 BDKM, I ‘/.BATH '495 At *515/monlh • Bu> to enput • Svunmiag Pool • Wct^u/FUiMM Room I It br» (PeaeM » r.«b»R—>| VMtoQ tacufty couple deeeae (Mi ant tumwhed houea or apt. March Sept 1# C* JM-9672 *22»mo • 1100 dap Cal 686-1 U7 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS Room above EaooMmr Large room Shared Wehan and bafet female S240hnon» Ca* W ife! Two after e 2 bed *t96Anonth < pwsnv tast*i hour*, own car pntamd 6»J’M Emergency Ski Repair Clinic uuaakv bacfccountry a« <*■ pair km by Dtck Nbrna, Thun Jan » 7pm. Outdoor Program lam. UnlaaraHy and igpt. UO Outdoor POCKET PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS No ExH Dine ted by Shelly Downs Jan 26,27,30 at 5pm Room 102. Vlltard Hail _i anu.m iri* m w n < UP out NEW RLMCALENOAP Fflrtlng( ***, torn t*o Gas Food Lodging rs A TALE OF I SPRINGTIME umuuiMm o?t/tem8?ucans N»ffc«y 11 40 (EH RVOIRPOGSj ’90 MEETINGS ITH HOUSB/CCJIAXXRB. WELCOME D.R.I. +PRQ-PA1N_ SUNDAY TICKETS @ THE DOOR m wow HALL Housing a bit tight? Check out sections 220-255 260 MEETINGS 1 Lstt* Count y -Meeting for ow and n«w Volunteers TONIGHT, 7 - 9 p.m. Centra* Presbytertan Church 1475 Ferry Street. Eugene 380 E 40th Ava , Suit* 107. Eugana. 97406 (503) 485-06 70 recording and mataaga phona By GARY LARSON ~You're not tooOng mo. Nod.... Taking a long walk an tt» baorti aounda romondc, bid I know you're (ual looking lor cnkUere*- _ by Bill Watterson . ..... Calvin and Hobbes TVE SECRET TO WAWH& GREAT VtoT CHOCOLATE tS 1t> WT the T\NT MARSUMAUOWS IH FIKST SO TWfcl ) NO, X) ME.LT CW fl' FAMES’ / 4 OCR OF TU5 ^ a 1W\S wtf, TVE. WOT C*XDLM£ JVJST fUXS . C«ACK5 T 1 D SOJ EAT \r xith * fork MSO, I OWT USE. VttlX. I JUST HEAT TVE. 5NCUP Catatoma Tha «upar boat *• *y* «*f cutty pWn iron Rad lot*** M*4CQ6 momiemi ca» »* two cnm ima . Wf ?a nou»» ■aaaanda. M44ta . SER.CES Concamad about pragnancy ’ Wa can hatp F'aa pragnancy taata t »ty da •acton Bamngfrt mi-tmt. FMt mtONANCY TOT Cugana bragnaney Support Cantor TiraatM «*4 a MA-0400 a MO f. It* VWiAMiw wloom# ODE CLASSIFIEDS >4 £•**/ drtil! ( ^ *4*4149 to »Imc wui m! Chocolate 2. " Italian o £ Sodas oE At The Espre336"Caft' A noa tocOod O *»o * Colon Wo* Mo Mo Mco-Frl 8am-5pm Doonesbury by garry trudeau SOWHATCHA UCX/OW0N THKeamf JHUKVfSfPNO rue-mu** un case HBMeam/t nmeuruNO SAOHt SOU? fvnoamt* WHP eCT THOM* (N PT KXf MO HAP ItARSMW **NifNct pesmr Bans a Mafi ntrMHfP m 6iP% (?(H i/llVG OfO ICNbH&tT, MAT m iNWJOR GWf fiAl & tNvmnGaTtuG, eurmAmme. HAt&fUJfirz snu, IN Mil. WHAT He [f+siam* *u*> / /S A CHAMPION w iHtHMJi&r. c&wrr MINT' n SAY \ m t m /vans AI 7t*H£AK CROSSWORD lly Eugene Shcffcr ACROSS 1 Harr* a tong • PoAa* • Pul on 11 SixAs 111 14 Bwfi parinar IIOaaAa. 17 China* Sr or Jr HOraafe 1* 11 -Mo bur Mr tlSua 24 SprAanai 1,«ia—■ 17 MaTjjN o* MRuatw run 11 Equal: »C~ tor a Ighr n Mam aa M rURWyW MCoquaU mm a 41 Tranona 4J PadHc Ooaan 47 Volcanic outtoa 44 Trawatar’a •II ■uaaltonT UCanpvt* uSharfor •4 Frmh M Fandac M Pralb tor IPugHart 4 Shtft«Y > OMM • u2m maraMtM tnudT T FluOy • Sian* ra% • Popular IOO*l#«F#r nr ••Cara* »5£. H Compoia 23 Tub# ■ ff ■■■■ MCoraafi \OHl 15 E«ptot» M Troupe* 17 Ponny-» |M> nToMi ton MAmiw IT Tulin Loal* Mtof MOiA* 40SUMot 41 41 Caroina county 41 Crookad 44 Cttnwon TUo.tat 4111 Had totogi -Angir 4t FrtMy IRappar. VanlU ~ dWW» • TV in tin