by Dyi*n CowR** Jill Wes lover, senior, practices twirling her baton. She performs with the University Marching Band and can twirl tour batons at once. Practicing key for baton twirler By Tammy Batey Emerald Associate Editor When Jill Westover wan four years old, her old nr sister took a baton twirling c lass Westover was a year too young to enter tin* class but she watched and learned — imitating her sister and < reeling her own moves At five, Westover excitedly took her first baton twirling class and prac ticed, practiced, prac tic ed Her hands grew c alloused as she’d repeat a move 1 no times in her bac kynrd until her mother would urge her to come inside and rest "1 was a pretty odd kid Westover said "1 was pretty intense at what 1 did " Westover is now a 22 vear-old University se nior who twirls with the* University Marc hing Hand She is a c ertified conch who teac lies a ki ton i lass at Ridgeview Elementary Sc hool in Springfield. But in the 17 years since Westover began twirl ing. she- continues to practice, practice, practice. She < an now twirl four batons and is working on five. "When I have goals I'm trying to rear h. I'm not going to let anything get in my way of giving it my In-st effort." she said Westover grew up in California where baton twirling was a more visible sport Her family's move to Oregon when she was 12 was tough "Here in Eugene, I was on mv own." she said "1 would practice on tennis courts Westover s mother. |mt e. said her ciaughter is self-motivated to try new things because she en joys the challenge Jill recently took up juggling for the challenge With all of her ac tivities, Jill practices again and again "She attac ks everything full speed ahead.” Joyce said "She was the opposite of most kids who you have to out mirage to prat tic e With her. we had to tell her to stop practicing " Wostovor's years of practicing the- baton are not without their rewards or their injuries Westover began competing at age it) A year later, she and four other girls won the National When I have goals lfm trying to roach, I’m not going to let anything get in my way of giving it my best effort.’ Jill Westover, Niton (wirier Juvenile Twirling Team award At 11!. Westover f>eat the undefeated c hitinpinn 111 the two-l>ato<> at tile I S Open Itaton Twirling Championships When Westover was H, she pulled her left hamstring and changed all her routines so she i ould i oinpete in the stall1 c onipetition "1 was injured, hut I wanted to compote.*’ she said "I wasn’t atxiut to not i oinpete At Ui and 10. Westover won the I S Open in the three-baton The set ond time she won the award, she had -tt> stiti lies in her right knee Tin a stubborn jierscnt. she said This past summer. Westover dec ided to c mil pete for the last time in the I' S Open Washing ton twirling roach Kathy f'ooyythe worked with Westover tor sis months i horeographing her rou tine tor the competition. "She had some mirai iiloiis ability to handle multiple batons." f-'orsythe said 'She's prolmhly the Ix-st baton tvvirler in the country at tins time Some kids will cop out and want to go lor the easiest route She always wanted to i hallenge herself. Westover picked lip prizes hi the collegiate category tor the two baton and tin- three baton Ironunllv. she almost didn’t make it to her i mnpetition "We had to sell old costumes and old batons for money.’ she said Westover said she dreams of opening a baton twirling sc hool and she will c ontinue to prai lice the sport site has mastered I’ll keep doing it so I don’t get rusty." she said. "I don’t ever want to lose my abilities HARASSMENT Continued from Page 1 records law. the victim is only allowed to know if the perpetrator was or wasn't disciplined, but the victim cannot know the nature of the discipline. A federal compliance auditor who recently complet ed an on-site review of !h** University's affirmative at lion programs found among other tilings, that the in vestigation process takes too long and that those dirts !• ly involved receive too little inforuiation-ibout the out COIIH1S Ilf thlKI! prill ItSSISS "I think thorn's a bix prolilitui with soxual horossnunit in most universitios, and this university is no clifl'««r ont." l)r»n:htir said. "Other universities hovt< found fail tor ways of douling with the issue. and wb hovti not a \>R] .RIDE SHARE Traveling soon? Need a ride? Offering a ride? Ride Share brings together people needing and olTering rides any where in Oregon or throughout the country. For more information call 345-7600. Presented by Actors Cabaret A What's Hapitenmx At the February 26 performance of "Personals" VUMl other tingles. haw* a great ton*, day and party after the show) Sealing a smiled Tcfceti available on a Mr* com*, ftret served baaie; to pleo* your Pereonal ad today* tT To get your FREE lickel ($10 value), come mio the WH oh ice and place your FREE Voice Pereonal ad Or M out the datsl Hed lorm in What* Happening and men II m BE SURE TO A3KFOR YOUR FREE SINGLES MIGHT TICKET ON THE FORM IT Deadline lor the Feb 4 issue it Friday. Jan. 29.2pm; Kx tht Feb 11 itaue. deadline it Friday. Feb S. 2pm You must be ai leatt t8 years old lo place a Voice Pertonaiad. Call 484-0519 for mors details. >our f^RFF Voice Person,ii .id m tne February 4 or 11 i^sue ol 'iVndl s Happening and re&live a F R F E t i C k e I lo a special SINGLES NIGHT perfor mance of Actor s Cabaret s ml.irious corned, Personals ••••••••••••• •••••••••• •••••••••••• This Saturday: Celebrating The People In Our Uvea Immediate Family ^ 12-1 pm • Upstairs • Agas W §:§:] SS^UNIVERSITY Ballt • •••••* 1*1*1*1SBBBE9BEV7T7T7I«« • ••• ••••• • ••• • •••• • ••• ••••• • ••• • •••• • ••• ••••• • ••• »•••• • ••• • •••• A-»Xl Children's m I Saturday.^ •»••••••••• ••••••••••••'<* •••••••••• w.v/.r-s 11 ...