Ducks’ trip to the cellar no fault of Green’s When Don Monson was fired as men's basketball coach bv the University of Oregon last year, he sued the Univer sity and new coach |errv Green to get his job back. If Green knew then what he knows now. he probably would have either plead ed guilty and given Monson the job back, or countersued on grounds of mental cruelty With the Ducks 0-t> in the Pacific-10 Con ference and coming off of two blowouts at Steve Mims me nnnas of Wash i n g t o n a n if Washing ton State, two teams expected to finish near t h e nuuum ot iiuj in mr unanimous choice for worst team in the conference. If the bottom 10 were still a oc ular feature in newspapers today. Oregon would probably be included. Oregon has been outscored by an average of 13 points per game in Pm.-10 contests this year and has not even faced the first- and second-place teams in the conference. The Ducks are shooting 44.0 percent from the field this year, including 41 percent in Pac-10 games, with only forward Damon Runyon making more than one-half of his shots. The Ducks have no players averaging more than five rebounds per game. Hut the ugliest statistic for the Ducks is they have more turnovers (308) than assists (305). That last statistic speaks volumes about one of the Ducks’ biggest missing ingredi ents, lack of leadership at point guard. When looking at most competitive college teams, many of them have a steady player at point guard who has the ability to handle the ball, make the important pass to a team mate and score when needed. Andre Collier has played most of the time at point guard for Oregon this year, and al though he has shown flashes of brilliance. (13 assists against UCLA) he has been in consistent. Green, and Cxillier himself, ad mit he has had a hard time adjusting to the new system, hut that is no excuse for his as sists/tumover ratio of less than two to one Oregon's other point guard. Johnnie Reece, c ame out of Colorado with enough press dippings to make some Duc k fans lor get the recently departed Terrell Brandon, but he has vet to show much of that poten tial Reece showed the ability to hit the jump shot last year, but is shooting only 33 perc ent from the field tins year Reece still lias not proven he has the quic kness to lead the fast break or guard Pac-10 point guards Oregon's lac k of muse to in the front c ourt is the main reason for their loss shooting percentage and lac k of rebound* Only |elt Potter and Aaron Johnson have shown an affinity for hanging the boards arid not bock mg down from opponents, and others up front tend to settle for the short jump shot rather than challenge the defender svith a dunk. Oregon's'only consistent threat to score the last one -and-a ball sears has been An toine Stoudamire, but he has been in a slump lately Stoudamire s offense has fall un off since last year when he was the No 1 option on almost every one of Oregon's plays, and he is suffering from opponents putting their defensive* stopper on him Be cause no other Due ks have stepped up on the offensive end. defenses have hounded Stoudamire. After a recent Oregon basket twill game a local TV reporter looked down the Oregon roster and said. "Where did Monsun find these guvs?" It is questionable as to how many Oregon players are of Pac-10 caliber, but it is sale to say that not all are Even Green appears to have questions about Monson's recruiting ability. During his post-game interview a few weeks ago. he said. "If people wanted a team to be great this year, they should have hired me three years ago " Oregon's soft presenson schedule was supposed to get the team off to a quit k start and boost confidence, but instead, it only created false confidence. The l)ut ks treat up on Division II teams regularly and looketl good in stretches, but the only Division I teams they bent were Idaho from the (tig Sky Conference, Hartford from the North Atiantii Conference and Brigham Young in an upset t he Ducks (ompilod a winning ret ord during the preseason and won seven games more than last year's team won all season — but they will t«e hard-pressed to better last year's i-lfi con forum e record Making things even more difficult lor Croon is the fait that his former team. Kan sas. is now No I in the country, while Ore gun will probably win as many confereme games as Kansas will lose One of the biggest obstacles in Cmen's way is tus team's youth, an ingredient that is usually favorable for a poor team that is looking to improve in the future In Ore gun's ease. Creen did not re< ruil these play ers hut has said he will keep them around, allowing himself less si holarships to give players he recruits Given time. Green should transform Ore gun into a competitive I’m -10 team, and he cannot l>e judged too severely on his team's performance this year because it really is not his team However, he better make sure his first few recruiting classes are good ones, In-cause if the Dm ks continue to slrug gie like this for a few years, he could find himself the scapegoat Steve Mi/ns is a sports reporter for the Emerald. 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