Man kills drivers near CIA office MCLEAN. Va. (AF) — A young man sprayed rifle Pm* into t ars waiting to turn into Central Intelligence Agency headquarters Monday, killing two C.1A employees at point blank range and wounding three others Indore fleeing the morning rush-hour scene in his own vehicle. The gunman, described ns a white male in his 20s. remained at large. Two of the wounded re IHiUUMS mained in critical condition; the third was re leased after treatment of a superficial chest wound. Sen. Bob Smith, a New Hampshire Republican, had just dropped his son off at school and was heading in the same direction as the gunman when he came upon the horror as it player! out. "He looked in my direction, and then he turned and walked away. ... He coolly, methodically, with no expression, with no words, he simply walked up to the cars and fired shots point-blank at people.” Smith said. "It was a pretty horrible sight." * The CIA identified the two dead men as Frank Darling. 28, and Lansing H. Bennett. f><>. employ ees of the agency. Two of the wounded are on the CIA staff, and the third is the employee of an agency contractor, CIA Public; Information Direc tor Gary E. Foster said The wounded were not further identified. “CIA employees are shocked and saddened at the senseless attack on our friends and col leagues." Foster said. Police would not speculate on a motive for the shooting, although they cited a "common sense connection" to the CIA headquarters, a sprawling, wooded complex surrounded by wealthy neigh borhoods a few miles west of Washington. Fairfax County Police Chief Michael Young, speaking to reporters at the scene, said police were working with several names of possible sus pects based on information provided Dy witnesses and survivors of the attack. Young said that while the CLA was not partici ‘He coolly, methodically, with no expression, with no words, he simply walked up to the cars and fired shots point blank at people.' Sen Bob Smith, R- A/t?w Hampshire paring in the investigation, the agency was pro viding information about current or former agen cy employees who might in? considered disgrun tled and possibly have a motive for the shooting Police gave this act ount. At about 7:50 a m . a man in a light brown corn pad station wagon pulled up alongside at least five cars stopped in two lefl-tum-only lanes for traffic headed into the CIA's main entrant e The man got out of his t ar and opened fire with a long-barreled rifle He walked between the two rows of standing cars, firing at point-blank range into the vehicles He then returned to his t ar and sped away before police reached the si ene. Ijiiry Bright. 2H. of Washington. DC. was rid ing in a public transit bus heading the opposite direction when he heard multiple shots ring out "He was just shooting at everything. He looked like he had an attitude. He looked like he wanted to kill somebody. He shot everywhere." Bright said. Barrett Burka. a physician who lives near the CIA grounds, said he and his wife were stopped at the traffic light and were within 15 feet of the shooting. "He had the rifle up on his right shoulder and he was shooting at the cars,” Burka said. "When I first saw him, he was sort of running around and I saw him run up to the windshield of the lead au tomobile and shoot into the windshield Then he ran from that and to the second car. That's the last thing I saw as I pulled away It was a purely random shooting." fTTYTTITTTl WATCH THE BLAZERS TONIGHT t on our BIG SCREEN TV! ► ► ► ► > ► ► XZZXXXXXXXX Guido's • 13th & Alder ttxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: ■mmmnhh DIM SUM fvt'rv Sun 1 1 un T, r.m ■ Y This Week s v- luncheon Special Spicy Chicken $4.75 Barbecued Pork Low Mein $4.25 CHINA BLUE RESTAUANT TTy our dlnnen, tool 179 I. 13tH • ixntxw to uo fco«(or» • 343*2937 • TMe exit Avituwo Bring Vour Quarters Guido's 13th & Aider 343 0681 Al MOYER' 'THEATRESlA STUDENT NIGHTS MON Wt •» $2 OFF ADULT ADMISSION ■S'. MOVIELAND AT WEST 11th 808 SENECA ST. . 342-4142 & I l(,ll I \\ VI) II I SI) \\ SV.00 ALL SEATS I ICIPT SPECIAL i W.AU Mi NTS CAl l »OW WO«t information BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL gcooistmati«e •nmoms*OMFON $1.50 ADMISSION FOB ONE QfFER?°gg)TMRU Ctocoum Coupons t vocung Oscoun*. Limmiami as. * R TMX R EX3 a OD ALIVE ( 1230 250 5 10)730 9 50 BODY OF EVIDENCE ( 1 45 3 45 5 45) 7 45 9 45 ALADDIN ( 12:50 2 55 500)7 06 9 10 HEXED ( 1 35 3 35 6 35 ) 7 J5 835 FOREVER YOUNG (ioo «is ) _ CHAFUN