HARASSMENT Continued from Page 1A relationship, and the second was that "I needed to tnist him. and everything that wo do and talk aliout tonight is just be tween us.” Scarborough grahhed Chinppisi's hand and told her to trust him as they walked from his car to the theater, she said. Chiappisi said she believed he wanted her to see how other (ample looked at an "interrai ial c ouple" Inside tin1 theater, Chiappisi said Scar borough told her In* carried a gun wher ever he wont and that he had a concealed weapons permit During the film, Scarborough placed hr. hand on her thigh at least or*^- she said < .hiappisi said she w as frightened In tins, hut was intimidated by his ad mission that he i arried a gun. Alter the liiovie (.hiappisi s.icd the\ (Stopped at a "7-KIeven-type" gas station and priM ended to relate the mm ic to the Afrii.on-Amern an expenenc e After about ^0 minutes, (.hiappisi said she Irtici Sc urlairotigh it was v:«*t111;i.ile and tier boyfriend was waiting up lor her Scarborough then told her tie wanted to go part, somewhere and experience wlicit he wanted her to know about Afri mu Americ an men. (.hiappisi said Parking on Viilard Street, she said Scarborough told her he had rented a lo cal hotel room for the following Friday inghl "to view some Afruan-Americ an films." Scarborough then gratified (.huippisi's hand and placed it on his face and hair. savine lie "want ‘Whatever the other person involved says, we’ll just leave it at that’ Otis Scarborough, OPS officer ed me to feel what il fell like In Ih* it hl.'H k man," she s n i d lihiappisi said site told Scarbo rough she was u iu nm lor t alile with this and asked In lie taken home. Chiappisi said S< iirhorongh pro ceeded to ask her esplii it questions alMHit her sexual life hiT apartment. sin* said S< arliorough lold her In* loved and i a rod about her ('hiappisi said she was in "shot k" for two days after ihnl evening, after which she told tier boyfriend whnt had hap pened. He told ('.hiappisi she should tell iier supervisor. "1 told George Faithful, who wasn't my supervisor at the time, but I had known him the longest." (.hiappisi said. "He told me if I told Carey (Drayton). Otis would get fired. He made me feel like it was mv fault." OPS supervisor George Faithful denier) saying this "I told her her options and toll) her to talk to Drayton." Faithful said. "She was highly distraught at the lime." The following Friday, ('hiappisi told Sc arftorough she was feeling ill. and they Otis Scarborough didn't go out together Shortly after, sin* was moved to the night-time shift and didn't have any ton tact with Stnrbo rougli Chiappisi said sin- suspet ts her shifts were changed Itecauee of the int i dont with St artiorough, but said she isn't t art a in One evening in mid-June after her shift. C.hiappisi received an t*st.ot1 ride horntt from a woman OFS sot unty officer who made a comment about Scarbo rough being sexist The woman offiter. a former full-time ()I’S employee, requested anonymity but tigoMHl to sign a limited waiver of confi dentialitv in the event of litigation All of the unnamed sources in this report signed similar affidavits. The woman offit er said site told Chiappisi about two alleged incidents that happened last April with St arlH> rough. The first ini itlenl, the full-time offit er said, oct tirred when he ran his finger at ross her breast as siie tightened her bullet-proof vest before her shift The second incident, she said, oc t tim*d when Scarborough t ame into the women's lot ker room after apparently overhearing a conversation the officer was having about her ex-husband. The offit er said Scarborough t ame into the lot ker room and said. "I didn’t know you were married " She said he then followed her out to her car. leaned in the window and said, "If I knew you'd been married. I would'vo asked you out a long time ago." She believed Scarbo rough had previously assumed she was a lesbian, she said "You don't have to have had a wom en's studies course to know sexual ha rassment," the officer said. "It comes from the gut, and you have to trust that fueling." The officer quit her job shortly after because "it was not a professional enough place for me to work, and it was making me very unhappy." she said. •Cany (Drayton) didn't move as quickly as he should have. I felt he dktnt can about what Otis did: Jean Chiappisi. fifed harassment complaint After the officer told her her stories. Chiappisi said she told the officer about her incident with Scarborough. The officer convinced Chiappisi to tell Drayton and said she would accompany her "That vsas the first week I'd found out he (sexually harassed) someone else." Chiappisi said "Then the rest of the week I started talking w ith other women in the offic e, and that's when I found out about another student officer he had sex ually harassed." Other allegations ol sexual harassment have surfai ed regarding another full-time OPS employee, not Scarborough, who al legedly harassed a student employee and a full-time employee. The two women, who requested ano nymity because they still work at OPS. said gift-giving, repeatedly calling one of them at home and unwanted attention given to them by this supervisor were the basis of their different experiences The student, who claims she was ha rassed last June by the full-time employ ee, said she told Drayton the various ways the supervisor harassed her. Dray ton said he conducted his own internal investigation and later found the em ployee to la* in violation of his definition of "inappropriate behavior." I did as much as I could; this had to do a lot w ith inappropriate behavior and not necessarily sexual harassment." Drayton said "1 felt the measures that I took were very strong measures. The in dividual had some written reprimands placed in his permanent file, dramatic shift changes, plus he had to seek em ployee assistance for dealing with some issues “ The student officer who said she was harassed by this employee lust June, said if she were to do it over again, she wouldn’t file a complaint with Drayton Ins ause of the animosity within the of fice that imgan as a result. She said a lot of the OPS officers still won't talk to her tiecause they told her she hadn't been sexually harassed and that the individual was just l»ing nice. "If I had to do it again. I wouldn't — I’d quit first.” she said "It's just not worth it." She also said going through the affirmative action office wasn't w-orth it because "look what happened with Jean (Chiappisi) — Otis is still around.” The full-time employee, who also said she was harassed by this same individu al. said she spoke to Drayton at Hint it. but didn't request an investigation. She said this person didn't bother her again. The student officer who told Chiappisi she was sexually harassed by Scarbo rough lost January also requested ano nymity because she still works at OPS. She told Chiappisi that after weeks of hint asking her out and calling her. she finally gave in and agreed only to have lunch with Scarborough "I think Otis look (the student offi cer's) niceness for granted." said sopho more Julie Regimbal, the student officer's roommate at the time. "He'd call a lot and leave messages on the machine ■— he didn't take the hint." The student officer said she and Scar borough went to a local restaurant, he showered her with c mpliments. told her he wanted to date her ns much as possible and also told her he lived with a woman, hut they each could bring any one home The student officer said Scarborough pressed the idea of renting movies and buying wine to take to his house. She said she lied, tolling him she had a l«)\ friend and had to go home. She didn't talk with Scarborough again after that. This same student officer said Chinppisi's complaint against Scarbo rough was well known in the office, and, hex ause of that, the male student officers stopped talking to the female student of ficers. saving the women would file sex ual harassment claims against them. The student officer who claims she was harassed by Scarborough last Janu ary said the animosity continues today, and she chooses to walk her night shift alone because she doesn't want to deal with the other male student officers. After seriously considering quitting her job last October because the OPS en vironment "got so bad," the student offi cer said she asked ASUO Safety Affairs Coordinator Caitilin Twain to go to the Office of Affirmative Action with her last 0( toiler "(The student officer) told me things had been going on in the OPS, and I've definitely been an advocate for women’s issues." Twain said. "We went together and some of the things felt uncomfort able. but they were supportive of her. "I want to see women get excited about working in offices like OPS. where it's typically male-dominated." Twain said "As far as I'm concerned, we need a lot more women officers in that office." Shortly after these women told Chiappisi they had been sexually ha rassed also. Chiappisi. the full-time offi cer and the student officer talked to Drayton together about their individual experiences. "In the meeting. Carey (Drayton) said, 'Otis has always harassed student offi cers. but you're the first to come forward who's willing to put her name on a com plaint.' " Chiappisi said. The two other women at the meeting confirmed Dray ton's statement. Drayton denied saying "harassed" and said he told the women he was aware of situations in which Scarborough had act ed "inappropriately" in the past. "There's a difference between inappro priate behavior and sexual harassment by the legal definitions of those words," Drayton said. "As an employer, 1 got to define what inappropriateness is for my agency. As an employer. 1 don't get to define what sexual harassment is. That's Turn to HARASSMENT. Page 5A National Student Exchange Program Thursday, January 28th EMU, Bi-n Lindkr Rck)m 4:(X) pm o X) Visit Academic Advising or call Sandra or Joe at 346-3211 REGARDING ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE fWc offer all slate lottery games We Have a Pool Table, Video & Pin Ball Games Open 11 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. daily Guido'S • 13th & Alder • 343-0681