Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 26, 1993, Supplement, Page 7B, Image 18

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with Club Sports & RIM
RIM aerobics has something for all
Arc you looking for .1 gix*d place ro work
out but arc weary of high-priced health
clubs’ Docs the prospect of hundreds of
people clad in underwear - like- apparel
frighten you.’
Well, fear no more. The University's Recre
ation and Intramural aerobics programs provides
inexpensive, quality fitness programs in a relaxed
“RIM is less threatening than many health
clubs," instructor Ella Luce said. "It doesn't mat
ter what you lix>k like here, most people just wear
shorts and a T-shirt. We come to work out, burn
fat and tone muscle, not to win a beauty contest."
Some students are still wondering how instruc
tors with thighs the sue of their arms manage to
teach a grueling workout and still maintain man
ageable hair and a pulse below six. While others
wonder just what purpose that thin piece of cloth
pulled tightly between their legs in a style similar
to Tartan serves, many students have already dis
covered the relaxed atmosphere at RIM a. thong
free establishment with instructors who possess
actual sweat glands.
"RIM offers the same aerobic benefits as
expensive clubs, hut you don't have to invest in
those tight uncomfortable clothes to fit in,” said
University sophomore Nikole Rix.*ber. “I just
wake up and go.”
So quit yanking that leotard out of your... and
sign up for RIM aerobics. High and low aerobics,
step, circuit training and body sculpting are just
a few examples of the variety of ways you can turn
your Ixxly into a hard, huffed up, workin' machine
just like those instructors. (Minus the thong of
And while your btnJy becomes slimmer, your
wallet will remain fat. For only $20 a term you
can reap the many benefits of a healthy aerobic
work out five times a week.
“Aerobic exercise not only helps you burn fat
and tone muscle, it ts an excellent way to cope
with stress, reduce fatigue and improve self
image.” instructor Alison Bagg said.
But while the atmosphere at RIM may he
• relaxed, the workouts are anything but. “Our
workouts stress the full-body approach." Bagg
said. For those of you who do not understand aer
obics jargon, this means working as many muscles
as possible in areas of cardiovascular condition
ing, muscle strength, endurance and flexibility; in
other words, prepare to he sore.
RIM conditions the mind as well as the body.
The instructors provide the extra benefits of edu
cation that many health clubs lack. "Students
need to he learning what they are doing, what
muscles they are working, and why they work this
•way," Bagg said.
RIM also stresses safety. “We offer low-impact
Hmxo by Vin i Mwcn
RIM aerobics offers a thong-free environment in
which to work out.
modifications and alternatives to high stress
moves." Luce said. "People can seriously damage
their bodies if they get too into fat burning."
University sophomore Brooke Wars! said she
agreed that RIM emphasizes the importance *t a
healthy heart. “The instructor taught us how to
monitor our heart rates and to check our pulses
at the middle and end of each work out." she
But amid all this education and safety lies the
fundamental goal of RIM: commitment to the tun
and enjoyment of physical activity.
One class in particular offers a unique way to
get in shape. Funk aerobics combines the latest
and hottest moves with aerobic exercise, so those
of you with the dancin’ fever can simultaneously
burn fat and work on new moves for Ciuido's
dance floor.
Students who make it through the RIM classes
even have an opportunity to become instructors.
“You can apply to be a teacher’s assistant for a
class and learn from them," Luce said. "After you
have gained enough experience, we evaluate your
performance, and it you are competent you can
stan teaching your own classes.”
It is not tost late to sign up for RIM aerobics. Just
call J46-411 i or visit Room 10! Gerlinger from
Monday through Friday from 8 a in. to 5 p in
—Jenny Carey
Program brings adventure to local sports
Started two years ago as a
way for the community and
the University to become
more involved in recre
ational sports. Sports Adventure
is a "passion” for Director Dene
There are many different pro
grams under the Sports Adven
ture umbrella. Currently there is
a women’s indoor soccer league
with three divisions in the 12
team league. Many University
students play in the competitive
division. „
The third division is reserved
for women over 40 years old.
This gives women who have
been spectators for years a
chance to get out and play for
themselves. Many of the women
have never played soccer before.
The other programs offered
include; K’s and i's, a motor
skills development program for
kindergarten and first graders,
and kid's soccer The kids play
during the outdoor summer
Other programs such as Tnple
Sports offer adventures such as
a free duck swim, safari afloat,
and t-ball.
Ellen has been working at the
University since she came here
in 1988. She finished her Mas
ters Degree in 1990. and is now
working on receiving her Ph D
in leisure behavior. She taught
student physical education class
es for two years before she joined
the RIM staff.
Now Ellen is starting her third
year with RIM and Sports
Adventure. She is offering the
community a unique opportuni
ty to use the facilities of the Uni
All of the games are officiat
ed by students, and many of the
children's teams arc coached by
The programming, marketing
and promotion* arc also all stu
dent dnven. Going to the schools
and getting kids involved helps
to advertise and enhance the
program. A program like this in
its early stages needs all of the
public relations it can get. Here
is an opportunity for those with
a love of sports to get an early
start in coaching.
The program has bright hi >pcs
of becoming profitable. All of the
money earned will be put back
into the improvement of uni
versity facilities.
Ellen said she believes stTong
ly in the importance of children's
development of social skills and
improved self esteem as being
more important than the com
petition of the games they play.
She has developed the only pro
gram of its kind in Eugene.
them well..
soy sunflower;
" ...
Together we can meet all your
sweatshirt printing needs
• Large in-house selection of sweatshirts.
T-shirts, shorts, caps and more
• Large selection of Fraternity and
Soriortity supplies: paddles, letters, etc.
• With our large stock of letters create
you own unique style
• Professional work
, at student prices
• in-house screen
• Students work
with students
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