Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 26, 1993, Supplement, Page 6B, Image 17

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    Capture the
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Friday. February 12
Friday, February 5.1 c m
C& MUi t< w***# ia»
— Emerald
No initiation fees • Expires 3-26-93
✓ State of the art Cybex weight
room equipment and free
✓ Over 30 Aerobic classes a week,
including Step, Circuit classes
and Funk
✓ 1 Block from bike and running trails
✓ Personal training
✓ Aerobic equipment includes,
Stairmasters, Bikes, Treadmills
and Rowers
On the comer of Willamette and 27th
•t /Vamn Donu fmttrMri ■ IM TOUCH Tumdav. Januftrv 26. 1993
with Club Sports & RIM
Nobody’s bored on these boards
nowboarding has been
around since 1980. w hen
the first commercially
w ■* produced hoard appeared
on the market, hut m the p.tst
few ve.irs its popularity as .1 spurt
has exploded.
“1 know a lot of people who
used to ski, I don’t know any*
one who used to snowboard,”
said snowboard club member
Mike Maxfield. "I think it's def
initely going to keep getting
Neu iurck magarmc credited
snowboarding with giving the ski
resort industry a "shot in the
arm." At Mount Hood Mead
ows, snowboarders account for
an estimated 25 percent of 30
percent of all tickets sold.
"When I fust started hoard
ing, there weren't ten* many
people doing it," said Maxfield,
a seven-year snowboard veter
an. "Now sometimes it seems
like there arc almost as many
hoarders as skiers."
More akin to surfing and
skateboarding than skiing,
snowboarding offers us own
unique challenges and thrills
"You can definitely do a lot of
things wuh a snowboard that you
can’t with skis," Maxfield said
"There are all kinds of skatc
board-type moves that you can
do on a board, on the other
hand, you can’t go as fast on a
snowboard, and since both your
feet are strapped to it, you can
get stuck in powder or on .1 flat
(hie result of snowhoarding's
popularity has been the rise of
intercollegiate teams and com
"When we first started the
club three years ago, there were
only one or two other teams on
the W'est Coast," said club
founder and coordinator Lea
Wavraire. "Now there are at least
seven or eight and more every
Snowboard competitions gen
erally consist of two events, the
slalom and the half pipe. In the
slalom, contestants race through
C«Hiftr«y photo
Snowboarding's new popularity has been a “shot in the arm" to
the ski resort industry and has given rise to a club sport snow
boarding team.
gates ana receive a score raseu
i>n their time. In the half pipe,
boarders try to impress judges by
launching up the sides of a man
made ravine, or halt pipe. Con
testants are judged by the height,
difficulty and number of their
"We've done pretty good in
competitions, considering that
we haven’t been able to train as
much as we should," Waynure
Problems getting qualified
drivers to drive the club sports
van to Willamette Pass have
kept the club from holding any
training sessions yet this year,
hut Waynure said they would lx*
starting soon.
In addition to competing,
the club offers the chance for
snowboarders ol all levels to
hone their skills with coach
Krisi Anderson and to get into
shajx* before the first snow falls.
“We have optional physical
training sessions before the sea
Come See All
Of The New
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IRD Suspension Fork
Only *375! um
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5% discount for U ofO students!
(on all new merchandise)
son" Waymirc said. "We moun
tain hike or play ultimate fris
bee, it’s pretty fun."
To raise money to supple
ment, the club showed the
Warren Miller movie, Fear of a
FLtt Planet , last month, and will
likely show more in the future.
In the past, they have raffled off
a snowboard and other winter
'ports equipment.
The slub will send riders to
the rimberluic Classic on beb.
27-28 at Mount 1 iood's Tim
berline lodge. In addition.it will
host the third annual North
west Collegiate Snowboard
competition at the Willamette
Pass ski area on March 6-7.
Waymire satd although the
snowboarding season has
already started, it is not too late
to join the club. Anyone inter
ested should attend the club
meetings every Tuesday at 7
p.m in EMU Cedar Room D or
call Lea Waymire at 687-9578
—Chris Lockner