Mhi* 21" It speed Huffy, black and (Mi. needs some work but m dscent shape now, $25 obo Pave 3489788 Man's Jan Voltage Mm. 3 yra ok), good condign AJao dralhng board, basl offar 686-2473 Woman's blka. sarvtcanbls. groan. a canaad. $34 obo 344-9063 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Apple Imagewrtler l. a«c oond. Me new. $240 obo. must sat by 2fttV93 342-6028 Jimt*. Lve msatags Apple Imagesetter N. aicaflad conch «pn. $200 686-4514 BroPiar wopd procaaaor mm laffar quality printer, spell checker $140 obo 683-9592 HP 96 LX Palmtop PC. ona megabyte, only lour months Old. mup aa*. $375 Obo 485-5812 Panasonic KXW-900 aord procaaaor wr accessory Id. lee new. $200 Cat 683-7531 i70 SOUND SYSTEMS CASH!!! Ws buy. art and serve* VHS VCR's and atarsoa Thompson Electronic*. 1122 Oak. 343 9273 Panasonic Starao System $86 obo Crt 485-8673 175 nlSTRUMENTS IBANEZ Saber electric guitar and crate G4CEC ampklier, $600 obo Phone 485-0447 art lot Jed 20" Zlld)lan medium nde cymbal. i*e new. great sound. $'45 obo Call altar 5pm 747-8425 190 SKI EQUIPMENT sue Roasignot 195't. St Comp Racing wtth Tyroflta bindings. $84 obo. good oases 6838749 186 cm Supra Head skua Never used W/TyroUia Drndtnga Inct, poles and carrying bag $190 obo 345-5083 195 TRAVEL FREE TRIP Spring Break Packages Meuco Hawaii USA Call Landmark Travel 1-800-2GO-TRAVEL ODE Classifieds] 1-stop shopping j 205 OPPORTUNITIES Secondary Special Education Program. Tuition and stipend available to quashed parsons interested m earning special education certification For more mtormabon please WRITE to Sand Oavts, 175 Education, Urwversity ct Oregon. Eugene. OR 97403 CrutseeMskAleeAe yx>* $120066000 Summer1 Career* Quale. Canene. Neumeervce1 (9t6j a22 222i Ed 178 Crutee Line entry level on Ooenttanderde poeitons aval. *ummer7yaar round 3'0-28!-5912 Earn caeh etuttng an mope* el name M materials provided Send SASE 10 POBo. 9643 Sprngteld MO 8580" Pert HmeFuii time • Espresso Cata. apply 2692 wuamsde. Wed 27m 7pm lor ntenneer__ POSTAL JOBS AVAILABLE! Many position* Oreai bsneht* Can ! 600436-4365 ad P 3309 Resident A tat* tent iMVINt' University Mousing a now accepting application* lor me position ol Resrdant Assistant lor 1993 94' DeadAne Mon. fat) 8»i, 1993 m order lo Be considered an e*g*>le applicant, you must Be ol Junior class starving by I mi larm 1993. 4 have s Cumulative GPA ol I S or h^hei Please see our lisplay ad tor more m»o (Mon'a A Fir* through f ab Sth) or can University Mousing M 3464277 University Housing University ol Oregon a an FOE A A institution committed to cultural dveryly_ _____ ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT • fisheries Earn $600 ♦ wee* a cannenee ot $4000 • month on netting boats Free transportation! Room and board! Mala or Female For employment program can 1-206546-41M eat A6066_ e POSTAL JOBS * Attention E uaene area start J11 astu ♦ benefit*, tor appAcaton and into cat 1 -2!6 324-5779, 7am lo 10pm SUMMER CONFERENCE ASSISTANT Announcing Sen Conference Asm star'! position* with University Housing Conlarence Servtce* Earn room, board and $166 a wee* during Summer, $6 55/N Kx spring tarm training, and valuable tab erpenence Ten to fourteen wee* poaitions available For more wlormafcon. attend one ol me lecommendad informational meetings m me Bean Weal Conlarence Room at Been Compter Irom 3pm lo 4pm on Wednesday tab 3. <993 or FtSursdey. F*b *. '993 Position Daacripbon and Application available at University Housing Conlemnce Servtce*. !0i Douglas* Hs* Walton Compler 3464265 Apptcahon de**ne * tlpm. February 12. 1993 EOE/AAErCommaied lo cultural diversity_ 21. WORK STUDY WORK STUDY Ofhce Assistant need ed immerialety m Archaecture and A* sad Art* Must have Macintosh compu lar anpenenc* Apply al 125 Lawrence Han 225 APTS DUPLEXES Baaubtul S bedroom 2 bam. large backyard campus araa. $<250. Aral and last 666 9655_ Unfurnished Apartments In Eugene Sparttfcng clean t bedroom M appeanced, wreourtyard new $399 Cat aAowad wrdep 486 6991 Wtial a deaf Sparssng clean stud*') a* uM « cable. $385, great weapon 1<»0 Ferry Si 484 744! Sjjfrtjffr JOS Take a Duck to Lunch ☆ Juniors & Seniors ☆ Here's an opportunity to be treated to lunch by a local professional in the area of your major. You will have the chance to ask candid questions and get a feel for what life after graduation is all about. fjnrWJgs Applications are due by: vf Friday, January 29 at: ‘ 140 Hendricks Hall for info nil: 346-2107 APTS DUPLEXES OAMOCM TVMUCC iNKMnK Roomy 7 parteom. wa* to campus aualrtw now. gumt, only M». onaaa Wunrty and parting, along MMraca Can Paul lo« snowng Wai ?21 Ona badna apt. W2CVmo. Wunrty parting. aacurity. ctoaa to campus awwa__ 1*i Wortt Irons campus. sSucJos, on Ma laundry. naa «aM> an taobfmo ateoro 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS Oraat 1 bdrm in conyaniani 4 c«n UK? f ISBiAl $3/5 KMOOO Redwood Park Apia. OuM. CmlrytMiv wICA Cleg r Low UtHItlaaOn Butina Equippad Wa*gM Room. Spa Wood PartS Playground Laundry E actinia* Alao Pmt»ilaliad (ultaa Studio. 11 2 SR WOO to Mrs IndvtduiMy OaconNtd Comptataly PwmlWad EvaryVilng From CatVa TV to Llnana For Bad, Bad* S KRehan On Sila Managamant Taam 4103 W. 18th 4843770 •OBfcaT YU. I AG i ni-'v litt beauty of woods »«l wikJIdr m iu|«y door plan 2 BDRM, I 7,BATH | *495 Sc *51 S/moo I h • But to catifHM | • Swimming Puol • Room • Siuiui 1C. £*■(**« (DumbM A £ 687-1318 245 ROOMS 2 rooms avail! $225 and $250. pnv bam. 2 housamalaa. amssame nous# mm Ig Sitcn, huge lying m. waan eritlrya* carpeted piusn urn Hi' ruined gr* atmo. f..vbae das pag aval, i mi bom EMU Cal Buy 3*SA60» rm mag ROOMMATES WANTED Wf 'OommAt wanted to «h«r* 4 btdrm fta*. gimI to csto*. 124/ piut (tap 683-2924 2V- ROOMMATES WANTED fiwli wants to shar* «»> s« 2 txnjroooi apt. $20Onw [iu» *i <«Mw Ftaaaaca* 486-227' :-c- CHILD CARE CMM cars wanted 'aspon-»*te canng carton «srwd 4n«*>ta nou't. own cat pratenad 6862163 MEETINGS SNOWBOARD CLUB MEETING TamaM 7pm EMU C«Sr(, CTs 867*6878 PICK UP OOP NEW FILM CAL 1*0 ART CINEMAS 492 E 13lh • 686-2458 0»*CCHJNT »«OW» h/W«|4 IMtrjLUttUMlI S3 % »0 t%» f 1» • JO Flirting^! -—— — - - ■ - »» ” mLOOVV* ***** M **0 Gas Pood Lodging —wnr A TALE OF SPRINGTIME ■nH oVYhE tiofllCANS NtfMfty tt aorta mi RVOIR dogsJ r By GARY LARSON -- Carlton tails for lha okJ rubtoar scalpal gag by Bill Watterson Calvin and Hobbes__ tow. cwocolme cu\p cooioe better/ i love \r before it's COOKED.' CM 1 HME SOME ? ^_PVE»5E. PLEASE ? _._ MO, rrs GOT EGGS. \N W WO *X) COULD GET SALMONELLA. tolSON\NG ■XT71 s OHE MORE. tdSTWAvC PW C* CmtOMCOO Goes TH«rrrX. \ . 4 ro SERVICES F*« PPEQMAMCY TIJT Eugana Pragnancy Support Cantor Tuaa-tfl lO-« • XS-0400 ♦ JJ* E 1t«i — icoma Ptannad Parandtood K* Pap imaara. ■mocaon cnacaa. tw» control, pragnan cy taatt and untilaaad counaaMng >44*411 Unplannad pragnancy* Btmn WH3HI a ptac* 10 ma«a n« t arty detection Somaona to la* to >'a>»or'.ai conadanbat 4*7*681 Housing a bit tight? Check out sections 220-255 Hot' Chocolate £ Italian o £ « Sodas o o_ on At The Espres3Q~CaFt A now loc at lh* a Canon W«l 8d* Mto Mon-Fri 8«m-5pm Doonesbury by garry trudeau HfUO' Tl \ JOANf’ hi. rwp htzv&hk' 1 UK)' \ \ sat bpunp hxj W Tom ClOP* AT t&Vl if Y> SMAU suorp. PH? \ HOWS THAT, TOVpt WfU.Htfif )CU AKe.aaxn w Arcane a max* HONCHfm at JUSTtQf, KJOHT r Util , (*T THB... ... rw GOTA CAW HtflXt M, rKZKtWfT NOHJf Z n a-v iMACMNe MYSUR. fVJW m CROSSWORD liy Eugene Shejfer ACROSS 1 Morta * T * 14a aaving ikl Mx • H. h*l aBa« II Sartor*' patron UM 13 Story 14 *laava — Baavar* 15 W4»on » • 9 ITHiflti larwJar IS Navatlha ini It Ona o( Barthot omaw'i 500 20 Tha "a"n •aoo.’tr ona 21 Sntar 22 Low 23 L ok aw arm 26 CaM logalhai 30 Mamatay Hoorn 31 » M 32 Flat 33 Aganciaa 33 Cal alar i* alack 34 Fathara St ts 0»y 0*1 37 Ur. Rag* Phabm M Racord malarial *1 Ump «2 Oklahoma Oodlaa OSU homa Gradual Evary latl mortal lOBraad spraad 11 Maw oomar 12 Actor T urban MMonay DOWN 1 Chaltanga 2 Lotion add-in 3 Pomogra .KU vwl S Immacu lala • ArtM Mondrian 7 Snmpy'f (M< ■ Comput *ory dtactoaura. In law • Work wilti acid tO Pack away It Graak vowal 10 Dull aound TOOpia. to Andy 71 ’ io kid* Solution lima: 21 min*. 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