_m_ju l>M»o 6, MOW Chuck Hauk (left) and Randall Brown perform one ol tha more subtler moves In the art ol Aikido. AIKIDO Continued from Page 8A for Uh I uni. is not too tinusu consid ered trulv proficient have applied both the physu al as p»>» ts and the philosophy to their daily life. My first leashur would say 'jp> home and make har mony first. ” said Chuck ilnuk. an aikido <.tub mem ber. Daryl Berlin, instructor for the nikido dub, has de m ribed aikido as "tf>«* study of vulnerability.” While studying this vul nerability. students would take turns as Ixith like the person lieing thrown and Nnge the person throw mg I’rm tu mg with someone is an "agn-emenl of trust.'' Herlie said. "It is a learning prcx ess,” said Phil Weiner, a visiting student from Areata. (la 11 f "It's a wav of life, it's very personal " lill.'J-l'SHIWft Um M JO Sa.Ertfc.il tfc* IjMtild IhH« IhmmI 10 TM R*aHy Good 10 t« tiotarmttW, bv awarding * iMiti JO pointt frit . • nd adding U to lb* total margin of itoofr Thirty point* ara «»«tw fm a forfeit IHwall Itteofd it ill panmtfctMt ■nd dirition worard it in bold 1 Adam and EvaO-OlCartl tt J Allah* lh» Propbrtt f I ofMaw'a 1 »* ) Moon Amt iTthor (I 0? Mwi J 61 t IMla Uoaiion i 1 «) Matt 1 Mi 5 A TO Ttwnt JA IMII M«»*a 1 M 6 Mm 0*lt» ! I -01 MtaT t -SI 7 Hr* till -til Hama «* a M»it 1 tout* (I-01 Mcn'tJ 4? 0 Thatadll 10 01 Moot* 44 10 Short anil Curly (I-01 Mgs''• 2 41 Ian M Mot 11 (ouiov On* ft Unit twit of AalUin Vi Onyoit Ait Two 41. SAE W Mtt (Mil 01. Tauti Mti On* U l>ut*p*mlw>i> »J. V*™ truing to Utm 00 Kappa V«ina IA »« r Pag^y T Jocm* W t33 GPEEK HAPPENINGS Alpha Phi Congratulate* Their new Officer* President Kn*tm G VC* Pr©MJenf Amy S f fat fa Sage 0 Mouse My Pam W T reasu'er Kemaey W PanheHeoc Mmmmoi W Jkho<**h«i Detxyah T Sootai Megan f Actant*** J*nn»* S PhAanmiopy fcmtfy t PM Che* C»ofcne M Mv*h Donna O A inumi h> «ob f^fcng l >iw pr ON CAMPUS' FLYING FINGERS typing unlc« FaaL accurate. Ink tt.OO-paga. up Protaaatonal writer at your aarvica to arritaadn 114 POM JO THE TYPP4G PRO Word Procetang-f tMmgT yprng Thaaae/Olaeerlattona on Laaar Can 9S2-S0M anytuna PROFESSIONAL typino AHo aord processing edrtmg Free CtoAup'daKvaty Fionas MS-189? Typing-word processing ’** dou hla spaced lasar page 24 hr turn around. Frau campua prck-updai TYPING UNLIMITED Battoara Land — 48S-3M3 Sennog UO area vote i 981 i?5 INSTRUCTION Do ft today You might be dMd tomorrow _ >o tayotft BC# iblTmaMOOFRCAOiNQESO. so oocos law. creative 50 page mm* mwm 344 6600, t hen Pro/Edit PvvmttmA !»■>««« ona, «M,oy and consultation on you* torn pa pais, piotacts. ale VW maat «nm you at YOUH convanonoa Ai sufctocts _343-2747 ODE CLASSIFIEDS 1-STOP SHOPPING FOfl S«lE M SC ijo FOR SALE MISC GUITARS GALORE' MuStat -tarn. of m k«dt Aiso cameras and Mereos Boy and Se* Canter 361 W Sift u: PETS FREE CAT to good horn*. «yi old f* mala, gray bgar stripe. a* mots and spade 686 AM 4 FREE HAMSTER • cola and tutiy naada M. comet wdh cage and lofa of antra* Can 343-1073 u .C-as TRUCKS SEIZED CARS, trucks, boats faxta an. motortiomaa. try FBI. IRS. DEA Available your area now Cat i 8004364363 est C-121Q 1876 Reugol SO*, sunroof, par arm doura. 36* MPG. m atoaHam condition 31800 OOP »*Ss»7 7808 18S« CeUca OT. Immaculate oondrtron muda and oul wan last man 66.000 maos $6890 3424678 •SVi an. brand new condrfcor. $44519 only, must see 344-2632 GIUE ME FIUE! Run your "FOR SALE" ad (items under $500) for 5 days. If the item(s) doesn't sell, call us at 346-4343 and we'll run your ad again for another 5 days No Refunds/Credits^ Private Party Ads Only