Women prepare protest for Packwood’s return MKDPORI) (AP) — Women acrambled Sunday to Mag** pro tests marking Sen _Bob Pork wood’s first visit to bis home stole sinc e be was ac - raised of sexual misconduct "We're rather disappointed with the way he's tried to sneak into the state and sneak out without any public access He's never done that before." said Char lotte Harrington-Winsley, a member of the steering c ommittee for the Hogue Val ley chapter of the Natumal Organization for Women The chapter activated its phone tree to alert memlierx that Pac kwood would la* ap|>eanng Sunday night at local TV sta tions and meeting this morning at tbc> Quality Inn with tnemliers of the South ern Oregon Timber Industries Assoc ia tion. she said "It's kind of short notice." Harrington Winslev said "We don't know who's go ing to show up," Park wood.. R Ore , was scheduled to fly into Medford Sunday afternoon and appear on three ha ul TV stations in the evening before beginning a week of meetings with timber, agriculture and business groups around the state Tire Southern Oregon Timber Indus tries Association continues to support Packwood. but some leaders there won der whether he can continue to tie an ef fective von e for logging over preserving habitat for the northern spotted owl. a threatened species Packwooa s schedule has incensed women's groufrs and critics of the sena tor. who have demanded he hold an open forum whore he can be confronted with the allegations that surfaced shortly after he was elected to his fifth six-year term in the Senate, After '/Tie Washington I'ost reported the allegations of 10 women on Nov 22. Pack wood visited an alcohol rehabilita tion center in Minnesota for a week-long evaluation. On Dec. 10. he emerged from seclusion to holt) a news conferem e in Washington, DC., where* he apologized for his actions. Park wood. 60, has generally admitted the allegations by the women — includ ing some of his former staff — that he made unwanted sexual advances. He has said he will cooperate with a Senate Eth iJ I'V' ▼ V/1.JI THE OVERPARK FALL & WINTER MEN’S CLEARANCE SALE Polo % Ralph Lauren SPORTSWEAR 50% OFF ENTIRE FALL & WINTER STOCK ON SALE NOW ment laws in the case It said !lit? school should reinstate and grant tenure to Pillsbury. Pillsbury is currently on leave from the University of Wisconsin at Green Hay. where she has been recommended for tenure. The settlement entitles her to seek tenure again at UM-Mil waukee or UW-Parkside, which is closer to her home than Green Bay. A tenured associate professor at the Milwaukee curnpus earns $7,000 to $10,000 more annual ly than an associate professor at Green Hay or Parkside, Lyall said. The settlement includes $40,000 in back pay, $25,000 for legal expenses and $01,000 for personal expenses. Pillsbury railed the settle ment "very good and fair." cococcoco: SPRINGFIELD [N SMOKE ' SHOP Tobacco • Pipes • Lighters • Incense • Knives • Gifts • Candy 1124 Main St., Springfield, OR 97477 503-747-8529 MwvSa ICMS Son 12-6 800-782-9495 V 2 FOR I DINNER! Buy Any Dinner and Receive 2nd Meal FREE! (Matt k of aqul or Ins *•(••) N#t ntM wtH Daily Aui SfMitl «rMy*tWr•fftt wUlflO S Eiyir*. i/w/91 343 0681 13th & Aider