Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 25, 1993, Page 4A, Image 4

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Every Night of the Week!
10 p.m. lo 2:30 a m. • 21 & over only
Guido'S * 13th & Alder
[ cl J-Mar Biological I'lasina Donor Ccrucr help wilh
your luilmn I5\ donating plasma, you cari!.$20“° lor your
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the same nine Open Monday-Saiurday.
( illI 683-9430 lot more mt'ormaiion.
1‘HII W Kih Ave. liugenc
Good Times
*1°° Blues Jam
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375 E. 7th • 484-7181
TUES 26 Chris Hiatt & Cold Shot
WEI) 27 Dangerous Household Objects
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guests: The Flapjacks
Satellite Sports/Micro Beer!
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Here's your chance to learn C.P.R. and to
certify for the Red Cross C.P.R. certificate
siu.uu bee includes:
• 4 Hours of Personal Class
• Instruction Booklet
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Certification Card
Dates for C.P.R. classes:
Tuesday. February 2, 5pm-9pm
Thursday. February 4, 5pm-9pm
Tuesday. February 9. 6pm-10pm
Saturday, February 13. 9am-1pm
(C.P R classes held in the Student Health Center Caletena)
Register Early.
Space Is limited.
Cancellation must be 24 hours before class or no refund
Sponsored by the Student Health Center, Office
of Public Safety and the Lifestyle Planning Program.
Will you miss Frog while he's on
vacation in Cincinnati?
tnose hi- ————
tie pamphlets in my
face. He gives 13th
Avenue a little charac
senior, pppm
"I don't
who Frog
is; I'm a
freshman, undeclared
course. I
like hav
ing him
out there,
he bugs people."
senior, english
"Actually. |
he does
my day.
though I
have to
lit? iu Mini ovciy uay
and tell him I have all
his books."
sophomore, undeclared
"Yes. He
every sin
gle day.
and he's
happy and smiling."
junior, psychology
"Yes, I
will. It
my day
when I
see him.
It's a
senior, art history
Continued from Page 1A
Ashland and Cottage Grove before shooting two
<M «nes at the University campus Friday and Sat
urday afternoons
(esse Franks, the boom operator, said people al
ways react with curiosity to a movie iiemg filmed
After one male University student asked the crew
what was going on. Franks said, "We re renovat
ing the building."
"It's kind of weird In-cause we've lieen asked
about a million times what we’re doing, and it's
pretty obvious." Franks said
When the crew filmed in Cottage Grove near a
river, two local people approached them with
"They said, 'We thought you were searching for
dead bodies. We were going to help you.' " he
The Underdog Syndrome is about lames Rod
ney, a film student at a fictional Oregon college
who gets the chance to pitch his movie to some
Hollywood producers Rodney’s movie is a dark
and violent movie about a woman who is mur
dered. Campero said.
Lyra Blain. a journalism student at Rodney's
school, interviews him and the two liegin a ro
mantic relationship Blain, played by Sherry
Kresh. decides to do a more in-depth story on the
movie's actress and learns she is dead Rodney’s
movie is a snuff film in which Rodney, n serial
killer played by Chris Devlin, actually kills the
The movie ends when Rodney kills Blain lie
cause she knows too much. Campero said Rod
ney also films himself killing her.
"Pretty horrible, huh?” Campero said.
Devlin, a 24-year-old actor who played a small
part in General Hospital, said he researched serial
killers so he could better play the part of James
Rodney. Devlin said it’s more fun to play bad
guys, but such roles can lie scary.
*,Regardless of what they see,
people tend to imitate what
they see. Demented people
who see demented films will
do what they see.’
— Jabin Funk.
film producer
"You Hmi yourself < Hi king into the character,"
he sail! "I find myself looking around at different
women and saying. 'Uh. uh. Uh. uh. Yeah.' and
following her to her dorm room. The scariest part
is it was easy "
Despite the violent subject matter of The Un
derdog Syndrome, producer Jabin Funk said the
movie is a message against violence in film. The
movie has few graphic scenes, but relies on the
imagination of the audience to Fill in the blanks.
"If something has to be a death scene, it
shouldn't lx* so gruesome as to make you cringe
and almost get sick,” Funk said. "Regardless of
what they see, people tend to imitate what they
see. Demented people who see demented films
will do what they see."
Some students gathered outside Columbia Fri
day took up Funk's offer to lie extras in the scene.
Senior Carla Bertolone and sophomore Brian
Resheske were two of those students.
"We're officially called 'millers,' " Bertolone
said. "(Funk) said we just mill around."
Resheske said the pair wouldn't talk until the
cameras started rolling.
"All we do is talk about nothing." he said.
Campero said The Underdog Syndrome should
tie completed in six weeks. Funk is footing the
movie's bill, which will run from $50,000 to
HtMtrn i Ihvmilv will merit for 4 mkwI
gathering tonight from 7 to 0 in ihi
tier Unger lounge For mow information,
cal! 34^0042
kultura Pilipina* wilt meet tonight at
5 IS in EMI Cadar Room C. For mom
information. o»li WMU4
Amaru an Indian Some ft Engineering
SotMty v* til ha%** 4 meeting (or all bu*m*M.
n:\0nas ami engineering ntudrot* tomghl at
6 »f» EMU Cedar Room A For more
information, call M7-71I?.
Farath Cant*/ will meet for tlampu*
Parent (off*** Hour today from 9 JO to 11
ant, at the Family Outer EMU Room 23
For more information, cal! 346 06S2
IrmiH Student Union will moat and
•how the Film (itaiifU DeUutcy tonight at 7
in Room 13® Gilbert For more informal ion.
t all 14*. 4366
( ampu* I mlintmt Will dm um /tiaijwv
a play by Tom Stoppard tonight at 7 at MU
Kincaid St For more information. cull
345 1535
KOCANHAK of I ugmr prewnti « free
introductory liw imtoii tonight at t> a! 315
l) VV 13th Aw For mure informal too. call
343 2657
Comer Planning and Ft* ament Serene
wiU open up interview bidding today lor
the following companies Oregon
Photography Company, Public Intern*!
Research Group. Ttmberline Software
(Corporation. PC World Meautire. KeUion
Purina Company. Ft tended System* and
Oregon Nannie* incorporated There will
aUo b» an office orientation today from
10 30 to It 30 a m. in Room 221 HemlntU
For more information, go to Room 244
Population Biology Breakfast will
prcqumf Natural History of Pitcher Waul*
by Rill Bradshaw today at 9 30 a m in
Room 331 Mamath
Public Polky Planning A Management
and the Outdoor Program will Hava An
Introduction to Ecological Economic*
Video show tonight from 7 30 to 9 in Room
260 Condon For mor« information, call
/Vad/tne for submitting El Ah to the
Finer aid front dasi EMU Suit* J00. t* noon
tii* da> tmforv publu jtliou 7he MBMi fdMv
does not ha\# a time machine Et Ah run
th# day of the avanf uni#** th# event /ales
fdace /Wore noon
Hotic#» of #y#att with a donation Of
admission < /large wj// not b# scv#pt#d
(jtmpiii r* tw!% and fho** u:h#dul#d n##r#*t
th# publication d*t# will b# $i\-#n priority