Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 25, 1993, Page 3A, Image 3

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Stephanie Sisson's column, "Earth will adjust to ca
tastrophes" {ODE, Jan. 11) offers hope to everyone
wanting to ignore any hint of an environmental crisis.
There's good news: Regardless of human folly, "our
planet will survive."
Of course Venus survives as a planet, too. so this
raises the question as to the quality of life that accom
panies such “survival."
If Sisson's "survival" includes the abundant diversi
ty that comprises the Earth s web of ecosystems, then
she exposes an ignorance and an arrogance in her com
placent supposition that these systems are able to en
dure under the demand of human “progress." and that
we. as a species, have insufficient power to radically
disrupt that balance.
Sisson rightly asserts that the Earth will adapt to our
efforts..Of that them is no question. Them ts. however,
a significant question as to what will be lost in the dra
matic change that accompanies such adaptation. Ex
tinction doesn't heal.
Sisson counsels that “fear can make us too cautious,"
but let me offer that ignorance and shallow’ trust have
far greater consequences. Humanity is not ne< essarily
the enemy of the Earth, but if we continue to downplay
the impact of our "progress" by isolating the catastro
phes instead of examining the values of the systems
that produce them, far more will be lost than natural
cleansing processes could possibly restore.
Destroying the sustainability of our natural habitat
makes us not the enemy of the Earth, but the enemy of
ourselves. It is our technological potency that makes
the consequences of that oblivious, self-destruction so
Daniel Macke
Make packets worth cost
Professors have promoted the use of packets, alleging
it adds special substance to their courses. Now packets
cost as much as pocket textbooks — $1B unassembled
for my political science course. Don't expect refine
ments in packets, such as an alphabetical index at the
But at least packets should contain a table of con
tents. It's horrendous pouring through a packet to find
scheduled reading. Professors overlook this, and the
Campus Copy Center doesn't care. Let's have minimum
standards for packets, including table of contents
pages. Otherwise dispense with packets.
H. Johnston
Postgraduate Political Science
Some simple suggestions
To make my life on this campus a healthier place to
be. I submit the following requests:
1) If you carry an umbrella when it is raining, please
be considerate. I am tired of dodging to save my eye
t fKL
2) If you wish to converse in the library, please do so
in a subdued tone of voice I enjoy running into people
too. but the library is primarily a plat e of study.
:t) Please fat polite and forgiving if I violate your exis
tence by accident We all need time to leant now to («•
fattier humans.
George Campbell
OSPfRG donates money
Wednesday afternoon. OSIMKt.'s Hunger and Home
less group presented Eugene Emergency Housing with
n check for Swit) This money will go toward meeting
current shelter needs at the Eugene Family Shelter
The money will pay for 32 nights of shelter, whit h
includes more than just a place to stay Families stay
ing at the shelter will receive meals, clothes, counsel
ing services if needed, assistance with job hunting and.
most of all. help broking for a place to live
This money was raised through proceeds from the
Faith No More concert Jan. 17 and through private do
nations. if you have any questions or would like more
information about this, you may contact us at
Perry Pepper
Abortion argument falls flat
Ixi response to Bob Weigel's letter titled Abortion
wrong; no argument" [ODE. |an. 20). bo s absolutely
correct There is no argument. !-»♦! us explain,
Weigel aiioinplvd in share tlu* responses in a pre
vious letter Ini hud written on abortion. l-Auuse us. hut
where wore the responses atui what wore the respon
dents realty trying to say ' Thu only point Weigel made
with his "dear line of reasoning" is "a few people said
it was a good letter '
Also, what "same thing in their minds was Weigel
referring to'Hello' .
We think Weigel has put on an "impressive front" by
ultimately confusing anyone who seriously attempts to
understand his "dear line ol reasoning .“ We have read
his third paragraph/run on senium e many times and
think we know what lie's trying to say hut maybe we
should do lunch (then again, mavlie not).
We are open to consider and engage others' views,
even if they differ from our own, but the arguments
must lie built on a foundation and the reasoning must
lie dear We have decided his attempt to reason has
primarily confused your readers and thus has failed
No one c an say what another is thinking. Weigel has
ac c used those who disagree with his "dear line of rea
soning” ol hating, which implies he knows how they
feel and what they think. It's impossible to decipher
the unexpressed thoughts of others — therefore dis
carding the opinions of those who oppose his as igno
Weigel should open his mind, polish Ins thoughts,
and others w ill listen
Shannon Qroar
Peter Shair
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