210 help wanted POSTAL JOSS AVAILABLE' Mar, po**on* Grew benefits cm • 800-436-4365 »«! P 3309 CULTURAL FORUM POSITIONS The Cueural Forum nwiM eppAca lion* tor the toAovnng student cowdi nator po»*ona Contonporify issues Nssonei Mum Ever** Cr#» PmtormnqAffl RegonM Muw r*n V«*c Vent! Arts Hettttge VU« Be p>n or * progreinmng teem ptxnruig campus ewvxs Iw 93*94 for etormaesn plus wptoainn stop by Su«e I. EMU 3464373 Closing date: January 25 OMrti Forme a An EQfAA employer 1. Economic* 311, 350 tutor!*) noeded immediately Musi have «a * or Br m course* and two faculty recom mendabons To apply slop By Aca domic Loom,no Sonnce* 66 Pi C * POSTAL JOSS • Attention Eugene area start S11 88/hr » benelits. tor application and into can t 216 324 5779. 7am to iQpm SUMMER CONFERENCE ASSISTANT Announcing ten Contoronce Assr* tant positions with University Housing Conterence Services Earn room, Board and $165 a woe* during sum mer. $5 6&av tor spring term tunning and valuable |0B experience Ion to tourteen week positions available For more information attend one of me recommended informational meetings in the Been West Confer ence Room at Bean Complex bom 3pm to 4pm on Wedreudny. Feb 3, t993 or Thursday, Feb 4. 1993 Pom tion Description and Application available at: University Housing Con ference Services. 101 Douglass Hall. Walton Complex. 346-4365 Apples lion deadline is 12pm. February 12, 1993 EOE/AAE/Committed to cultui al diversity. SOS 14 enthusiastic and dedicated stu dents needed tor the 1993 STU DENT ORIENTATION STAFF (SO S) Position includes orienting new students end their patents to the UO from July 11 27 and Sept 21 26. when will work around Other summer obt. school Receive $750 and earn 3 upper division credits m a course Spring term Apps available m 364 Oregon Hall (i6-3210) and are due by non. Wed. Jan 27_ WORK STUDY Ortice Assistant need ed immecSately m Architecture and Al lied Arts Must have Macintosh compu tm experience Apply at 125 Lawrence Halt 215 WQPK study otfic* Mm(« •>•*•' «Aar** Stud «i Program. ChaPenging posAon 10 15 iw» pe» seek 56 TVe Cempti t*r skdl tprnaij sheets. manage at fount*, kBrsry searches. »tc 34549/4 Work study <*up*ad only 220 HOUSES FOR PENT WAR CAMPUS Three Bedroom tornehed houss 5450 343901! See SECTIOR US for all your typing needs 225 APTS DUPLEXES 1*» Block* now cameos, studios, on sne laundry. ms* wafer and sewer 5305 -no 4860290 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS Great 1 &drm in converuen! Spies 14521 I9th,»l 53/5 3419000 2 BEDROOM 54*8 Fstremety large. 10 Bocks to campus Near Saleway Parking laundry, untom ■shed No pels 2045 Wttametle 345/902 Campus Apartments Furnished. 142 Bedrooms Winter rates 53755450 485-2*23 OAROEN TERRACE 1803 Garden St Roomy 2 Beckoom. walk lo campus. avaiiaWe now. quiet only 5465. on site taumky and parking, along Mrfiace Cafl Paul tor snowing 344 1/21 __ One bedrm apt 542Cfmo. iaundiy parking, sacunly close to campus 484 9922 P QBE ST. VII. LAG £ Ik Eigoy lie hrsuly i4 womb sail wildlife la surer Owe plan 2 BDRM. 1 7.UA ril *495 Si 'SIS/mtmth • Bus k» caucus • Swimming • Wcigfu/T;ww** Ri«»m • Sauna* SX Etiftn* (DoMaid A »’»«holU«) ifemnrnmml^ H ► ► ► Unfurnished Apartments in Eugena Sparkling clean 1 Bedroom M appkanced. wtoourtyard mew. 5399 Cat Mowed wdep 4868991 Wnai s deal1 Sparking clean studo. all ufci « entile 5385. great location. 1050 Ferry St 484 /441 On* bedroom apt. ' 3tn » Aider tots ol ctoeats. parang available $390'mis 3*1 ■mo no quads *• Block 'isvr campy* Vv *B»mo . $100 (tapoea. tumaned Call 345-6401 245 ROOMS 2 room* avail1 S2?S and $240 pnv tam. 2 nousemale*. awesome houea witti tg kilcti hug* trvtng rm. wa»n ar dryer. carpeted plustv sem-tur naiad, grt atmo dm. c*g aval) I m* trpm EMU Ca* ft*y MS 4609 Ive mag 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Female went* to share very me* 2 Bedroom apt. $200mo pki* *• w««»» Pieaae ca« 485 22? t__ Houae lo (hare- An amtmhm Bee path Campus ctrae S??Vmonth, *• utMMM Ptwne 3*4030? Ou>*< reeponeOle Ml loom male wanted to soar* 4 bedim ns*. great lo cation. $24 r plus tap 603 2824 Share matuie nouse. mostly private space. 17 Blocks Bom campus. $3QQtmo, •nctmtes uM 344-4*00. '80 MEETINGS -CAMPUS EVENTS SKI!! j ■ Outdoor Program Van laavaa i j Ttiuradayl arm Friday* Coma In [ [andakgnug MO-4444 ..j POCKET PLAYHOUSEi PRESENTS No Exit Directed by Shelly Dovma Jan 26,27,30 at 5pm Room 102, Villard Hall I ‘ THt WOMAN'S CKVtnSlIY PH OGHAM Cordially mrtlaa you lo attend Thau Aral annual Social Gatftarmg and Reception Monday, January 24 tn 7 8pm m lha Oartmgar lounge ! tie a"' u"'- ", lor aoman o» an tufc»grouiH»i lo maraci m a aocnt atmoapnere Quation* Contact I '*a or Veron< 4 at the VHtynan 1 Canto. M0GO4* iagaaiBaiaiagiiaiBaiaiaiiiaaJiaiia m APTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT ART CINEMAS 492 E tilb • 686-2458 MOMNT mom Im«N ktiaUMU iMMMN'IMUJDtttlNlhrTI CK UP OUH NtW Ml M CAUNOAM 1 » 10«V» 7 fft * 20 mtDO*9*r ■>»») *40 I Gu Pood Lodging A TALE OF oTYh'e moHicans tttfMNy 1140(Cl Ml AVOIR DOGS. 280 MEETINGS JSJ Uw County Meeting for Old and New Volunteers January 28lh, 7 * 9 p.m. Centres Presbyter ton Church 1475 Ferry Street Eugene 380 E 40rh Av» . Suit* 107, Eugene. 97405 (503) 485 0070 recording end message phone OFF LINE by Rick Ball [ wot MmwM Ml ED'S QUESTION: 15 IT ART? _ _ *R^35*tf°. TIME FJUI SIM By GARY LARSON ■ HCwi T'S RfPriLE^ FARM •l'* JL Wa ra acrawad. Marga Big At waa our alar attraction, tha king ot tha ahow And now ha'a gona " Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson I TA<£ NOUHS ADJtCH'JtS MOVJStWtM *5 'GSSfr REMtKBtR WHEN ’ ACCESS’ K TV INC,' Now IT'S SOWtTVlNG t*J to tr T 'itB.BtO 1 ( VERS VER&\NG t*tiUDS V LAHSuMit '. ft MM BE NE CAN E>iEHT\)AU.1 MAKE LANSUWSE A COMPUTE IMPEDIMENT TO UNDERSTANDING tl jti COUNSELING PMOAlEMSf OW me IMHO C**ee •0* *•#. itnonynwu* CttM COunteAny apd ;e*er'W» spm Awn. IM, ?■* haw* B«cwm people ewe free ptegrum ey waerg. ley detection Ce# Bern >gw. 6e?aes' TA* RfTUMM. V »«onWy p»epw«d by CPA Co* 0w> rnr «435 I cijuisirtmi aith I ATT* ✓< Atctforv 225 ViH'H CAMf*t* CONNt vf I ON? (Vrjfoft t mermJJ 346 4343 Hof Chocolate A. 5 Italian £ Sodas o o uZ At The EspresstTCort a no* tocdod ol in* a Carton W«l Sd» Wio Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Cappuccino Doonesbury by garry trudeau jcmttr m, irK ilAA’M/y geHMALW MPtify n RAW F*OM »* ,iw- HXJKAPfVtHT . MINT IN Tht Y [fVST' axt HCA& r//S7SV, l Ut&’ jwmSM> TtlF J $HXiP»r v I eeinvis»ennt. 1 rr$»MA6es‘ n Yt>v&, IN FACT THAT ICNST THFNM GOTTA in LUNCH' —^ r CROSSWORD By Eugene Shcffvr ACROSS 1 S«aa( gal at tong 4 A •mfeoma •«W? 7 Survlv* 11 ■— »u«l hav# to do 13 Baddbtl conUoll 14 Chaw ol Motywood 15 Timoufc tu'a land IS Oatan paat. 17Unan •ourea It Cabmal makai Duncan 20 Dual tool 22Mndual makat 24 Coal* othgoU 20 Mnatabla Itlh 32 Jack 33 Emulato Vanna 34 Bubbla makai 34 T m 37 H4* .1 AciuHat atal as ttt 41 Paairi hOUM Affliction Canttf Sitcon cfflp Homlul Wont bataia hand o> hat 55 Fiat party gait) M Run m nautrai $7 Pail 54 Sanditwd 5»Uf*s P«>P» M Scottish undo •1 Noaa anlatgai? DOWN 1 Foots* 3 ABavarty 4 Brat or /•flat ling 5 Might hand paraon • 'Sound o4 Muwc' nama 7 Vitaty important • I ha wholr ancfutada • Itoggaa > coutm 10 Duly 12 B