Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! CAMPUS ENJOY A FREE FAMOUS STAR® HAMBURGER Place a minimum $6 or 3-day ad at our student or , regular rate in person, Room 300 EMU, and we will give you a certificate for a FREE FAMOUS’ STAR HAMBURGER, courtesy of CARL'S JR. Remember, you must pay for the ad in person (Rm 300 fcMU only) oefore you receive me cenmcaie. u you have any questions, call one of our classified salespeo ple for details at 346-4343. Only private party ads quali fy. No refunds or credits with this promotion. Certificates are limited... so place your ad today! 100 BIRTHDAY GREETINGS ************** :[ Happy i Birthday t Sfutrtm! i03 GREEK HAPPENINGS ATTENTION GREEKS' Thar* ■> a main Mor maMM eyary I ue» an) Thm M». V Mar per K Sanya P Heyiay R WELCOME' 1 Ova, Your S.»Kt» SMMKWI f Krelma S Anna A Meagan S Courtney W Mo*yM Jenny K W anff S Haa* B Donnaf Kacneaf N Karan P Brand* G IAI Remote control wo* a btaal The iracObon continue*' AAA Congratulat to A TU’S Mans CragS f km c Greg C BoOl Ryan 0 Brum B Jaaon M Cbnt S Qw«C i: TUTOR 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS , wmita rush •Ann 26m Broom Bai IQpm Ca» Bfa»a W , Ml «S90 tor dda«» 103 PERSONALS Cindy- me# me « f’egaaua P/z« tor tiBO Hat Superboni Sunday DJ faji a mar err we. cneeae -» good eel your lew *. "HlWMKwl _oan _____ __ Peruamta mom lenuita to CWrenle ivamcdo lo PaWO. Angel to f.vA# done a m Tbaniti ter yo«t fcwmHnti *» everythmg (e me Happy JIM* I Mew no LOST iFOUND FOUND One large 0*»**y MKt ear rma at Career Placement ana Ptanrung 34*3236 115 Tvping services X) TMC TYPINO PBO Word ProceMrmgt an«p»enoe» S more CMOV «*MM TYPINQ UNLIMITED Barbara land “* 4*6-3143 Samng UO area emce 1M> 120 TUTORING Are you worried about succeeding in your courses this term? Academe leanvng Services oilers srval groip Won#s lor fe totowng courses MATH 096 MATH III MATH II? MATH 741 MATH 74? MATH 243 MATH761 MATH 26? MATH 263 330pm UH 700pm UM 230pm MW 330pm UH 230 pm MW 1030am MF t XpmMW SQtfcmUM 20CpmUH 3 30pm UH 3 30pm UH 200pm UH AUmiearx CM 72? EC 202 FBtO? f BSC? GEB 102 GEB2C2 PM 707 SPAN 101 SPAN 102 SPAN TCP lb»apm«tM 3 30pm MW 3 30pm MW 730pm MW 300pm UH 33CpmMW 230pm MW I 30pm MW 330pm MW ?OOpmUH 730pm MW 33CpmMW It you are nterested *i preg one or more d Biese graps. see Km utey X Academe teaming Services, 68 PIC The lee s $00 per group It you need asasanc**i comes after fian those Med ate*. OMMonal registry cwi provide names and telephone numOers ct duaSAed Mors For more ntonr-aSon contact Acedsmic teeming Services ■ 68 PIC ■ 346-3726 m TYPING SERVICES US INSTRUCTION Pro/Edtt Pwrwanatofa «*Ort^%g and contu*&xsn on you* \mm pa p«*v pijfvc**. v*t *r>mi wti* you AT YOUft A* *ut>ject$ 343-2747 tK FOR SALE MiSC Fian tank accaaaoriaa to a 50 gntton uafl Mttx sank i<75 ate matt *0% an ot Mt«« (.»<<■ 34?mi3 akWm OUfTAMI OAIOMC' WrtaiaMma o»~ a* mnaa Alto camw« ana Meraot But ana Sal Cn»_361 W 5tn BuytaM'Tradfftuy • Ua.Trndn *t do H cvayd^i Tlia Clottaa Horan. 72011MB. u;PETS FREf CAT to goad noma, *r <*) !» mala, gray fcgar at,*o a* aftota ana MMda MfraSu FREE HAMSTER ■ cuta ana Wry naada area now Cal i BOO 4* 4363 a,! C-IJIO tM4 CnMca OT knmacuiaia condition ma«da and ool «n» «aa man 65.000 maaa Si>W0 34*4578 :i OPPORTUNITIES v.' BICYCLES Mm 71" 12 speed Nutty. tear* and •84e. ..CMsd* KW* ffOA bu) *n decent *ty*m now. *25 obo Dave 3464788 '.'.COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Apple bMMWttff « eite*l*"t CCKV* Eon 1700 W 4814 Apple ImtgnttMf 8 nc oond use nee S?M obo. mull Mi by 2/3093 342-8028 Mnndm. t v» message 170 SOUND SYSTEMS CASH'" We buy .Mi ana service VMS VCR* or*) tnroo* Ihompaon t tec* once ' -7r Oas 3434273 Panoonlc Smo System SftSobo C«*486 8673 175 INSTRUMENTS IBANIZ &ab#f Metre and a«J» G40C 5600 afco P*k#n# 4650*4/ a*» tor __ 10' ZlkIHan fTYoChom net# cymbfti **• ntw. gw$ »ownd. $t*5 060 G«B aft** Spn» 747*6*75 185 BOOKS CASH FOR BOOKS Too Convenient loceOon* 1tt(.1» MS WIM—HH (campuil (dOWOlOen) 346-1861 343-4717 BUVMO HOURS HIM H.HIM Smith fwnttitBwEtlffri,. RRORTl ES NOHTIUOmONAL STUOENTS An you • low income student or hnt-gootnOonai (youi pwrti ckd no< gradual* Irani s tou* year co«ege)7 An you older man average. or belong to an inomomniwj group at me UnrverMyt If to. you may be eugtae a* e«tra supped twtcxmg counseling advising advocacy classes m enang. mam enheat m.nsmg'1 m-ough me (ducafconal Oppoffun.se* P»ogram fOP a8* has some spaces orasaue Slop 993 and lot counselors is March IS. 1993 _ SUMME R JOBS Tannis Jobs Summer chJdrent camps northeaw men and women with good tennis background who can teach children to play tennis Good salary, room and board, travel allowance Women cat Of write Camp Vega. PO Bo. 1771. Duibury MA 09339. (617) 934 6536 Men. cal or wcte Camp Wtnadu. 5 Glen lane. Memaronedt NY 10543. (614) 36 > 5963 We wAI be on campus 2/1*3 horn 114 n Ihe EMU. rooms Cedar A and B Cruteeehip AlasJLe jobs $120015000 Summer' Career' Guide. Cassette. Newsaewce' (916) 922 2221 E»1 >78 Crutee Line entry level on boardflanaside positions aval. summerYe* round 31026' 59>2 Earn cash shrltmg envelopes at nome Ait materials prowled Send SASt to FOflo* 9643, Sprwgtieia. MO 65801 Great Student Jobe! Set you' own tun or pad-time schedule mm wage plus commission paid weealy Can Oregon Jobless Foundaeon m 746 1435 Subjects weeded Bee* to bac* studars on fragment ana decision makmg F*ay SS-S40. depending on your and others deoeon* Can 3404326 210 HELP WANTED ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - hshanes tarn S60C ♦ ween m can WW! or 64000 ♦ month on tlshlng boat* Fra* transportation! Room and boardl Mala or Famala For amptoymanl program call 1-206-S46-4t56 art AMM_ Resident Assistant 1993-1994! University Housing is now accepting applications icy in* position ot Resident Assistant tor 1993-94' Deadline Mon. Fee 8tn. 1993 In order to De considered an eligible applicant. you must be ol Junior class standing by Fall term 1993. A nave a cumulative GPA ol 2 5 or hi^ier Please see our display ad tor more nlo (Mon's » Fn's through Feb Ml). or call University Housing at * 346-4277 University Housing. Un,verwty ot Oregon is an tOt.AA institution committed to cultural diversity_ SUMMER CAMP JOBS lor men and women. Hidden Valley Camp interviewing Feb 23. make appointment and get funner information at Student Employment Office SUMMER JOBS Waterfront fobs WSl Summer Childrens Camps Northeast men and women who can teach children to smm, coach swim team, wate' ski (statom/tnckitoareloot). soil inboard motors, beautiful poor and takes Good salary room and board, tiavet allowance Men can or write Camp W.nadu. 5 Glen Lane. Mamaronedt NY IOS43. (914) 381 6983. Woman call or write Camp Vega. PO Bos 1771. Du.bury MA 02332. (617)934-6636 We wi« be on campus 2/1/93 horn 11 -4 m the EMU rooms Cedar A and B SUMMER JOBS Counsetorvsuppoti ttalt-duldrans carnpv northeast top salary rmAxHaondry, travel aSowance Musi have skill m one ol the loAowmg activities archery, baseban. basketball tkcyckng. crafts, dance, drama, drums fencing, held hockey, loottjak. poll, guitar gymnastics, hockey, horseback ndmghuni seat, (uggkng. karate, ta Crosse. nsSure photography, piano, rocketry, roherhiarting ropes, sau boardng. s»hng. scuba, leoms. track, water ski, weights wood Support stall kitchen steward work ers bakers, cooks bus drivers, maintenance nurses, secretaries Men cat or write Camp Wmadu 5 Glen Lana Mamaroneck NY. 10543 (914) 381-5983 Woman can or write Camp Vega. PO Bos 1771. Quktxr'y MA 02332. (617) 934-6536 W* mu be on campus 2/1793 from 11 4 m the f MU rooms Cedar A and 8 ANNOUNCING Resident Assistant Positions tor 1993-1994! 7 The University Housing Office is now accepting applications tor the position ot Resident Assistant tn the U ot O residence halls tor the 1993-94 academic year In order to be considered an eligible applicant, you must be ot Junior class standing by Fall term 1993. & have a cumulative GPA ot 2 5 or higher. You must also attend one ot the tot lowing mandatory orientation sessions Tues. Jan 26. Catson Gold Rm. 7-8 30PM Wed. Jan 27. Ramey Rm. 4-5 30PM (Hamilton Cafeteria) Wed, Feb 3, University Inn. 7-6 30PM (Living Room, 1st Fir) UTMv«f**y Hoo» Owpon i» an E Ot AA *\»J*wt*xi comm»n#d k> c uturat dMKHy GIUE ME FIUE! Run your “FOR SALE” ad (items under $500) for 5 days. If the item(s) doesn't sell, call us at 346-4343 and we'll run your ad again for another 5 days FREE! Private Party Ads Only . No Refunds/Credits