Student Health Center offers many free workshops By Sarah Clark t mei.eil Hr | «,<«** Graduate student |min Thorne had heen steadily gaining weight sun e she W.IS il teenager I -Tust rated with her situnlion. sin* mi rolled f.ill term in lli<’ l'Diversity Sludmil llmilth Outer's weight management workshop, whore students primarily women .malv/e why they have hnd trouble controlling their weight. Ihe weight management workshop is one of several free workshops run through the health center (filler work shops this term in< hide smoking cess.i lion, vegetarianism, adult ( t’K l ertifir i lion and another weight workshop ton < (•rmng women'', weigh! and Ikmu irti age Room is Mill available in main of this term's workshops. I rank said Slndenis i an ( all I4li 44M> to register Sohjeils lor the workshops are soils I ed based on sludonl iiijinl a! the heallll ( enter, said health etlmator Joanne Frank It's what we sec students wanting I rank said Similar workshops will lie offered spring term, she said There isn't nint h railing from stu dents for anything different." I rank said II I heard from students that tliev want something else. t hat'd be great I in- vegetarianism workshop turned out to be so popular ibis term ibi* bun lib i i*ni«‘f started .molbi'r one, which also filled up. Students arc interested in vegetarian ism for more Ilian health reasons, said |.;in K.ilr.i a gradualc teaching fellms nutrition c ounsellor who runs the vege tarianism and weight management work shops A lot o! the vegetarianism is bec ause of tl . iwQruness d environmental prob leins and world economic and hunger piolilems. Katra said Students who parlic Spate in the weight m.inagemeiil workshop are often strug gling lo gel control over other parts of their lives, such as s< hool and loneli ness. Tatra said. Most workshops are limited to 12-1T> people in order to allow the group to him tmn better. I rank said lo.rnne van Dwk. who is enrolled in the weight management workshop, said she likes the support the group offers You don't leel veni re all alone,'' she said Thorne who took the workshop fall term, said she's taking it again hei attse she tumid it si i helpful •» I graduated last spring and registered for graduate < lasses just so I could take the workshop.' I home said Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 itefore 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! ENJOY A FREE FAMOUS STAR® HAMBURGER CarTsJt Place a minimum $6 or 3-day ad at our student or regular rate in person. Room 300 E MU, and we will give you a certificate for a FREE FAMOUS' STAR HAMBURGER, courtesy of CARL'S JR. Remember, you must pay for the ad in person (Rm 300 F MU only) before you receive the certificate If you have any questions, call one of our classified salespeo ple for details at 346-4343. Only private party ads quali fy. No refunds or credits with this promotion. Certificates are limited... so place your ad today! 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS C'oirot* see wb) our house is more like it home. Sigma Kappa informational meeting Jan. 25, 7:30pm Haw cutUat I UehNe ( ole, Mush l hitirpmod 4M4I3J7 ATTENTION GREEKS* I’, . Hon* » ,i • 1 ur new 0f\ • • ; .»y Otfcff ■■ •* t*rf' - ,f«* ,■ ' A-. • .-■*••. A.i '» .» A „v« .144 <• .’tat’ Congratulation* to lh« r*#w k m • oft*«:<*»» Pi »«.** V* nt A * <>« G A>VSU|5‘>? Rif I- .? A'y {_» VP Ai>’ .i' K.tMjnH VP » :«.* * A , Ci VP OeVf^JpP r-:1 t> .i .» f V»* PuJ»- N< a* a At* « Y V.- • !-t4 f ? M. . , A-.' M< •'!* ■ ! :I M * «*<* K H,,\' • ' , M 1 . t‘ K W.-'k ■- i HO A !■ • *.!* .sf . *• M : N- •• I Afi.ti.v 5LH • ,». f fin R M M , H As.! 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ItfHSA 2io HELP WANTEO C ru i*r»h »p A las ha t>S1200 SSOO Summ#-' C&M'f' (n>. - .’ t •* '• 'h Resident Assistant Univt*' vty Houvig is «* .$o #?pt:-ng apphcjltKrtS tor th# pen ? - n g* R«-v4' Dejjyj- «• M fee 8th 1993 In o'dei to Us cons! !*»•' • *93 A *-;ive a . ..** .»!■** (if1 A of ? 6 or PveaM* ****• jui display ild 1 •* fTKXe M. •• lift- *, F«t> * O* C4$:! UJVwwtWty K . - uj a! 348-42/7 Uf'vf'v'y H ■ UT'Vfr' wty ' (>«gon •% a EOf AA ^SWtfbon comm'tioO to Cultural 210 HELP WANTEO 210 HELP WANTED Cruise line entry ■••n boarci-iandS’dc portions avj> sufrwwyea' round 310-281 5912 Earn cash ■ r j enveK>pes at *>< •• ♦> A i mate* a-*> provided Send SASF to PO (k-i *<>43, Sp»‘ngf»ekJ. MO 88801 Great Student Jobs! Set y * ; v ?*.«dule mm wage ” s-. .«• paid weekly Ca»i Oregon Jobless Fouiviatjon at ’48 1436 SUMME R JOBS Tenms .lobs Summer children# . .imps northeast rn#n and womer w»th g od tennis Uv.kground who can ’mu h t.h.»dren to play !#r»o«s Good ■aa'y room and board. trave .i-'owar • *• Women call or wMe 13amp Vega PO Bo* 1771. Duifjory MA O. * 17) Me- . .1 , • w43 <‘4 38i * ‘>83 We w be on i ^pus . ’ *43 '• * ' 4 n the E Mr i..-**»•> Cedar A and B SUMMFFtJOBS Wate'T'.'v* jobs WSl ‘ ! '*• kVeas Camps Northeast m«- and A .1 s. • • o r Mamar • N * ‘054 • J! 4 ‘vn ’ 698.3 Wofiw' . a a '«■ * • i . • >a PO Bo* ’771 Do»fxj?y MA . i (. jh1 ' * *4 <»s •* We w le ■ .f’p. -i . 1*93 ’ • ‘ : 4 • *' <- t MU. r< 1 'edar A and B SUMMCR JOBS (a t\ \wt V M4m Cb-kjfef s .impsbrvo^tneasi top •*» u’y. tKi'ii. g aclfvVeSk .vcf'rtry baM&atf, t>ttk0i txwd^g. Vi-' "g acuC-a f«nms, ?'<*.* + !> *OC*j SuppO/t •,*,!?? • 1 *tr*wIP'S ! .!#*•• • coo** bos drivers m&r'.& cxrm **-'f’u'*-'. Me<- i • *'v Ur ■ L A ' ado t> G*( l .»• r M.t” iv NY v.-M ' 9?4 v.( ■ • ini A -A- *r i ‘p I’- b * !/’■ Dull' 'f MA ■ f * * ? * J4-6S36 Ar a t w* .imp.*, : ’ V ' " . m n 4 '♦ I» [ Mi room* (.wcia* A and fi 210 HELP WANTED ANNOUNCING Resident Assistant Positions (or 1993-1994! The University Housing CMtice s n< * accepting appticatu • s to' , the position ot Resident Assistant m the U ot O residence hues tor the '993 94 academic year. In order to be considered an •• gitue applicant, you must be ot Junior class standing by Fall term 1993, A have a cumulative GPA o' 2 S or higher You must a so attend one ot the t- 'lowing mandatory orientation sessions Tues. Jan 26. Car*, n Go a Rm 7-8 30PM Wed, Jan 27. Ramey Rm. 4-5 30PM •Ha" tort Cafe-tor a Wed, Fet 3. University inn, 7-8 30PM 'Living Ri m *st FI' eevtmg UAtawsi'y or Owgpn a S' t Of aa nstauton comnwi*) to ;miu.-»i OWVty j