STUDIO Continued from Page 1 tw lurv student. said he spends afiout in hours ,i week in ilu> studio »ml~"wouldn't be* surprised i! that's .1 conservative estimate Roth said his Six I,d life did not extend inui h farther than his studio "Your personal life is architei turn. Roth said It s definitely a lifestyle I'o he an ar< hitet lure student you have to love it If you don t love it. it \vill tie living hell. Peter Keyes, an assistant art hit*** tore professor, said he agrees w itli Roth "They're not in it for money I hey re not in il for power. They 're not in it l»‘i arise it s e.isy fie said. I'rse only reason to do i! is hei ause you love it." Kotfi said his core group of friends shift along with the people lie's in studio with "Hot ause we spend so inui h tune ill the si liool. our friends are there, not at home." Roth said It almost (eels like high school again, of course there's definitely not a high school mentality hut people are really i lose inside the si liool It s a school within .1 si liool Shew* zvk agreed that the studio creates an en vironment in yvhi* h to build close triends, hut not without the cost of other friends "You really lose a certain percentage of your friends," Shew* /yk said "A lot ot mv friends have given up on asking me to go out Not only is time investment .111 architecture stu dent tribulation, hut the often tedious details ot architec tore work < ause frustrations as well, Roth said. "Its so much yvork. and it s never per let t Them's always another step you can take to your design." Roth said "You can never say it's fin ished. and you can never explore enough posse bilities As you're working you 1 reate or realize other problems.” Studios are required two terms out of the year and can only lie taken on a pass no-pass liasis. so as to discourage competition among aspiring ar chitect* Roth said Roth s.m) most students strive to tie thi fiest ,ir • h111*1 ts they < .111 he. which IS keeps their t ompetitiseness t distant Instructor and i lass mute approval, instead of a grade, is the onU feedbai k students i;el on their designs The stiff < ompwtition is ithin the si hoof mas 1» just as Steep as the competition for iduussion to till1 school Mike Clark, an architecture administration as sistant. said 144 jieople applied to the an hitet tore program last sear anti 121> acre admitted f ights si\ students a. mails armed lot the Inst das of i lasses After the first sear, about eight ' • 10 students usually drop out of the- program. ( ark said Keyes said tin- mam reason lor a has me. a graded < lass is so the students ante t so ■ oinpete live that tiles have to do all their work a! home and miss getting input from their i onstituents Sometimes other people s insights i an lie sers helpful in terms of refining voui own thinking Keyes sail! I lies dot! I need grades to keep them motivated Anyone is ho takes art hi in tun- is pret Is self-motivated It-, not an eass ssas to i cast through i ollege Both Roth and Shessi/sk spun- ' an ohs urns purpose, pride and respei I for ireativits in their ss ork Architecture has nothin.; to do ssith draltiug It has to do isith i realise and energotii problem solving capatiilities, Roth said 'lou tcisi- to generate new ideas and still re spond to the needs of (lie holding. Roth said \ building ss i til no sv 11 a loss s loesii'l id dies tin park .ii ross the street, or having to walk lise flights of stairs to gel to the i ops mat hllie doesn I address the needs of tin- people in the building Shesvi /sk said in his ssork he aims to think be solid Ins oss n i rt-ativits and into the needs ol oth ers I would hope I’m responsible to the world and outside more than thinking about myself, he said "In ms designs I svould trs to incorporate our soi lets and our world r ThursdaTfeb. 11 H: 10 I ooi sflUiJX) Show A Ik:ket% hi *«ik? Now! (Ht U'tk / Vetfuti < ui «kii «| WwM / ( I «•«•« Mhf Imudt I Hive c 4 k^Hih / f«M*‘ Um* Hulk (M M M » <« V Hi»m«i An t/Hli Cultural forum Production GENTLEMAN'S ENCORE Quilify 3«vi<* ::j!hng # b* «i himi th»» f**f Two v*ry •nthu«u«»bc thumb* up “ [FliMing r MilD OVIH! MighIJy S 1»J) » *0 ’I * . • . WONDERFUL! Y HUMOROUS1' ONE WrtK OMLVt Nightly 7 30 Sitn M.t 3 •fowl III I l ANT) l>l I »*l > MOV INC." Tali Of V’Hiniiiimi i » I I M N ) J r<. ■ ■r.Miivr.. T.T-im r.-it t. r ., ■■ INI IASI . . ni nit Mv )l IK ANS! Ni|*ilf I1)J ' DAMIUUVI 1 VVIS AM »A£K av DEMAND' Miffctly »» 49 RESERVOIR DOtS l