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A Street J Springfield O SiUi /aW/> *%d *f**. u j PERMS J customized lor your hcvr lyp# .'*<**• \ v , «• >29.95 LOOP RODS-SPIRALS ivll Ifyl* Starting a! b39.95 HAIRCUTS Olfpf good with Rich *55 00 8.00 Illusions • 345-1810 ft***-- '.jhm&h !*•* *.-*>• Ocunvtfi Ui 4 i 4 ‘H.r »Vw GoocJ through January 28 1992 TRIBUTE Continued from P,i je 3 had an impact on me Bee a use of fns f.ui111iciritv with the musii Hiatt said when the idea of .1 tribute show was brought up. it didn't take long to put together a set of Vaughan's musii "It s rikw ai d no ' ■ , a r.e of all the aspei is of Stevie Kav and his musii are all the things l\e aspired to sinew I »ns a kid Hiatt said "He played a Strati* aster, and I just happen to p!n\ a l ender Strut™ aster guitar The mooes aspec t or the touring with the thing never go! talked about It was pist 'wouldn’t it he cool' and all you'd ■ . O w.e Ills! : t, I \ ! ■ wii.lt But the touring has been i onung about fast (.old Shot, based m Missoula. Mont is i urrenllv finishing a tour that started m Idaho and has taken them through California, with a week long stop ill the Bus Area \lter a swing through Oregon Washington and Utah, the hand will head for Minnesota That’ part's he. n i Q1 real last." I halt said W e re not budding .1 solitary persona like Stevie Ka\ did user years and years of tour ing You're basically taking advantage of the fac t that he's a well-known figure Hiatt said the tribute show has gained Cold Shot cjulc k access to c lulls that took a lot of time for other hands he's liecn in. But he seems to lie ke eping it in perspei live We know there's a c oiling to all this, he said "When the Beatles set out to conquer the world. the\ knew there’ wee- no limits Unlike that, this definitely has a c eiling Despite that fart Hiatt said the responsibility of putting on a show that is a tribute to someone else s work is not lost The main thing we talked about was that it had to bo legitimate Hiatt said If it was too forced it wouldn’t go over it's not like Elvis where \ou ran throw on a white jumpsuit, do a rouple of karate moves and curl your lip We had to feel good about this or we weren't going to do it So far, it’s In en a good fooling (add Shot bass player Markus Hart said the respei t the band has for Vaughan is an inspira tion for ex erx slioxx We put ill a lot ol effort to live up to Stevie's name and (Vaughan's band) Double Trouble.'' he It's bo* n a lot of work, but it's.fun to do the show Iwi ause people know what to expei t I bex expert to hear good old-fashioned blues I put in 200 pen ent for these shows bemuse it's the type of slioxx you need to do jtislu e Drummer Mike Voting, who grew up xxitli Hiatt in Livingston. Mont . said he gave up a construe lion job to join the hand liecause the idea of play ing Vaughan's music piqued Ins interest "Stevie is not just three-c hord basic blues." he said It's m between that and Hendrix Crowds have responded xv ■ • 11 to the show so far Hiatt said "Everybody's got their storx." lie said There was a couple that was in tears bec ause thex got married about the- same dax that (Vaughan) had Ins wedding, and thex remember where they were xvhen he died Su far it's all been real positive There's been no negatives." Hiatt said. "Of course there's still the teal iit ever plax illg l ex is " BODY Continued from Pag*- 3 I octane i him ex of had I t hiw c In hex If Ihi\ the cast's overdone at t:or Uli Kdel's loo-intense (linn ting tide I shoots his stars in con slant i lose up .is il he\ direct ing lor an audience of dermatol ogists And the courtroom's got that film noir 1940s alwavs s m ok in look Unfortunately, this is the 1990s and I del s for gotten (Ireguns ( lean Air Act I del rapes a i lassii cinematii genre, turning film noir into film-NOI Madonna leads the team ol had players She makes a* Oscar-grnh in even scene, her face registering only two condi lions agonizingly sad or agoniz. ingly happy She's either in le.irs or in orgasm-Neither con dition is yery pretty Nor con vincing. A lot h.is been made about Body's picturesque Portland m enerv Portlandia. Washington Park and Pittoi k Mansion Yeah, eai h sight is pretty for the tew seconds it's shown, hut save the $5.50 admission price lor vmir own road trip Never pay for hi a movie what you t an get from on .1 posti ard A local video store has a spe i ial sta tion called " The Turkey Shelf" lor flicks so had that there's no charge for rental I know that at this very moment 1 lerks are dusting oil a spat e lor this film In lieu of i remation this yyould seem the proper her nd lor liodv < d Evident e sivrcsiAK vn o VIDEO RENTAL of oqual or ton or valoo •*>' •• cot-'po’W V»lKI •**»*' «-•* !>»•■«•* £»*«••• 1888 Franklin Blvd. trwxl to 7-{to von on Wont Open 10am to 11pm * 344-2691 * GOt •• - £ W PioSriS i mm 1 The Finest Chinese end A mencen Food Convenient, Quick LUNCHES ■ Orders to go 343-4480 1225 ALDER 345-2434 ^lUe CrAfU Cuitu/ial tyosium. p.si&Lesiti... (Cumene. <1 jf+teAt P&ycitatyiuthi^biboo. estAemble.) ...appearing with... mm m&mmem (Noait MoaU*id, neut ali-eleci/uc band!) EMU Fir Room - 8:00 P.M. Saturday, January 25rd.