Oregon Daily FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1993 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 94, ISSUE 86 Loud and clear... in the EMU am a am m . jLmmm ^ &y C>y4*n Coottwr S/e.‘ve Wooc/waff/, music director tor KWVA. performs during his weekly radio show that can be hoard on the air in the EMU Fishbowl and Recreation Center K\A/VA operates six hours every weekday and is hoping to go on the regular airwaves in the spring IFC denies EMU request j Incidental Fee Committee says surplus funds won't be shared with student union By Chester Allen F fT't’f .jid RoporUH Hie Incidental hr Committee will mil grant .in I Ml' spci 1.11 retpiest lor $ t'MHMl nt additmmd (1111111111'. because the I Ml won't follow budget guidelines set by last years If f ,111 KMC board imnnlier ■..iid I'hursdny llio I Ml needs thf 5 ot 1 ini 1 to fund nine student ami four graduate te.u hing follow [msitions m tin- I Ml replai o 1111 Milo pi,unround equipment it Vi11<1 rmt't" at guidelines "Wh ({ou t know wilt'll We ll llUVe till* $118,00(1 in oyer realized fees. hill wo i in't spend tho nioni'i until wo have it Halderas s.ml Wo also wml llto I Ml to work in the lies! interest o' students not I.Ml' management I o.ldors ot programs .llli'l tod by tho II ( s dot isiotl sun! they II Mihiiut now requests or Irv to r.iisu tho noodod mono', on their own Dennis Reynolds KMl' child i .iro on ordiniitor, said playground oqinjiinont at Moss ( hdd ( are i outer is outre than .til years old and must ho replai oil for safe ly and regulators reasons I ho playground strut tore lias roai hod tho point whore it < an l lie pale,hod to cthoi illy more Koynolds .aid Wo had hoped tin- over atalized luntls i mild help us replace it. ospot tally suite our reserve at count ssas cut hv tho il l last year " I'ho lit will consider paying tor now playground equipment d the i hdd t are program can't raise the money. Masai said Sandy Vaughn, director of (Huh Sports, said the hotkey team would try to raise the money for goalie's safely equipment on its own or try to slroh h out its use lor another year t.ruhe said the II ( s de< isinu will fort o tho I.Ml to rod in e student employ iT'.' work hours and stop filling yaiaut jolts Architecture students live to work j Students say total devotion is a must to finish the program By Mandy Baucum Emeralo Reporter Plants, photographs ,u„j ,lrt work decorate the walls of an architecture student s home the studio So mtu h time is spent ill the studio, students tr\ to personal ize the place where thus spend most of their waking hours The Inals of archittx tore stu d&nts tiiH\ often go unnoticed m the hubbub ol university ui tjvity Their lives in.iv scorn re I lusive to some, hut the stu dents' ideas and creativity loom as large as tall buildings in the confines of Lawrence Hall, h onto of the architect u re si hoot. Kob Roth, a sophomore in the architecture school, said there are ups and downs of being an architecture student f irst and foremost, total devotion to ar chitecture is necessary for any out* interested in tin* field "An *iri hitei lurt* student Toil bodies everything archilet,lure is,'' lif said Other things in lift* don't matter anymore Anv sort of life oulsidf ot art hitei turn is basil .illy null. Some people have a really hard time with it Some adapt to living in the architecture building Studios meet for four hours three times a week, hut til nth more time is usual!) spent hris Shewt zvk. a third-year art.hi Turn to STUDIO Page S J'tKrtO tJy Dav«) Nj" Sophomore architecture student Rob Roth said the only reason to study architecture is if you love It. WEATHER Alternating i louds ami sun shine throughout the dav Highs real hmg the upper 40s Today in History Todas in 1973. in its Roe vs Wade dei ision, the l' S Supreme Court legalized abor lions for the first su months of pregnam v. ruling states could not prohibit abortions during the first trimester OCA FILES NEW INITATIVES PORTLAND |AP| - The Oregon Citizen". Ailiam <• has completed filing loi al antigay rights initiatives for cities and eight counties. (X!A direr tor Lon Mahon said Thursday The initiatives would deny minority status (or homosexuals and would prohibit the use of local governments funds to promote or express approval for homosexuality. Lot al officials in some < ities targeted bv the OCA already are expressing their disapnnv al of the organization s drive I don t like them coming in here and telling us what to do," Hermiston Mayor Frank Harkenrider said _SPORTS STANFORD, (laltf. (AP) - Stanford has reported an NCAA rules violation committed by football1 oat h Bill Walsh while on a rw noting visit in Corine* ticut Following a visit to the home of 245-pound limbai ker Adam Salma, comments made b\ Walsh about the player appeared in the \>w Britain (Conn i Herald. A< 1 oraing to NCAA rules, athletic department staff im-mtiers may not evaluate or rate a pmspec t for sc outing servo es or tin* media before the player signs a letter of intent The NCAA has yet to rule on the < ase involving Salma, hut v hool officlals expe< t he willbe allowed to sign with the Cardinal if he chooses