DANCING! SPECIALS! Every Night of the Week! * A / / / A / 10 p in. to 2:30 a.m *21 & over onl> 6(lido S • 13th dfc Alder Study in China at the Beijing Intensive Language Program, Central Institute for Nationalities t he deadline for submitting an application is... March 1, 1993 I or information on program requirements and application procedures, contact the Office of International Kducation and Kxchanue. 330 Oregon Hall, or call 340-3207 Oregon Daily Emerald Spot Women go after first Pao-10 win at home By Steve Mims Emerald Spoils RepwliK ___ Thr Orison women s Iwskotball team will 1m* looking tor its tirsi I>.„ . to ( onlerem e vjr Inrv of tli<> season Itns weekend when the Dili ks jjlav the Washington si hoots at Mi Arthur ( <>urt Oregon (0 4 I *) enters tonight’s game against Washington State with a five game losing streak the last tour against I’ai in tin's ! tie t)ui ks will move on to tai e Washington on Saturitav night We’ve now real tied the point w here our ha I ks are to the wall. Items ',1111 We fee I we have to win Itolh games this weekend to still have a i ham •• of finishing in the top half of the i onferem e rai e Washington State !1 - > 7| has lost sis of its last seven games, 'the only win im tong oven the Huskies 75 72 in overtime Junior (.aindle Thompson leads the Cougars aneimi offense with 15 •» points per game \\ aslnngton State is Iasi in the i onlerent e in si or mg offense m l 2 ppg ) held goal pen entage f:tH 1"..). and turnover margin (-2.5) Washington was ,i national power in women's basketball until Iasi vear vv heii the team missed the N< A \ I ournamcn! for the hrst time III eight Years The Huskies (1-2. tel.) are led by sophomore i eider Rhonda Smith with 1H I. points and 7 5 rebounds per game Laura Moore is averaging 14 2 points per game, and leads the Pat 10 m tree throw pen entage at '12 7 pen ent Deiibu Spon II li is ha I k for flu- Dm ks after men dining a foot in pirv that (on ed her to miss seven games, hut in tier absem e c enter Sara Wilson has unproved tier ploy Wilson ranks third in the 1 a< 111 m field goal penentagn (5t..H%) seventh ill rebounding (. Hh tenth m si oring (14 I) and tenth m fre.> throw pen entage (74 1%). DEVELOP & PRINT • 3” PRINTS I I ■ 97 36 exp *6*2 2nd* set coupon must accompany uruer. ■ CAMPUS 1 HR PHOTO ■ 1231 ALDER • 683-4693 -*• JmBm H H .if ■ t« 4< •> ^ ‘V ■v! 'v 41 'M »w Aiiii *y «-v y i».v ii >v Rj.y.y.y. . #1 National Bestseller in H UNIVERSITY I'he ultimate self help book anambitu >us *< >rk thiU rruikes a significant contribution to the universal theme of the interpUty between the individual and society." U>s Angeles Times For two decades, Gloria Steinem has led a social revolution against injustice. In Revolution from Within, she sets out to restore the self-authority that such injustice has under mined-in men as well as women, across boundaries of race, class, age, sexuality, and ability, using stories from her own life and the lives of others. As she writes: 'There is always one true inner voice. Trust it." Paperback 11.95 MWl 'I Ul 11 u-rr’rw? 'S *?HH.IH£ Sg The'l National Bestseller A Book of Self-Esteem REVOLUTION FROM WITHIN With a New AdenMvd by the Author Tearn goes north for two games The Oregon men's basket - boll team will !»■ looking for its first I’m iti( It) ( onleretH e win this weekend in Wash ington Tho I)in ks w ill he attempt ing to end .1 la-game. I’m Id m.id losing streak that date* hot k to 1990 01 This weekend, the Din ks will have as good an oppor tunity as they w ill have all year, when the\ matt h lip with t <»-1’.11 -10 i.filar-dwell ers: Washington State and Washington Oregon will fait1 the Cou gars tonight in a game to de termine which team will hold sole possession td last place in the conference The ( oiigars are 0-3 and f>-(> oil the season, and the Dili ks are 0 4 and 7-9 W o s h i n g t o n (1 - 2 . 7 - 5 ! poses more ol a threat inside with a front line of three starters over 0 loot K GENTLEMAN’S ENCORE Quality Resale Clothing lor Men and Women ol Discriminating Taste 1111 WHIAKETTE • 343-4179 L Campu SUBSHOP -'ura 1225 ALDER 345-2434 MCAT GMAT l.ast Chance For Your BEST Chance! Kaplans Prep Courses have helped more students than all other courses combined! GMAT class begins Jan. 20 MCAT class begins Jan. 30 Call 345-4420 KAPLAN The answer lo the lest question