Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS ATTENTION OREtKS* fan Tner • -* ■ ■ ' {*4y • Onto* * r.-?' •• r ■ j k) Uvfi Ar. f- vf*'. Wa", K.- ;*• a'vj AsiOf.i^w 344 EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS Call 346-4343 A IA DflTA TAU DflTA U ' " ;s RUSH I !V (.’? a*! .144 /mo A t A KA CONOR A TUI AT IONS TO OUR Nt WIST Mf MO I MS' A1 A AT A I tad A B Kewstefi B Con 0 l M Cfv«#r S DdfViiv* S Kr-.flli M t .«rxj« « t r-y M A,w M K( v' • r P K*t«y 0 Summe* B M y , Ar ? «• # Vwon L l ove Vch* M<» WINTfRRUSM Thuis ?1 »i Op«n Hu*R f , ■. ;>?Ad Open Hu si’ 6prn Siffl • 4tfi fVunih liar* *A * ;’Mh li'my” IU' ( |k»r M 14.‘ HS90 k • <*H.i - Theda Chi Ru*h Drnnw end Ceeino N*ghl Thursday Jen ' a! I vevyvme W«Hr.orf>«* 1 li**> l ‘ ?' U‘. 461.1 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS A TTf.WnON GRf f KS' Them '•> ;» Mr* <»v.» .>£'•• r*ery T;*n Atnd !*>vf if / 'Opr*1 M~- V4? OOW T BE DUPED* «f «*1 Dalmatian Milyard and 164h C»H 3U-&4M f OUNO - v jp . * ! * * ' ring *n (Ptacanmrrt and Ptmmng ut- .ms 115 TYPING SERVICES piitiiiauaftiuti j Typmy word pracattmg ’*< dou ' bto-tpacad l«v»< pay* 24 hr turn •round Ftp* campu* pK.4 upcJel lM3 344-4510 OUAIJTY Wf >tch P*f .* l.N\|V cj • >*** uv* v»j m-.M 60S E. 13th A*544 0/5« ROBIN GWAOSCMOOl APRROVf 0 . v •' f-w : *.* ‘ .» * FI 1 INCi fINOFRS typing iu* « •-v • > ? >'' ^ ^ j j * j Th4»4#4 Di%M>f1anon» on l jiiw « MO BOM PRO*! SSK>NAl TYPING J -’- * 4.* ’X* •■'P■• t #..?* ’ ft1-*."' 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C4n tW-w 34 V 503V 135 BUY Ofi TRADE <§ .*> % CASH FOR LEVI 501 JEANS up lo |10 A.ftO buyng dw C041V ttCkfltft Good !>♦**** j**< ii»*m A -t‘i a>v tor 0*iN Taev Fn SjM 11 3 m M»nro« 145 CARS TRUCKS 1964 C9**c» QT -»!♦* - v t> a*x3 out '*'■&> 6-6.000 rr„*»s SM>90 34? ^45 78 iS5 BICYCLES Mot* 21 12 »p«*<* *^t new %**> o liav* 346 97b8 i65 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Apple tmegewriter H ok. cond 4r« n* S?Sl'. <■« rnu»f 5 by 2/3093 342 6028 ienr. lw l «•« meakrtpe Peneeonk KXW-900 Word Proce* eor «w ecteekory kit . like new, $250 Cell M^TUI Printer* - SUv 9 (>• tA o» e*tfii5 $100 MPS 801 ( t>4 and make >44 b^99Ml meg i to SOUND SYSTEMS CASH!" A** t*.* vr»' iVh1 VMS VCH't &*l stereo* Thompson f leCfrone* 112? i i.ifc 343 92/3 Peneeonk Stereo System $M‘ v 4hf tot r 3 175 INSTRUMENTS 20 /ildjtan • r*k: »r gre-ai «*K.-xl. $*4‘ odO C# ««<•* Spm /4/ 64*'' SKI EQUIPMENT BHxjJttd Thermo RS * Satoman 96?R, $i/S r :sc'h«* Vactum Tcf-. Si .'./iLf MUR S..Y* M.»r 4ft*> • :j 185 BOOKS REFUNDS! Last Day is Jan 23,a for book refunds for winter term. Bring In receipt, ID, & books for speedy service! uMvinsm <+/f fm- Uti +J* van rrancuco Las Angelos Male# .<•> London fads Frank furl Tokro SvdiMT $100' CALL! sue $••• ■ $•«** $>oo* SOM* >< Mr' —•« * •"* ' <• lk»- «M (M%l ' -»*v •» <*<• «* “-»*>• *••« *«* 0 m fca»* «••)'<1 w» •« ■** >•• Council Travel m s w Mom* m #«■>, tv «»w. i. ' *v 'vox £ S L tnl l Students A F am*ty Ou»dt> f «p*orjifK>o%T*atufc Studies Oegon A- s/ona Mousing A meals provided t-3 wt»t* sessions yea/ fOuOd l AN 4801. t ^da _ Senate Seats open . advia* .rnd •’- I *- '' l ' I . t M-! S’.. Jr -’ Senate ‘ AA1 (H 2ia HELP WANTED Cr u)*e»hip Ala%ka t tv $ ’ 1 ‘CO $ ‘.“OCX/ Summv Ctt# «*<*>■ God** C&sseiic* Ne*».%e»v* **-' ’* '• 6 *.. ’ f *' ‘ V 210 HELP WANTED SUMMER JOBS T«mvt Jofca cN*3r«*ns ca^ps '“-o'lDMtt! rn#n »"-'3 wot*’'*' *r”' good t#rr'4 background can !«M*C* C fNi*dr«n lo play '■*>’ n'S Good V> ary r.xim and bo*d kave1 aixmarcr Women a or *• tts Vega PO Bo« 177?. Ourtury MA --332 6'T 934-Bfv *6 Mf'- ca or *» •OO ”' *> Odar A ;*rd B GREEKS & CLUBS S1.000 AN HOUR Fach mem be' ol you' irat. sorority. team, club, etc, pitches m just one nour and your group can ra se S' .000 in just a few days' Plus a chance to earn S 1,000 for yourself! No cost No ot gat o' 1-800-932-0528, ext. 65 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS I hOu'S, up tO ?5/w* Great kv students' Apply m person West 11th Movietand, BOe Sen** a St Resident Assistant 1995-1994' Umvervty Mousing ;S now accepting application* tor the position of Resident Assistant tor 1993-94' Deadline Mon. Feb eth» 1993 In order to be considered an tH>g»b«e applicant most be of Junior class standing by f a» term ’993 4 have a cumulative GPA of 2 5 or h^ghe* Please see -ur dismay ad for more .nto Mon's A Fn's through f «b S»h) or call University Housing at 3464277 University Mousing. University of Oeyon is an EOf AA institution committed to cultural diversity SUMMER JOBS Counselor V support staff -childrens camps/norttieaflf top salary rmlxVlaundfy. travel a *».» " «• M . have skill in one of the t< •flowing activities archery. boset.» busketbA txcydmg. crafts, dance. drama, drums, fencing. hekj hockey foofbus" got’ gu r w t» Camp Wmadu ' Gfen i am* Mamaroneck NY, tOf>43 014) 36’ 19bJ Wen #«* .»■ ■ ** '*• i . Vega PO Bo. O-.t- y MA V"i *2 * ' / P>4 4.‘ •• We v. tv am pus ’ *93 'v •• 11 4 -r- in* t Mt rooms Cedar A and Ft The Sale That Gives New Meaning To The Word CLEARANCE! thru Jan 29 ANNUAL DUCK presented h\ Aclors C \iharrt X Vi hat's ffaftf>emn)( i At the February 26 performance of "Personals" TT Meel other singles, have a great time stay and party after the show1 Seating is limned Tdiets available on a fust come, first served basis, so place your Personal ad today' TT To get your T REE ticket ($10 value) come into the WH office and place your FREE Voice Personal ad Or hit out the classi tied form m What s Happening and mail it m BE SURE TO ASK FOR YOUR FREE SINGLES NIGHT TICKET ON THE FORM TT Deadline tor the Feb 4 issue is Friday. Jan 29, 2pm. tor the Feb 11 issue, deadline is Friday Feb 5 2pm You must be at least 18 years old to place a Voce Personal ad Call 484-0519 for more details. Place your FREE Voice Personal ad in ihe February 4 or 11 issue ol What s Happening and receive a FREE ticket to a special SINGLES NIGHT perfor mance of Actor s Cabaret s hilarious comedy. Personals