fwUNDERLAND - ' * A ■«•••» <*#*rt***! I 5CV(OCO GAMES SIti STREET PUBLIC MARKET 683-8464 r VIDEO ADVENTURE 1 kVAUlY RfVfR IH. A2A V ROSES '9.99*., W 1 lia(0 om Dtfc ky Preri***# C •i» » I OWI liS ANIX.II 1 S *r>. *4»J IMJ BACK TO SCHOOL SAVINGS F t ivrtts plus kwvn ct*n Mon Single *159 Double *189 Queen *209 MOCK BOO FUTON 686-5069 i: ?;> Ahkw CUSTOM PRINTED T-SHIRTS Lowest Ratesi COMMUNITY Council to consider site for homeless By Meg Dedolph Fmof.jirt Reporter Thv Kiigene Human Kinhts Commission unanimously apprtiviKl a proposal Tuesday nielli lo i.(instruct a designated area where homeless people < an park v«*hic lt*s and camp on a limited Iwisis The favored location for the area is in the Winter parking lot. near Aut/en Stadium The commission will present tins prnpos a I to the Incline City (loutn.il at the coun i d's (an l't meeting Acrording to Marion Mali olm. head of the ad lux • nmmittee that formulated the proposal, the site i ould !«• in operation ns soon as two weeks after the council's vote, should the proposal lx- ap proved The are.i will have a in pm ity of 1(1 units, Malcolm said, and is designed In provide a |>1»< e for homeless people to stay free from citations Kven though there are some provisions for homeless families in Eugene, the area will t>e available for families and single people Malcolm said that, except for the Eugene Mission, then1 are few resources for home less single pooplo and couples without < hil dren Malcolm said the area will not lie perma nent and will close May ’ll She said the proposal is being treated as an experiment, and will lx* followed by an evaluation of its success "This is not something that's going to solve the whole problem." Malcolm said. It's a community response to part of the problem According to the* proposal, people who wished to use the site would be asked to sign a contract stating that they understood the site rules, and would l>o asked to pav SI The suggested rules would Ih> ones that apply to most utmpgrctunds. Malcolm said, including prohibitions on drug and alcohol use, open fires, and a "quiet period ." The area would !>e equipped with a trailer to house a staff person hirer! by the city, who would have acc ess to a telephone for emergency calls. Malcolm said she hoped the c ouncil would approve tin* proposal, hut that the c ity would like some outside support, for example, from the county or from local bus inesses. Wist** has not yet been c ontacted regard ing the potential use ol their parking lot. hut Malc olm said she hopes Wistec w ill !>c able to help, especially since it is open on a lim ited basis X marks the spot — for message or money? By Sonia Sherwood Emerald Contributor A !*)•>« !-’HI memorandum unci' named Male uni X was an example of a dangerous "max stab" who mold unify and eler inf> lli** mililanl blac k na liunalisl movement. and c ailed fur the prevention of mm h a threat The name that onto made the f ill nervous is now being pur i baser). preshnink and Oi l essu ri/.ed Since Spike las' took over as direr tor of the film Hc/i ulni X I shirts, baseball fiats. ba< k pai ks. buttons and |il< kets cm fila/oneti vsitfi Mali olm s fait* or a definitive "X" have Ihsmi selling r\rr\ where Kddu* Nevm. n sales e lerk lor Dim J«m ki• \. a loi:nl c lothing sloro, said his first shipment of ahout til hats for SIH apiece sole! out within a week We got about nine Malcolm X T-shirts in," Nevm said I hose- and the Rod Hot ('hill Peppers shirts were the first to K° " Nevin said the more handise is popular witfi everyone from little kids to old folks It s the stylo right now," he said "Out of the nine buyers. I'd sa\ only one wasn't a white rapper w annabe " Wesley ( virpenter of Mr Rags said consumers initially failed to identify the "X" sytnlxil with Malcolm X. bul purchased it only for the look "Before the movie came out people just asked lor X' hats. Carpenter said "After tin* mov ie it was, Do you have any Malcolm X hats'' Spike Lee himself began the fad when he showed up at the Cannes Film Festival last year wearing a ja< ket with an ”X” atop an American flag and an "X" hat. At Spikes Joint. Fee's film paraphernalia shop in Many's in Atlanta. Fee markets Xwear at prices that range from $20 lor a hat to $55 for a jersey The merchandising of an idea has moved lievond pist Malcom X to Spike Fee himself Scott Lemon, a sales clerk for Mr RuKS. said other popular sellers are lints with insignias promot ing more Spike Lee movies such ns Do tin• Right Thing and Mo' Hotter [Hues Some T-shirts are ideological hybrids, showing Spike Lee's message "Do the right thing" alongside Malcolm X's "Bv any means necessary." So. does this consumer de mand signal a genuine Malcolm revival, or is it Spike Lee's in advertent, but highly effective, self- promotion'’ When consumers trade .$20 for .1 cap. is it really for Mal colm X’s message' Turn to MALCOLM. Page 5 TAKE AN ADDITIONAL the ticketed price of selected already riflUkkil women’s fashions and accessories. DESIGNER SPORTSWEAR • SPORTSWEAR DRESSES • COATS • LINGERIE • ACCESSORIES NO ADJUSTMENTS ON PRIOR PURCHASES. INTERMEDIATE MARKDOWNS MAY HAVE BEEN TAKEN CAMPUS -|iVM / EURO-ASIAN I AUTO REPAIR A S.E Certified Technician BOSCH AUTHORIZED SERVICE CLOSE TO CAMPUS ASIAN 1917 Franklin Blvd., Eugene 485-8226 Pass it on. (please) Help our successful recycling program on campus Dy putting tne Oregon Only tnrerXd Pack in its original rack wnen you ve finished reading it TWs win allow anotner person to read it and/or be easily picked up for recycling