STD clinic set to start The University Student Health Center will soon open an afternoon clinic to answer student questions about sexually trnnsmiltflW diseases, in an effort to increase student awareness about STDs. “We see a iot of STDs and a lot of people worried alwut STDs," said Judy Moffett, director of nursing. Moffett and two other health ( en ter nurses attended a workshop in Seattle last summer that trained them to deal with STDs through counseling, screening and treat ment. Preserving confidentiality was an important far tor in establishing the clinic. Moffett said. With this concern in mind, coun seling. screening and treatment will he grouped with cold and allergy care in Area C and will he available on weekday afternoons from 1 to 4 p in. in two weeks. The health center does not keep statistics on the number of STD cases it treats, but Moffett said cases of chlamydia and vaginal warts are the most common, with very few cases of gonorrhea, Moffett said the focus of the clin ic will Ini education I>«cause of the higli number of calls the health cen ter receives regarding STDs. Gerald Fleischli. the center's medical director, said the new ser vices will actually cut costs by re ferring students with these ques tions and needs to specially trained nurses instead of doctors. POLICE BEAT Hit' following mi idents wore reported to the ()ffi< •• of l‘ul>lu Safety anil the lugene Police department from |an 1 1 1H • A ih year-old man was tiled lari 1 t for disorderly inn dint The snspet t approat hod a University student s velut le whit h was stopped an interset lion on the 1 100 hlot k nl V Street, and ran into the passenger side door Me then rolled in front of the vehicle, lumped up and pointed something at the car I'lie driver said she thought he had a gtui It’ll arrested the man later after the vn tun identified him Tolu e didn't find a weapon on the man • A it year old University employee was cited Ian 1 ■ In: harassment and filing a false polite report Polite said the sus pet I tailed KI’I) and implicated a tel low University employee in .1 i firm’ Unit never cm furred • I'lvn I'mversiU students nne male .mil Ihe other female, were arrested tor theft anti fraudulent use of a i red it i ard fan If* I fie male sus|mm t allegedly stole the credit c ard from the purse i ■! a 1 huversity student I fie male suspec t tfieri gave tfie card to tfie female mihiih t who was arrested while Irving to make a puri hase with tfie c ard • K theft of $500 cash at the University mush building, 961 ! lHth Aie reportedly occurred sometime fietvveen |an It, lu The money was taken from a unlm ktid sale I fie mi a dent marks tfie fourth time this year the music building lias been burglarized LAW Continued from Page ? St hafor and .ir»* ol the 7.ri students enrolled m tln> mtmduitorv law i ourse at the tuw s< houl The i lass marks lint lirst tinu> sim e the late l*l7()s tile law si houl has offered sut h a broad based overview ol the Amern an legal system n. .imleiyt iju ite and non-law graduate students The two a redd, pass no pass t ourse breaks down into live two week sei lions Kai h set tion tot uses on a different area of law and is taught In a different mem tier ol the law sellout fai ulty Professor l aird Kirkpatrick who teui lies the i ourse now. as he did ill the 1970*. said he enjoys teat hing under graduates Us ause they bring a different pers|mi live than law students "Law students after a < erlam period of time in law s< llool. sometimes start at i opting the underlying premises of the law.'' lie said "Non law students are sometimes more willing to thallenge these underlying premises and ask. Why do we do it this way ’ Throughout the to week i ourse. stu dents learn about as pot ts of tort law (negligent ti). i ml pro* edure (him a lavs suit winds its ss as through i ourt). i rum mil hiss . i ontriii Is. c (institutional lass (hi i using on fijmil protet tton .mil dm' (irii ij'ssi .mil is >■ i.iss it... i-.ii:.; on tin* I I' ( ouumuui .itions Com mission) This is sort of .in inespensise to give Moplf .1 look' at lass m hool I.I l.iss si hool Doan Ihiso I or Were not ti'.u hing people to lax ome hawsers I hos To trying to domsstits tin* It'gill system, giving pooplu a souse of (loss judges reason and him the legal system ssorhs, he said I rohninnser, ss ho hei .line the lass si hool's dean a sear ago. said he wanted to integrate the si hool mure thoroughls svith the Cnisersity -. undergraduate ■ uinimunts We don't ssanl to tie perreised as an isolated huildmg on the northwest i:or ner of i ampus. lie said t rohnni.iser said the course is an up dated version ol an undergraduate i nurse tfie lass m hool offered during the 1970s T he si hool stiip(ied offering the c nurse sometime near the end ol the dei ade However, Krofinmayer. sslm t.mgfit at I ho law s» hi>ol from 1‘t'i to 1‘iMi said lilt’t ourso was very populai i hf dean proposed reinstating the i lass List sprint.;, during nuttings with l niversilv President Myles brand Allrr ret eivmg .1 proposal. t ?niv««rs11\ olhtials Oh il thf course. h mincing it with moiiev from the Strategn Plan I in plnmi’iitation I nrid With virtu,illy no publicity. thf i oursf i|tiii VIv Imtl its "t person limit We .1 lilt ot requests to keep a w.utiiiv; list, hut ue tie\fr tliti. ler n l.fimmm. I rohnmayer s evetutivf as We went strn tlv by Dm V ( all Wf had a lot ot disappointed seniors I hough seniors who didn't get 1,1,0 'he tours*1 are out til lot V, untler* lassmeu will have another shot at enrolling nest vear 1 lolmmavel sail! Ilf expel ts to otter the t ourse again nest tall Professor Caroline lorell. who te.H lies the torts ami t ivil prot eitme portions ot the t ourse, sanl she Is glad it s hat k on the st hoot's t turn tilum I think law should lie part ul a liberal arts film ation (f>*■< anse a 11Iwrtil arts edu cation) should provide a wide under standing of how sot ietv works. she said MOYER* THEATRES STUDENT NIGHTS MON WEO THUS $2 OFF ADULT ADMISSION WITH STUDENT ID AFTER 6 PM MOVIELAND j AT WEST 11th 80S SENECA ST . 342 4142 * TICJHTVVAD TUESDAY S-'-OO ALL SEATS t*ctrr SPictAi ENGAGEMENTS CAU TORUOHE iNTORUAnON BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL BRING THIS AD IN FOR $1.50 ADMISSION FOR ONE GOOO 1ST MAT1NI ( SHOW ONtY MOW THUH Ot M H GOOO THRU ? * OVA.OO/M UKIl-MH f IliKiiu'd L.,:lK,1Ji.,.;:i;l f rvg aa* m»« R R txi Q CD ALIVE (12 302505 10 ) 730 950 BODY OF EVIDENCE ( 1 45 3 45 5 45) 7 45 9 45 ALADDIN ( 1250 255 500) 705 9 10 R ! cn PC rxi 11 I ml R j OD ! 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