Wrestling duo puts coaches in an enviable position By Erick Studemcka Emerald Sports Reporter l.ven (hough Ony.on s top impound wrestler ( iiris |ensen. was ill Hu* filial of lh<* ()n.*gon ( l.issii wrestling tournament hist month, the Oregon coaching stall was indifferent to the outcome* of the match I he staff didn't e are ahout the final re stilt Iwc nose Jensen's opponent was Dm k teammate Kevin Roberts who hull also won his brae ket ol the tournament and had advaiu e Roberts t* nearly as mipres sive with Ins h i record Having two e a pahle wrestler* 111 one weight division is a dilemma I in lev doesn't mind I wish I had the same situation ill ev c‘l V weight c las I .nlev * ml V\ c* il do everything pnssihli* In give both as mam mate lie*, as possible I nilev saicl the starting dual meet Oregon wrestlers Chris Jensen (tight shirt) and Kevin Roberts have been jostling all season tor the top position In the 118 pound class V\ Testier al 11H pOUlltis. VVOIlId tn< (il'IlT mim'd Itirminii i linlletn'.e mail lies and tournament results A team ma\ unti l onh nlii1 wrestler m a dual iiiitI ur the I’atifie-M) ( nnfiTvrw i* but it in.n enter more than one in an open tournaineni I he two ha\e split their r huilenge nwti lies •-(» loosen. tor the time tk> 11j remains the starter on the strength of tns touritiirnent vi« tnr\ Moth wrt?stl**rs agree that the lormat for lietermtning the dual meet starter is fair "Fven if I hitv lilt' starter fur every dual meet but Ion! out on n spot in the I’ac 10 tournament, i! would bo fair lie i ause it would moan that Kovin peaked at the right time." Jensen said For Rntierls. the format keeps him in volved even when he isn't a starter I i mild sit oil the liendl all season, then beat Chris I wire and be in the I’m - 10 tournament and then hav e a chant e at the N(.AA tournament." Roberts said Until then. I ll !»*• in some open tourna ments involving other smaller schools Kolierls. a redshirt freshman from Spo kane. said some of Ins sui t ess could be attributed to what lie learned from for mer 118-pound Oregon teammate Dan Vidlnk. a three-time All-American Vidlak is now an assistant < oat h at I’ai il ic I Iniversitv 'Vidlak helped me make the transition from high school to college " Roberts said. "He was pretty helpful at teaching me some moves and techniques Jensen is a junior who transferred to Oregon after his former school, Notre [lame, dropped wrestling from its inter M.holastii athletic program Jensen, who is from Hoquiiim. Wash . was a heavily rei roiled high school senior alter i apttir ing three state titles and finishing Ins high school career with a l-t> 1 record Roberts admits a bit ol a rivalry exists between the two w restlers "It can be pretty intense at times KoIhtIs said, "but for the most part we get along FOR 30 YEARS. WEVE BEEN EXPORTING AMERICA'S MOST VALUABLE RESOURCE. I'he men and women of the Peace Corps Dedicated Volunteers who pul iheir valuable skills to work, helping people in developing countries live heller lives It's tough And it lakes more than just concern li lakes motivation. Commitment. And skills in any one of several important areas: education, math and science, health, business, agricul lure, the environment, community development, and more l-or M) years, being a Peace Corps Volunteer has been a chance lo stop dreaming about a better world and start doing something about it m KMitomu mm !’»• \( ► • OWN Ml! I ON I Mill N Jail ’0 :i IVMM \I M»N I\R| * Wc»i Jan *0 H W1 ‘ »*M t Ml HUSJ > I % I IONS • Mt>« lo (Jua)iI> f\**\ Ian l*i ' l* PM I Ml M«p«r Hit. • Icjkhinjt m S»cnj I e%**c Wed )a#t .*0 i: Mv I V)|»M l Ml Vkalmil Km IM>R\ l»Ws Infcntn** will Sr bcUl on i jntfHit ) cb 4 .V 4 l jll l irccj Scr%KC\ jt *4*> I. * *fi jpfuuntmrni n i r«r » iniKTu'iini ji i in., r \ I tt ' J DANCING! SPECIALS! Every Night of the Week! 10 p.m. to 2 U) a.in. *21 \ over only Guido's • 13th A: Alder