Oregon Daily Emerald Ex-Duck returns to Eugene after season with Broncos By Steve Mims f inofitid Sports eofxjfto* Though lit1 won't be men tinned in the same bo-nth as Ho luck son or Union Sanders vet, former Oregon two sport ath lete Muhammad Oliver is bar k in Fuigene to perfot t tos skills Till gene bei a me Oliver s adopted hometown when he transferred to Oregon from (ilend.de Junior Oolhtge in Art /oiiii in the foil ol 1 mm Oliver played iornerb.uk in football and i olnpeted in the dm ulldon in trar k lor the I)ui ks from 1 n‘Hl-92 l nltke most < olb'ge athletes Oliver's i areer ill luitii sport1, i ontmned to the mot lev el. The Denver Bronr os sells ted (Jliver m the ninth round of tIn* 1<)92 \l I Draft, .uni Oliver ovcr< .uni' the odds to make the team's opening-day roster Oli ver returned kickoffs for the Broncos during the preseason and got the starting job ill tin* beginning of the regular season, hut a knee injury iri the third game of the year pul Oliver ori injured reserve for the remain der of the season It was a frustrating year." Oliver said "As a rookie you have to yyait for your opportu nity to come My i ham e i nine 7 don’t really have a coach in Denver, so Eugene is the best place for me now.’ Muhammad Oliver. Denver Bronco mi in I teams and I was do ing well until th>- injury slopped «ec anse ! am a rookie and have nothing to sav about it I have faith that il we hire an assistant coach thev will know how I played. and it a nevy guv c nines in. I am i onfident 1 1 an impress (uni os well Oliver in hai k in Kugene tak ing ( lasses this term to receive his degree m sociology in tin1 spring Oliver finished eighth in the United States in the de cathlon lost \e.ir and in < urrent Iv training with the trai k team in hopes of improving his standing ! will train with the team and i ompete in same indoor meets this term." Oliver said "John Gillespie in ihv personal (oath here, and I don’t really have a conch in Denver, so Ku gene is the best plui e lor me now. Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work Bor You Tomorrow! CJL./\SSIK1K1> POUCIKS (<>p> Acceptance • IW ODi re\ci\ n the right In res ice. ret Unify, rrjee t or carter I any ad at any time • f’olitn jI adc arc payable m t>luur and mutt show clear endorsement, i c "I’aid for In iAdvertiser)" • A cample of all mail order item* mutt be submitted poor to iltc publication of the ad vert i fement • N. • adv crtmng for term paj* r tiles or editorial Meriting and/or research venting will tic • Die ODI Skill Ilia accept adc containing a I 90H phone number 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS AIA DELTA TAU DELTA A i - - • k MUSH For fc*f of artryvl C.u U *» -‘MO : J* WIN TEH MUSH Art) . - A V.- .1 «• M .«? N y • -•>” f- I'd Opnrn Rv,*h fcpm Scin ?4tr^ Brunei It urn M . * " n B* • [ C.v Hi.we fl . 14i? J&90 1 • j Th#ta Chi Ruth Dtnnw and Catmo Night Thu'tday Jan J>' »t \ V*W,' !' W**v, fifTlr 1 *. * f ' «'• Mf> 466' t’oinc see \sh) our hmisr is inort? like .1 home. Sigma Kappa informational meeting Jan. 25, 7:30pm Heave rumatt IMthkCak. 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Room 101 d46 3 /02 ASL>0 meshing 12 atudenla ’ USSA Cxu-.ftitt"'. * cJti?-ng Spf»- ,j | i Ui- ■•: .it A Si;( '■ Sv, If 4 1 MU Du# • . • A A \ Ot il.'v/MvXvI'XvXv.'vXvI'Mv'v $ u / r k < ii :|: th/s $ PA P h H 210 HELP WANTED POSITIONS AVAILABLE # 2, one year appointed positions available on the Student Health Insurance Committee Applications available in Suite 4, EMU. Deadline is Monday, January 25 so s 1993 Simoom O*- -itfiofi Si«*i SOS b * lor .1 good iJuderta' We .t'f - • r g f..-' ’4 erd earn 3 ~pper d-viv.Ki c*ed*t* n a ourse ap term Cv >Mt IO AN iN> (jWlf T ING TO LTARN MORI ABOUT THIS OPPORTUNITY 1/19 or 1/20, 7pm CEDARf _ 210 HELP WANTED CULTURAL FORUM POSITIONS The CuHvtbi Fo*um myites appi.i ! j 'ey l wing , cxyfl- ' 1 •• temporary ' 1 ■ • .i M .• • I f vents Crew Pifform*r>g A/ts I Hagryu | . Arts *'<** •»j‘- M.I •• ! 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