Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 20, 1993, Page 5, Image 5

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    Police arrest robbery suspect
sssept through this coastal
town Tuesdas as residents
learned .1 man had been ar
rested m tht* robbers of ,i gun
•.tore where two people's
throats were < tit
1’olue stormed a house just eight him ks front
the gun sho|) Mondas night .uuf arrested |nson
Kas Di/n k. I'l
Me went in hard.'' said police ( hint (.dliert
/.ai l aro 't on's e got a gus ss ho i ut tss o pettple's
throats and has got a machine gun. sou're not go
ing to go ill with a bouquet ot flowers
The Uzi machine gun and a -45-cnliber auto
math pistol taken in the robbers were found
wrapped in old i lothes buried underneath him
dreds of pounds of garbage in .i dumpster outside
the house
1 think we got him pist in the mi k of time,
/accaro said. I think the garbage svas going to lie
pii ked up Jtndas "
Di/u k ssas held in the ( nos Counts lad with
out bail pending arraignment Wednesdas
/an ( aro said fear had gripped the communits
tor a week
"Anyone who knew me svanted to knots wfiat
ssas going on. host Ihes inuld get a i oni e.ded
sveapons permit, ss hen we were going to i att It the
guv hr mid
Kverybodv was on edge quilr .) bit. mid Sir
ohm K \li Multan, owner id the \uimo Hunker
who survived the iilliid along vvilli Ins friend.
(.ernld \V Heist
MiMulInn had |tist reopened Ills downtown
gun store Mondav after getting out id the hospital.
II it wasn't for the constant headache I ve got
from iiemg pounded in the head with a shotgun
butt. I'd feel lietter " Mi Malian said I was verv
relieved I pist didn't want him out there to !»•
tree to do to soinehodv else what tie did to me
Dizii k is i barged with attempted aggravated
murder, attempted murder, rohherv. theft and un
lawful possession id .1 firearm
/.aitaro described Dizit k as 1 driller who
moved m with Ins girlfriend and her mother the
dav id the rohherv
Xaccnrn said Dizick reminded him of a 1 laid
who had gotten into trouble trying to lx- on Ins
best tiehavmr afterward He didn't dare show the
guns to anyone lor tear thev would turn him m
He had no car so he 1 ouldn t even drive some
w here to shoot them
"The culture he was moving m. thev d turn urn
in lor 1 hook id mati ties Z.111 ,iro said He had
S 1 JtMl bucks on the guv I ti.it is .1 hell id .1 mnti
\ at or lor some id those people
Man shoots ex-wife
at Florida cemetery
MIAMI (AP) — The TV dew w.is film
ing Emilio Nunez planing flowers on Ins
teen-age daughter's grave, griev mg over
her suicide. Then his former wife
showed up unexpectedly
As the camera rolled. Nunez lunged at
the woman, put a umm seniiautomatii handgun to her head
and pulled the trigger She fell to the ground and Nunez
stood over her, firing again and again into her head, killing
The videotape of Monday's shooting was broadcast J'ues
day evening in Miami on the Spamshlunguage Telemundo
network program (h urrio Asi. or II Happened lake This a
program similar to Current Affair and Hard Cops The shoot
ing later was broach ast on at least one network.
Nunez, 34. remained at large Tuesday, though his i ar was
found. The Delray Beach man left his current wife and step
son behind at the cemetery in suburban North Lauderdale It
wasn't dear whether they saw the shooting of Maritza Martin
Munoz. 3.1
Joandra Nunez, the 15-year old daughter of Nunez and
Martin, fatally shut herself in the < best on Thanksgiving.
On the videotape, before the shooting, Nunez told reporter
Ingrid Cruz that his ex-wife abused the girt He alleged that
the girl killed heiself after her mother slapped her when site
disclosed she was pregnant.
While cameraman lorge Delgado filmed the interview and
Nunez placing flowers on the grave at Queen of Heaven Cem
etery, Martin, off camera, showed up in a car.
Nunez’ current wife and stepson were sitting in his i ar.
and, also off camera, he apparently told them to leave the
area on foot. Delgado said.
Nunez got into his car and moved it to block his ex-wife s
car on the cemetery road, the reporter and cameraman said
Martin then got out of her car and scribbled Nunez license
plate number on a pit«< e of paper.
While the tape rolled. Cruz and Delgado approac hed Mar
tin in her car. Nunez also apparently was nearby, and Cruz,
wanting to interview Martin, told him. "Co away
Marlin started walking into the cemetery, followed by
Cruz, who was holding out her microphone.
The shooting started suddenly
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