LETTERS Aren’t we all just students? It is sad to see that one of the most i'v ding happen ings in Kugene in the past few scars has < .(used xu< h grief to sportsu ritcr Dave (Tiarhonneau I real Is fit'i for him if it s true that he had a tough time riding his hike around Kugene while the hippies" or "greeks" in a drunken stujKir (Indore ti ID p m at that) violently attar ked him with two-ounce snowtwlls This isn't Oregon State We didn't relentlessh attack ear h other And another tiling Aren't we all pist students here' Should there he any separation iietween ' greek-., "hip pies" or whoever7 Thai's something a sportswriter proliahiv isn't loo much of an expert about Mike Beauchamp Political Science Students need learning desire Klien Fodor, in lus comimintarv on tin- problems of higher education (fIDE, Nov 14). observes that "the University has largely bin ome n training institution Fodor goes on to assort that the system of higher educ a tion discourages idealism, spirituality and subjective reasoning, while attempting to brainwash students into becoming "cog(s) in the wheel of the great e< onomy 1 do not intend to attempt to disprove these state ments. Mv problem with ( odor's commentary is it is a typical, insipid reiteration of paranoid, anti-establish ment dogma Fodor assumes die "system" is at die root of the problem without stopping to look lor other possi hie culprits. live opting thi> rare ex currence of inadequate teaching, the problem with higher educ ation is not in the hands of the "system," but rattier in the hands of the student Kach student will get out of his University experience pm isely what he puts into it If a student comes to the University with no true de sire to learn, but merely a desire to achieve a degree that will give him an advantage in the job market, as seems to be the e ase with the vast majority of Universi ty students, then that is prec isely what lie will ac hieye However, if one approaches education as a departure point tor self-motivated exploration, and if one has a true desire tor knowledge and the augmentation of the c ompiexity of one's own mind, then it is entirely posse lilt- to achieve ysh.it Fodor refers to as an education, rather than simple job training. Brad Wright English Nf-«S GLAD CWELSf A CLINTON WILL ATTEND PQIVATE SC WOOL Vi PUBLIC SCWtXX. AIDS PRESENT A UNIQUE PROBLEM POP TWfc SECRET SERVICE SUPfRioq n»iPOMER ft Abortion wrong; no argument After i hallenging people several months u;u with a letter stating vvhv alnirlion is undeniably murder from .1 logit al standpoint, I thought I d share the responses A few people said it was a good letter I assume these were jieople who already had the same thing in their minds Despite the impressive front put on In those who probably still oppose this - nttn homoloss lamilios in lame * ounty It's clear tho troublos of tho world have i onto i ,ghl to our own backyards I’h'e question is now wlmthor wo will allow thorn to i ontimio unnotii od or lain ai lion to odui ato om h othor and m lively sook tor solutions You i an instantly begin tho prm oss by attending OSl’IKti s general interest mooting on I hursdav Ian .1 at t> til pm. in tho I Ml l.umwood Room whoro you will ho introdud'd to tho nine lampaigns allornativo energy, campaign finani o roform. i onsumor protoi lime environmental ndui ation hunger and homelessness legislative watch, postii ido action, plastn and a i itv w ido ban on plus! n loam. Together wo can holp educate ai tivato and i roato so i nil i hang* Perry Pepper OSPIRG Don ’t ignore tragedy in response to Stephanie Sisson s i nlumit IJan I f), got real I he natural "disasters" she talks about volt alines earthquakes fires and such have boon happening suu o the lagimnng ot tmu Nature w ,e. built around them some of thorn art- oven integral parts of the system Man-made disasters and other foreign influent us. however, have always had a truly disastrous t-Hot t lake the Middle l ast, lor instant e Has Sisson hoard ot tho Cedars ot l.ebanon or the 'fertile i rest out" of an cient times' It was completely logged oft (lor ships, buildings and sui h) 1 tie i Innate i hanged, and now it s a virtual desert ()r think ol the asteroid that i ausod the evtim tion of tlie dinosaurs and many other i matures ol that time t he flavor we are wreaking on this planet is not to tie taken lightly It sounds as d Sisson is saving yso i mild |tis! keep on doing it and got avv.n with it lining blind to the truth tlovnr helped anvunu IMi'am w.iko up Chris VanDyck Eugene Security measures in place Regarding the .1 rtn I>\ l.imtuy Batev on fraternity break urn [OUt: Inn Ul I was rather embarrassed upon seeing til\ name ,ill.it hfil to 1 1 jti.*r«- i.liii 1111 ii).’ we keep doors uiiIin ki'ti m .111 eltort In somehow mmilli 1' |> pic into thinking students .ire living there (luring hre.iks While naivete t.ikes .1 pruminent position among mv 1 h.ir.ii ter I.nilts. I 1 .in .issure you it does nut streti h quite that far into the realm ot fantasy Please allow me to i tartly not so inui li lot the huge multitude no dnuht hankering for this information, hut to preserve what lit tie reputation I h iv e let! In the past wo left doors open Ins .lose everyone knew no one w e. there and we giew tired ol shelling out hundreds of dollars evervtime we returned to si hool to ropl.M e shattered doors and door frames Today . the outer doors ot our house are re in fori ed and feature I nmbinatinn kev pad lo< ks lint our poltt V remains to keep interior doors unloi ked for two rea sons There are no valuables lelt in the house during bleaks and people will get into the house il they want to so we 111.ike soli' they find nothing to steal nor any thing In break I do not want to .11 1 use hates ot misquoting me. but 1 hope I wasn't that unclear when we spoke on the phone. Jamie Bakum Kappa Sigma Slft-ssv: The. New C.or\grtss Arrives American Indian Dance this M <11 do it to a rttigioui r tp*rt**>t at i««>r 1 11 liAth to Httrt juttuit xmr pUut of monhip I I hi II pucnioN piamv iucmuci> "i fifteen tnhes sclcbr.iie the profound interrelationship t>eissecn nun and nature Spiritual!) moving, visual!) awe inspiring rah ui pride ansi heritage I Hl RS. FEBRUARY4 K pm P'f Ptr* / in. * Till 7 pm Studu> I h ree f-*ttn* 1 Ar-J!*t' lKin- ff I noon lobby f ree Hi 11 CE\ I HR . k ! HI Mill RVlIVt fits rib y iooo jji Charles Brown “He left a full house speechless after one mournful ballad and screaming for mitre when he walked off the stage " - K A R legem! < harks Brown is bask in a htg wav his * Ussy, low down piano blues belief ihan ever me Five Blind Boys aB AlohjIltlO rhc five Blind Boys hod> *f*M>in Ul vVl QrJ Cll 11U roof finin'%ho* is ihc longed running ?mpcl *i in the tounin Friday, February 5 8 pm Hm Cfyiik I OK I Ml n Kl* ‘KMIVt ' 6*7 SOOO TWO NATIONAL TREASURES. ONE HOT NIGHT!