Oregon Daily WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1993 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 94, ISSUE 85 All wet i a f'fwifc t f jwf* i’dSMj Frog. 13th Avenue's famous joke book peddler. said the ra n has dampened tvs sales Don't ask me turn business is going todav he said / to said he mil be leav ng Thursday Uv i com;'e weeks to vise Cmt -mat ACLU fights Springfield j Appeal of anti-gay amendment expected to succeed, professor says By Oaralyn Trappe the XtntTu .in t i\ 11 I al»*rties tiiinn «»f Orison 111.111*• y;*M»d I uesdav un «i long standing vow to hie .» lawsuit challeng ing the constitutionality «»f Springfield\ anti gay rights* barter amendment [lave Imdaque exeiutive dim* tor ot \( I t Oregon, anuotuu ed at a news « on fenMHe lursdaV t f Wit the suit was tiled w lift the Lmr t .minty t an nil ( lourt I )ii\ e S< huin.um an ismh iate law pro lessor at tin* University who spet inh/« in t onstitutmnal lavs said he Iwdieves the lawsuit is virtually guaranteed to he sill i essful I he \( .11 Ims momentum on its side In Novemlier. the st.ite ( unit of Appeals ruled unconstitutional a 1‘IMU statewide ballot measure that overturned then (iov Ned t .oldsi huudt •• ban on sexual onen tatmn dea nmination I ha! ruling, from an At 1 t1 appeal. set the first state pre< edent regarding gay and lesbian rights, and Oregon trial and appeal i ourts are hound hv tiiat piei e dent. Schumann said l he court s No vemlwi opinion said the IMMM me.isure v lolateiI fo*edoms of sj»m ti and expres sion I he lawsuit ( hallenging Springfield s i barter amendment is also based on questions of speech and expression rights l urn t SPRINGFIELD P.» je i Groups continue search for source of mystery money jASUO finance department begins independent investigation of account By Chester Allen E mot aid Hepott®' The ASl’O finance department has started an indr pendent investigation to determine whether a $ tit'' (MM) OniversiU u< t mint is interest income from student inci dental fees Universilv Vue Prtnffst (,erard Moseley, who is i on ducting tin' l diversity's own review of the at t ount, said he tielieves the act ount t ontams little or no rev enue from student fees However. ASl'O President Hohliv l.ee said fie be lieves the money was earned from student fees and should lie pint ed in the incidental fee surplus at count "This is from student fees." la>e said '! owe it tp mv constituents to get this tiling started Imcauxe .$137,000 would make a tremendous different e during the budget season." las® said the Incidental Fee Committee and the KMU Board with welcome lo participate in the ASUO spoil sored investigation AM O Finance Coordinator Nril Sunnell said lie tins assigned two people to obtain and review tin- I biiversi tv s rei ord of tile ai i omit " This w ill lie an eftii n ut. well thought out mvestiga tjon soundly based on at i minting prm edures," Sunnell said Sunnell said he Would request i opies of the Ilia mint's source documents from the University administration to discover where the money came from and where it should go "Until we see the source dm uuietits. it's hard to tell where the account's deposits t ante from," Sunnell said Although tlie University is working on many other is sues, sin li as budget lilts caused by 1‘100's Measure a. .ill of the information about the account yvill lie avail able soon. Moseley said Moseley said the account's records have not yet tieen transferred to a new i omputer system, whu h makes re viewing the account more difficult and time-consum ing. "This information is fortfu oining,' Moseley said ‘This is from student fees. I owe it to my constituents to get this thing started because $337,000 would make a tremendous difference during the budget season Bobby Leo. ASUO president ‘"Hums# records am ol«l nnords that haven't been ion verted vet to tin' new i oinpulur system " Although thit University's review of the iimmiil has lieen hampered. the origins of the money will lie deter mined. Moseley said "I Ins issue is going to lie resolved in favor of the truth," Moseley said WEATHER Cloudy and breezy weather will cam over from Tuesday, leaving Eugene encased in light lo mooerate showers for most of the dav Temperatures should run in the 4