Oregon Daily ElTlCrcllcl Trojans stumble past winless Ducks in slopfest By Dave Charbonneau f T-. mark. they trailed bv only l«" at ’ "> 1st then hnilt up a lf> lead, and M 1 ireii nine '.1: 1 ,ht points to end the half leading i". J 1 The Dm ks were out rebounded in t)ie lirst half li'.t-o. and hit only 9 ol jh shots in the halt The sis ond half saw the pat e pit k up a little, but the two teams (unturned to struggle to find any continuity Sometimes you have games where there’s not am kind til rhythm in the way you play." Ravelin.; -aid lonight yy as one of those games l N( kept the I hit ks arm's ei; ah ay\ ay tor much of the set aid halt and Ual .1 iwith seyi'H minutes left yy hen ()re gon finally made a 1 luirge at the Troians Ctinrd Orlando Wiiliams hit 1 three pointer and Andre Collier followed yvith .1 la loot liank shot to 1 lit tfie lead to "11 -it) Collier hit another jumper that 1 nine in betyyeen baskets by Troian 1 entei Mark Boyd, and after tyvo free throws by Stood.mure Oregon yvas within nine at . 1 at, u ith three minutes let! The Dm ks eventually cut the lead tt» Mi 50. and then started to give the game aw ay at ttie line I irst. Stoudainire missed one of three tree throws after being fouled on a three point attempt and then Collier missed one of tyvo Instead of belli.; within three, the Du< ks still trailed Mi « 1 I ram there, the Troians sealed the game at the line Women lag after half, lose to Trojans 78-69 By Steve Mims Eme;aid Sports Reporter For the sei ond ( onset li the game, the Oregon wom en's basketball team took a halltime lead lietore tailing asleep at the beginning of the sei ond half, and lost to 15th-ranked I SO ’H on Sat urdav night in I.os Angeles The loss i nine three nights after Oregon tell to UCLA 79-75. despite lieing ahead 40-37 at halltime Oregon is now t) 4 in the i .n iln ID (ioiili'riini ti. while 11 S( boosted their rei ord to 4 () The game went bai k and lurth in the iirst half with no team leading by more than five points Oregon guard Peggv Swadener hit two three pointers in the Iasi 2 21) of the half to give Ore gon a 40-37 halftime lead The Din ks shot r>1.7 per cent from the field in tin* Turn to USC Page 12 flA/UNDERLAND “ ^ ' -=— 5Ih STREET 5C PUBLIC MARKET VIDEO „ .. „^s 683-8464 f VIDEO ADVENTURE © VAtLfY RlVtR PLAZA LOCKER RENTALS • $5 Key Deposit • Per Term EMU Recreation Center Ground Floor, EMU 346-3711 i ' c ! , ' .w ■ 1 - Oregon forward Jeff Potter looks tor two In the Ducks 6968 loss to USC Saturday at McArthur Court Sarajevo loses Olympic luster T|»* \IV U nitef Olympiad Saranno. u.m» sluvla i‘im l! was a unmior.ible timi* for flu- Amrru an (warn I lif l S alpine ski ic,mi nnjovfd inipris i dftilfd sin i fss. willi Hill jnlmsiMi .iml Debbie From the Sidelines Erck Sludwncka A r m s 1 r o n g wilining gulf! lin'd,ils in limn I! \ n II ! S lilt' Mnlire broth ers. t’liil anil Steve, r a p lurt'il the gniii ami silver in the slalom Other countries hod their moments as \s«*Ii Katarina Witt of (.erinany won the figure skating title, and Vadislav Tretiak, the longtime Soviet goaltender, won his fourtli gold medal in u e hih key h\ shutting out ( /e< hoslovakia - It Ivon holin' i nuntry Yugoslavia hail its hero. a-, giant slalom skier Jure I rani o won the ■ nuntry s lirst is er w inter ()l\ m|ui nieilnl Nine years ago this mouth, the world turned its eves to Sarajevo lor two weeks as the t ity hei ame the fix us of the sporting world I odav the world , turns its eves to Sarajevo for different reasons Oil! e a sllowi ase i ity of eastern l.urope Saraje vo is now the saddest i 11\ in the world I he i ity lies under siege with the i iti/ens ol Sariijevo re duced to rotting down the city s trees for lire wooil With its Iree/ing tom (rondures, lai k ol food and constant sniper fire. Somalia seems a vai a lion destination in i omparison 1 here is no time lor games in Sarajevo these days As brutal as any other war this lentnrv. the i onflii t remains on the Ihh k pages ol the papers ill the I anted States, partially Ihm ause it is so ill! Turn to SARAJEVO Pnrje 1? >1 Wlofef Photo Opticolor Film 135/24* 100ASA 99 One Day 4" Reprints 290a Tues 1-Hr Photo 2nd Set 4“ Prints 990 vv •■■A J Overnight 2nd Set 3" Prints 990 Thurs Opticolor Film 135/24* 100ASA -(99 —m *. mi-mi £11 lia&j The Highest Quality Developing! UN1VI RSITY O I o X t c o s 13th & Kincaid 346*4331 * M-Sat