GENTLEMAN'S ENCORE Quality vtoiat# Ctolhng t« Man and Woman el CHcnmmaSang TaVa 1111 WILAMETTE04J417* CUSTOM PRINTED ' * T-SHIRTS Lowest Ratesi HOMSE RECOROS HUy * SILL • TRADI IN ■ W * U S ■ D SPICIAL ORDIRS CD'S•IP'S•TAPIS HARD TO FIND as S 1.13th ■ UOINI, OR 97401 3 4 2-7975 FAX 344-7242 Allied air attack severely damages Iraq - U. S. -1 ® d attacks against Iraq situ e Inst week have crippled Ira (p air defense far ilities m the south, destroyed WASHINGTON (AH) an alleged nuclear fabrit ation plant near Baghdad and downed at least one Iraq! war plane. Pentagon offit ials said Monday The attacks. precipitated In Saddam Hus sein's mam violations of U N resolutions, ini hiding his blot king of U N weapons us spertioris. Began last VVednesdav More than 1(H) U S British and French aircraft target ed Iraqi missile and radar sites in the no-f]v /one of southern Iraq The allies managed to disable only one of four mobile missile batteries Itei uuse of Ira ip evasion tut.tics They had better suet ess against lour fixed command and control sites Pentagon officials said there was heavy damage at t aliil. the largest of the sites .md at Amarult Moderate damage was inflicted at Najuf while the damage at the fourth site Samawnh, whs dec I a red light Baghdad said l‘t people were killed in the nighttime ntt.u k On Sunday. the sec nnd anniversary of the start of the Gulf War. Iraqi warplanes began making incursions into the northern no-fly zone nnd an F-lf> fighter downed an Iraqi MiG-2‘1 Shortly after noon KST on Sunday, or K p in Iraq time. 45 US Navy Tomahawk i rinse missiles were Ilium bed from ships in the Ked Sen and the Persian Gulf, targeting a far lory eight mill's southeast of Baghdad be lieyed to lx* key to Iraq's nm lear weapons program. Thirty-se\en of the computer-op erated missiles hit the /.aafaramvrh fa< ilitv. damaging all seven of the targeted buildings in tile i (impound "We severely damaged, and frankly it's somewhere fietween severe damage and de struction, the mam production building, said a senior Pentagon offu ial. speaking on i ondition of anonymity ' The coil produc tion facilities were destroyed totally, as \sns the i hemic al fabric atiou area and the- spe (inli/ed welding ansi " The Pentagon said one of the cruise mis silcs was downed by Iraqi anti-aircraft artil lery in Baghdad and t rashed outside the ni Rnshid Hotel. < ausing considerable damage to the hotel that is home to mam foreign journalists Iraq said two Iraqi civilians were k died Around 4 am EST Monday, or noon in Iraq. 69 allied warplanes, including 1H strike planes, launched a return attat k against Iraqi military command and control facilities and surface-to-air missiles in the south. The Najaf air defense operations fac 11 it\ was left in "somewhere between severe damage and total destruc turn, the Pentagon said Two radar sites at Samawah were de stroyed .md damaged while the assessment at the Talill air defense sector headquarters was "lietween moderate and severe" dam age "We can sav categorically that the Iraqi .nr defense capability in southern Iraq is neutralized." the senior official said Arab League criticizes attack policy NK’OSIA, Cyprus (AIM Arab states appear ing in ba< k aw a\ fwm their wartime allium e with Western nations, on Motidav • riln i/ed the .illiusi attar ks tin Iraq but stopped short of lining up la* hind Saddam Hussein Tiles questioned win Ament .in resolve to en fort e I N resolutions regarding lias not ex tendeti to those toruermng Israel or Hosina Her zegovina I lie b ar ol Saddam s aggression that built the Persian (lull War .ilhante tietweni Arabs ami tin West was offset In tin* feeling that Pres.dent Rush was overstepping Ins ft \ mandate with the re newed raids rhe Cairo based Arab league s.lid it regrets the polit \ ol military est .datum against Iraq whit h extended to the ttomiling of Ir.uj. (-ivdian targets inside Haghdatl anti led to the silling md wounding of civilians among the hrnlherlx Iraqi |)et Iple It affirmed it*. supp