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VEGETARIANISM • A Free, Non-credit Workshop tit When: 3 Consecutive Tuesdays 1 30-3 00 Jan 19,26, Feb 2 Where: Student Health Center Downstairs in the Medical Library Sponsored by the Lifestyle Planning Program in the Student Health Center ^Preregister by calling 346-4456 13th Kincaid •igiMaivinfl r O ft K C O N M-Sat • 346*4331 \ AuCoin discusses future plans PORTLAND (AP) — Los AuCoin. who lost his bid to uriso.it Simi Bob Pm kwood h> a razor-thin margin last /on nftor tH soars in tho U S House* AuCoin, is ho is .is a journalist fiefore bei oming a i ongresstunn, roiontlv attended 11 workshop in Seattle lor imsterv writers Hi' will 1m* a visiting professor at Pai.ifii I ’niver sits in Forest (.rose, where ho svill lecture on po litu al si loin e AuCoin said ho retains a devotion to the writ ten word, privatols subsidizing a program for young writers and writing most of his own spits lies and artu los "The written word requires exactness of thought If we lose that, we encourage vague thinking.'' he told f/ie On^omim in an interview at Ins comfortable northwest Washington home He also IS keeping his options open 111 case lie is offered a [Militir.nl appointment in the Clinton administration ”1 would lie honored to In* offered a i hallenging job where I i mild i ontinue to make a different e." An< mil said However, he would prefer to write, teai h. con sult or i (insider business offers rather than take a routine [lost AuCoin i nine to Washington in 1 ‘*75 as pan of the 'Watergate Class of lawmakers determined to change the wav the federal government did business It was a heady tune,' said AuCoin, who was then 12 There vs,is high idealism This was a group that wanted to make changes and we did ‘I would be honored to be offered a challenging job where I could continue to make a difference Les AuCoin. former congressman Among tho accomplishments he cites: — lhs authorship of the first arms control measure initiated by Congress — the ban on flight testing of anti-satellite weapons enacted at the height of the Reagan defense buildup. The meas ure won him an award from the Union of Con cerned Si lentists — Portland light rail, which he called "one of the most significant things to ensure livability of the Portland area." environmental measures, including the 1984 bill that doubled the amount of federally protect ed w ilderness in the state. ( notion of the Colum bia River Gorge National S( emit Area, the morato rium on oil exploration off the Northwest < oast and the 200-mile fishing zone that protects U S. fisheries. AuCoin also was a leader in some House legis lation later killed hv the Senate or presidential vetoes, im hiding a series of battles against restrii lions on abortion 1 came here with the ideal that I wanted to make a difference in our life as a national com inuiuH and a people. AuCoin said. "We didn't get the whole job done, but I'm proud of what I did." Jailed photographer eats filmed evidence TACOMA Wash (AF) • A news photographer jailed b> the Pe ruvian military alp lus videotape piece by tins piet e for four it would lie used against him as evident e of sympathy for a guerrilla movement jeremy Uigwood. 42. of Vashon Island returned home Saturday after Iteing puled tor filming a guerrilla strike in the South Ameri i an nation He said the Peruvian military i onsuiered the filming an in I sympathetic to the l upat Amaru Kevolutionary Movement iligwood. who works for the New York based (.amma lanison photo agent y was ittiletf |an H "The mglit I was nrn*sled. they pul me in a room with two guards." he said "While they wen* sleeping. I got my hands on the tape They were going to use it against me It was evident e "So I ate the tape About half of it Slowly unwinding the tape, tearing off and ingesting bite sized pits es took about five hours. Higwood said He inter destroyed the rest of the tape Jan 10 in the lavatory of the plane transporting film to set ret police headquarters in Lima. When he arrived, he told his interrogators he must have at t idental lv left the tape in Moyobambn "They were a bit upset," fie said ihgvvood, who had I teen in Peril suite November, said tie wont lie able to return "I can't go lt.uk to Peru. I've tieon told 1 have a hit out for me from the army 1 go bai k. I'm shot on sight." he said. Thousands of Peruvians have died since 1'IHO in the govern ment's battle with the Tupat Amaru guerrillas and those of the ■larger Shining Path movement T ruckload of poultry overturns PORTLAND (AP) — Traf fi< was fowled up on a Port land roadway early today when a truck carrying about 5,000 live ( lui kens over turned. dumping startled poultry onto the roadway. The at cident o< c.urred about -t a.m on the exit from Interstate 5 to Oregon 99E on the east hank of the Wil lamette River The flatbed truck owned by Lyndon Farms was driv en by Michael Belgard, 55. of West Linn, who was not injured. The exit ramp was closed for 2 hours while police corralled the birds An undetermined number of the birds were killed in the i rash. (dhat Bo You Neec/ To t(nous Bboat National Health Care? Find out tonight, January 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the EMU Fir Room. National Health Care Forum and Panel Discussion Featuring: Jov Marshall: Lane County Organizer of Fair Share Dr. Richard McDuffie: Oregon Delegate of the American Medical Association Carl Hosticka: State Representative, Associate Professor PPPM SjvmmwJ by Student Health Center FaetUtated by Set! Boyce