COMMUNITY Portland gets free line on info By Lisa Kneefel Emerald Assoc ale Editor (iallers in the Portland metro politan area will lx- able to in ( ess more than 1.500 categories of news and information 24 hours a dav thanks to a new hotline offered bv The Ortrtfom an. The hotline, c alled Oregoni an Inside Line, will lie available free of c barge Through an Audiotex system, callers can dial a main menu line and ac cess specific news lines via a sequence ol touch-tone phone c ominands The news c atego ries range from breaking news stories to weather information, sports updates and stew k mar ket figures Jeff Wohler, editor of Orego nian Sports Information Sys tems, said Inside Line is an ex tension of the newspaper s at tempt to pros ide Oregonians with the latest in news and in formation. "In addition to presenting (news) to our readers in ink on paper on their doorstep eac h ‘With the Audiotex system, people can detennine what they want (to know.)1 Jett Wohler. Oregon Sports Information Systems morning-" Wohler said, "were making it available to them .M hours -i da\ . seven dnvs .1 week " Similar news lines are of fered hv about > other news papers ini.hiding The S,i< r.i mento BeeaiulThe Seattle Tinted Wohler said The Seattle Times receives tiOO.OOO to 700.000 calls per month Wohler said people are horn horded dailx with scores of messages in forms ranging from outdoor advertisements to ra dio commen nils and new spa per articles He said the Audiotex system is a means of ,h i essmg information selet live h. so people i an avoul ini i'v, messages of no list* to them "What were really talking about is information and boss people control the amount of i n f o r m a 11 o n t h e v want.'' W o h I« r said With t h e Audiotex system, people i an determine what they want (to know) Inside'Line is not set at i essi hie through an MOO numtier so Ihiiversitv students interested in using it will have to pay long distant e i harges Wohler said adding an moo numher might bo a possibility in the near tulme 1 his Sunday's edition of the newspaper will include a spe i ial insert explaining the phone system and Os use It will also list all I lirrent 4 digit ai i ess i odes tor respet live news ( ate gories Wohler said eat li of /Vie Oregonian's printed sections will (login listing related news line ai i ess codes on a daily ha sis Inside Line s mam menu uumlter is (.r>G3)22r> > v>"i MJ \ n.M.S Nouthrtfvl \vi<111 NlmJirA \N :. - > 1 . * (iv a K.ijmiiv lfMlu»Jn«h/in*; \>;r .i ulhiral Kfftmsfsnv f-a!,»v from i J U1 S M) 51 l;. ,:i I Ml :v K \ ■ « • •' '»• Ur * ’ • •' a! K. - Ill i'll 1 1 : I'.I.'•»«•!. K • < 1 v :<• J; !«»: I ait u». 152 i ( lub * mfivlmv • ' Y MS f ; • • . . J ; ■ : • :!i!- i' . ■ . .1 1 4 1 iM> (»MMK<. •« MI 1 Itr llioir :Sl!i>f»:.!»' :"iS. « aii $41} 4 i I S IV41«’ ( W|iv a ■ > ,. * . M S!rtj>ir Kmmi Mir Van hm • • \S : .'mi W 1 t ■ - K! 1JUON ( *mpui ( m«l*“ !'• j J« (111 *m-f! fr.>r ui «!i H# » MI.M J l l.\NH )) S ( «r»er Planning and Pit* rtni>nl S*m<» .. ort*Hit*fion tmltt* intt*t Mi JO to H U1 n Room 2-1 M*n»*Sru t< fi^r* v% lii 4 >,*' !»• 4 K VV 1 . •, ^ tt » \ ' • ' ■ ■■ • 4 % • ' ' * • Room 221 Meudru k.% Por mm* tutor mat im-. <<» R‘»i- . *■* HrSiii lib ( 4fm Planning ami Pl«i rmrn( Voiiir • •• ?•>» lh«» ft»;; 11 w. ;; ,k r s ttaUr •• Not’ !• VV/t^h • I: I »f, • < *:H* f V » i'ubiu 1 .i -J Ma ..i' StPII* I lub v S !ir %.! ,/ th-t% not ha%tr it tutt# lUiit lull# h.l Als tun fhe sfav of the xtkwrf unJntsr ttw cm-;ir Siir"» y! k r b**/« The Saie That Gives New Meaning To The Word CLEARANCE! thru Jan 29 ^ ANNUAL DUCKSA Put the power of Oregon Daily Emerald advertising to work for you. Call 346-3712 Record companies inflate music prices By David C Zartman ! meca J ; o« r People shopping for i ontp.ii t disi s or cassettes oyer the holidays prohahly noticed their wallets took a pretty good heating Mush prices have gone steedilv up, and the trend is 'un likely to reverse itself l lie average pru e mi reuse is SI. with tapes now Suing for about Sill eai ti and ( I)s toi S Hi N el it only i osts the latiels about SI to make and pai kugr a i oinpm t disi Huge i orpurations suc h as U irner Hros are i aiising the in i reuses, said Mike Mi Adams owner ol the K>-< ord l-arden "The latiels say that they have1 to rei oup promotional i osts or recover from business losses within the company Mi Adams -.aid It s also probably sheer greed Superstar artists mu h as Madonna and Garth Itrooks have ■ eel) p’r.' I mi leases !>ei a use the . oinpanu". know the,! poj - u laritv will ensure large sales regardless of tost u< cording to Rolling Stout• magazine Kec.ord companies also raise pru es to cover huge mega deals they have signed with artists Michael |.n kson (Sony) Inis a deal worth a reported $1 billion and I’nnre (Warner Hros ) has inked a deal somewhere in the Sion million range Wliilt' i»-t.»11 priii's nl established stars arc going up. t usls lor newer arlisls arc going (lown When llif labels art' trying to break in a new artist, they don't waul In st are off consumers, so the\ drop the prices.” Mt Adams said Other fat tors could contribute to possible pru e reductions m the near future I’he c ardboard longbox that t I K are pat kagrd m is due to lie discontinued this year, hut the reduition in pru e to the consumer will In- minimal Several new forms of music media will bring competition to the popular t 1) and i «usc a further drop ill pru e One is the digital audio tape with digital sound to rival l [> as well is home ret ording 1 npability At the moment, however It Vi's do not pose a threat to the ( I) market Cost is high (Slid, and onh about tot) titles are us a liable. 1 out pared to more than Vii.ulltl on ( 1) A new mini digital disi is mm ii smaller than a 1 (invention al Cl), hut holds the line amount of music. MDIJ-. ar- not widely known tiei ause of poor quality of sound ami limited availability Kven the venerable vinyl r ' an album (-reene said You've heard the ominous facts, thought about it a long time, and now you want to... SMOKING!! STOP — Come join the American Oncer Society's Freshstart program to kick the smoking habit. — Freshstart provides participants with the essential information and strategies needed to direct their own efforts to quit smoking. — I his is a Smoking Cessation Workshop held on 4 consecutive Mondays. Beginning Monday Jan. 25th (ongoing) 2:00 - 3:20 p.m. Medical Library in the Student Health Center * $10 refundable deposit if you attend all I sessions Sponsored by the Lifestyle Planning Program in the Student I leaith Center [’reregister by Calling 346“4456