Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 19, 1993, Page 4, Image 4

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    Donations sending
Lee, Fore to D.C.
By Tammy Batey
Em©*aid Associaio i S 'o*
A Si () Prvsitb»n! ■ Hobb> !.<•*
ami Yh • • President Karmen
Tore used money from private
donation's to pav for airplane
ti< kets so they ( onld travel in
Washington 1) ( lor I’rt'si
dent ele< I ltd! ( .linton's man
Ultra!ion Wednesday
(.errs Moseley VH e provost
tor student servile,, said last
week lie was willing to use
rtionev from the President's
|-'Ulid to also pav the vvav of I is1
and Tore s guest s Mama
(.ehr ke AM'() assistant fin mi r
i oordmatOr. and ( !lift Milhank
a Tinv ersit\ j,;ra<1 uate The
group left W ashington from
Portland Saturday ami vs ill re
turn Thursday
Moseley boils: h‘ I. el I ore
and then guests S t'e! airplane
to kets vs itli money from his
own ptw ket. lint hi1 sard lie ex.
per ts to he reimbursed with
money from the President s
fund lie said he i mild also
give ear h of them $100 in
spending ntonev from the fund
Hie way I looked at it it's
an im itation to two people and
their guests. Moseley said.
We re not say ing w ho tln>
guests have to lie I didn't make
any requirements about who
the guests were. bul I suggested
that Bohby think almut a logical
< nmw tion
Millmnk Lores guest, for
rnerls lived and worked in
Washington and wall save her
and Lee time in their lobbying
efforts Milhank will use bis
own money to pay for lus ex
(lenses, on hiding his airplane
to ket, I ore said
I no sail) she is 111 take ad
vantage - it Moselev ■ ofb . l»
cause the money is I Minting
from private donations
Lee said before the trip he
would accept the President's
I olid n: ones and tie h rk e
svouhln't The group svill only
attend the inauguration and
other free es euls
We want to ( halite-; (Hit fo
eiis more toward lobbying than
tow ird !he ( elehration In
I ore said sin* and lee ,ue i-x
t ited about tin- trip acd plat to
meet ssitli federal legislative
aides w lull- in Washingtnn
Moseley said tin- tri ji w i i:
have a lot of positive spill oils,
im hiding the lobbying swirk
Lit and l ore plan to do sslule
ill the nation's t apilol
Geologists map fault lines
By Derrnan McLean
f morale) Reporter _
A two year investigation has led two
l hmersitv geologists to in unsettling
i oik lusioti When it comes to earth
quakes, Oregon mat have ( aliforma
bo.it. hands ii<>w n
S< lentists have long known that the
Oregon and Washington roast sits atop
the largest geologic fault in North Arneri
i a It is uim I ear how 11 live, and danger
mis. that fault may t»e
Professor Rat Weldon and graduate
student (liIton Mill hell rerentlv fin
islied work with other Northwest geolo
gists on the first map showing active
lanlts off the ()regon i oast
On a si telitlfii level, the map will aid
geologists in their stnrlt ol the Northwest
t oast lint more prat tu ally tin1 map will
help Oregonians and Washingtonians
better understand earthquake risks
The map (topic.Is a section of the coast
stretc hing from ( ape Mendoc ino, ( aid .
to Washington's Olympic Peninsula
l-’rom r>() to I.!() miles off that roust, the
map is filled w itfi red ink, indii ating ma
jor. active faults
A fault ts an area when* two massive
mm lions ill the earth's i mst < ollide
These colliding sections are hut klillg
the western edge of North America
Mill hell said, causing the Oregon (avast
to rise out of the sea
I,eh tear, the Northwest toast rises,
up to five millimeters in some spots,’’
Miti hell said f urther inland, this rise
is less. Kugelie itself is rising about two
millimeters a w ar "
Herein lies the earthquake danger,
Mitt hell said Iwentuailv. one of the
trust pieces will slip against tin* other,
anil tentliries ol coastal uplift will sud
denlv fall t ausing an earthquake
Oregon last felt a massive earthquake
sut h as this about the year twit). Mitch
ell said Research suggests these earth
quakes strike every I0O-•‘>00 vears
"It could generate the largest earth
quake in North Amerit a." Mitt hull said
" That means eight or over on the Kit liter
st ale
H\ comparison, last year's earthquake
in California, whic h leveled buildings in
Humboldt County, registered about sew
i*!l on the Ku liter stale. Milt hell said
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What do you think of the photo exhibit
in the EMU containing naked people?
I think
this is not
a place
for those
nothing artistic about
senior, business
"I don't
see any
with it.
We were
naked. It's legitimate
artistic work."
grad student, criminology
all right,
but don't
seem too
artistic. It
on the viewer."
senior, business/psychology
"I'm a lit
It's a
place for
it right
next to the cafeteria.'
grad student, german
not artis
tic. I'm
and I
imagine these in a
public place."
senior, economics
"I'm all for
sion, but I
don't find
them that
ing. I'm surprised we
have them up."
junior, sociology
Continued from Page 1
dtivv ns
"Grog is tin* lend attorney in that
rase and intends to red i ret t the focus
ot tin' trial, put Trojan on trial and tr\
to conduct our own investigation into
how it was that it took a year off and
the manipulation of an elettion to ti
nally have I’t.l admit, when the dust
was settled, that this plant was not vi
able to operate. Marbet said
Kafourv and Martlet also spoke ot
mismanagement hy tioth Tropin and
the Nuclear Kegulatorv (aimmission
A levs days after the November ele(
tion. Tropin was shut due to a leak in
the steam generator
"We said all lust year that the steam
generators had grave safety implica
tions. and I’t»K denied it kafourv
said "The NKl. never supported us n
bit. What we didn't know was that the
si ientifii stall at the NIK said. 'Don't
run this plant It's 300 times more
likely to have a meltdown than the
guidelines supposedly allow But
they just sat on their own expert opin
However, m late Novemlxtr. some
ol the NK(i scientists responsible for
lfi.it report leaked that memorandum,
kafoury s.iul
“Then, when it ysas open and ey ■
eryone could see that these si ientists
the most experienced in the area of
steam generators said this plant
should not have lieeil operating for
the p.ist veer kafoury said
I’td (ailed the report outdated, lie
said, and was si heduled to re start
Trojan in Dei ember, hut within about
a month f'l.J. "fell on its sword, as
kafoury said, and announced that the
plant would lower reopen
M.irbet and kafoury said another
( oik ern is the cost of i losing Trojan.
iik lulling finding a permanent dispos
al site tor spent fuel rods and other
nuclear waste
"What we have to do is make sure
that I’t.k Ixtars the i ost of Trojan's
premature i Insure Imm ause they are
the reason it i losed," Marhet said
"The rate payers in this state had
nothing to do \Mth the management
dei isions that wen* made hy I’t.I "
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