210 HELP WANTED COMPUTER PROGRAMMER local company ****•» part time data tw»e programmer Fiejnba* hours School Of **£wt«’nc:«t '©quif««1 Drug screen ftKi EOE Apply «t etd. tkKwen 9 AM 4 PM Mon 1 < POSITIONS AVAILABLE 2, one year appointed positions available on the Student Health Insurance Committee Applications available In Suite 4, EMU. Deadline is Monday, January 25._| ♦ POSTAL JOBS ♦ Attention Eugene area. start S’ ■ 8&Tir ♦ benefits 'ex application and mto ceil ' ? 16-324 57/9. /am lo !0pm SOS •■993 Student Orientat*on Start (SOS) tS looking for a tee ijOOd students' We are looking lor 14 enthusiastic and dedicated students to welcome parents and new students to the UO July 11 27 and Sept 21-26 These hours work around other tops, and Summer school Rece*v« $750 and earn 3 upper d»vis»on credits stop by Su#w 2. £MU 346-4373 Closing date: January 25 Cuiv *i F orum a an f QAA employer COME TO THE OREGON OUTDOORS l rve and work th*s at incredtote Crater l <#ie National Park Of the Oegon Caves National MtX'ument m southern Oregon CRATER LAKE NATIONAL PARK Renowned tor its ama/mgfy blue take and spectacular mountain scenery Crater Lake >s a great place tor hifcing, camping. fishing, and other outdoor actnakes Crater l <*e lodge Company operates lodging, restaurants, gtt shop*, a campground, and boa! tours for the part* visitor OREGON CAVES NATIONAL MONUMENT The Oregon Caveat -a the largest marble cave m Oregon and ts located •n the scene S*a*»you Mountains ►■temg. scene photography, spetonamg. and cave restoration are some d the activates avaAabte The Oregon Caves Company provides gu«ded cave tours, lodging, food service, gft sales, and child care services to the manors Summer job appScabons are available at the UO Student t mpioyment Office interviews anH be h«*d on January 2' and 22. sign up tit m« Student Employment (Mem An E'.quaf Opportunity Employer 215 WORK STUDY Otttc« Man a gar Oagon Marta Shjtft Program. Oa^KvjKvg poa*t»on 10-16 hr* par w*m* $6 7Stw Compute **>»*. spread sheet* manage account*. iOrary searches At: 346 4974 Work stu« txocfc campu*. covered parking. *r» go fa*t. $69?.v'mo One 'oom ap» at*o ava»*at><* S24(Vmo Car* 346-0626 345 535* ex 46* 0*99 2 Bedroom furnished apt *515 H- yard St Av^abto 370. <64 9922 Redwood Park Apts. Quirt. Caunti g Living With City Convmimc* UnturnUhed 1 Bdrm 1485. (*tarltng Nov 1) low UtiHtlee-On Busline Equipped Weight Room. Spa Wood Part 4 Playground Laundry Fee time* Also Furniahad Buttaa Studio. 1 4 2 B R 1800 to 1875 Individually Oar. or a tad Completely Furnished Everything From Cable TV to linen* For Bed. Bath 4 Kitchen On Sue Management Team 4103 W. 18th _484-0778_ . .. i. You are wefcc>me to atop by our office for a free list of our available 3635 EAST AMAZON 2 bedn'jom chi(v«* $-4 7 S vVc at*o nave houses itmi m our office No pet* Shown by appointment SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 345 W 10th 666-1130 OREST VILLAG QUIET, QUIET, QUIET Enjoy the beauty of woods and wikjite in super floor plan 2 BEDROOMS. 1V* BATH • Bu» to Campus • Swimming Poo< • Wt*gM fatness Mm • Saunas $495 & $515/MONTH S E Eugene (DonakJ I Foihoflow) 687-1318 235 SUBLETS One bedroom ipt. ' 3th & Aider. dta c*osets. Dd/ti nj avertable $360mo 342 394C 240 QUADS 13th end Aider furnished. all uttf pad S229>rryo ♦ S’00 dap. no fee. snare hrtchen and bath 6636510 or »ve meg 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Houee to there- Aii ememtie* B*o path Campus cl0>n S2 75. month, v* jW*t»es i^or'e 3450307 Roommate wanted ’a snare spai.»ous furnished. 2 bdrm apt ’ ¥i docks from campus S26B ♦ dep 345406/_ Two females tewing roommate to shore 2 bedroom turruv>«d apt $136 ♦ v» irfWrt.es 345 2250 Young Profess tonal Making one roommate fo shwe 3 bedroom .2** Path. 2 car garage house new Coat Co pw Coburg. S396 485 3333_ • bdrm 2 bath house twggest room □pen, $230 ♦ dap and '•« uM Stth and Jeherjon Av for Aaron 34 3 49’6 265 GARAGE MOVING SALES Two twtn bodt'o^aWt). oooks/wnvw. :oky fv urt. dmk. 'able nrxj wi C« Isabel 342 264/ 285 CLUB SPORTS EQUESTRIAN TEAM No** wtcoma inkxmMxytai Thu' Jan 2 t*t 6p™ f MU Cantu'y B <* contact Oaian Of fm. a* Dub Sports 34^3/33 295 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ART CINEMAS 492 E 13lh • 686-2458 o»*cm «MRMM PKK UP CHJP NEW FH M CA1EMOA % »S (Ml ’ It *30 Flirtings tmtoovwmr wo u • » Gaa Food Lodging tSBSSSSpSS BW W" “ ^EFFICIENCY N |M«*ts arx} unbiased counting U-i J4 1 » Pregnant"* Worried? We .. or *»#*p Conkdanft*; .v -irvg tupport f arty ckrtacfeon ^ r*w pr«gnjr« y t«r«t» fMhftgr.t ft*; <*w TA* RETURNS $3 praparoi) by CPA • .ri Oar 687-6435 Vc< I He wHewk in mo(ion ’ < I *M I ( mm) «d in the Oregon i airraid'( all MM 14 I today' 295 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT '►O I HI K AVL S’ *%' .»'** C»* ■■***■<■ • <* l Ml J V. - • * » I .*« > V 20TH JiNNHMKSHKy OF THI Koi V 'Vll-I Wd- iC Wl RHXONt/t M RICH r Of TWf INWVTOUAU MARRIED OR !RN0UE. TOW fRU FROM UWVAANTED GOVWMHf NT INTRUSION INTO MAJTlft* SO aiMDAMf NflAUDf AmCTINC A PERSON AS TH8 DECISION WHETHER TO WAR OR WOT f A CHILD THAT RIGHT NECfS&AftKV INCLUDES T>« RIGHT Of A WOMAN TO OEODE WHETHER OR NOT TO TERMINATE HER fMONANCY M • “ v»* » **«*•« C«« *WUM* M *T) 2 Friuay. 22m>. 1993 Ba.nc« WOW Hail \'ttu.;iKi* Cohim $5 CO U0 Si ha i Pun ic Doors Opln at 8:00pm Show Starts at 830pm T -»r*'\ V* ,»r r LMt I Ma»n Dl5» Cl» W mc> Motmm Kai % Hft.m Fac:|. r.« Mu3s HaUlAC*** Cm ASS VMM! :») THE FAR SIDE By GARY l ARSON you're darn lucky. Saundeis M trial ftwno had rcjtly respected you as an enemy, he d have done a heck ol a lot more than just slap your lace ' by Bill Watterson Hi TW(kT FUR > MUST Bt STRKTVf OftMfcMtHTM.. 320 SERVICES ACNE A Nasty Four Letter Word If you had started on C!«ar Care Acne treatment 30 days ago you would be clear of Acne today. For free samples, Information on how Clear Care topical medications work, call our Skin Care Information Line, (800) 435-3533. Hot Chocolate 2. ” Italian o - w Sodas o o - Ut At The Espresso Cart ^ now tocol*d al ftv# ^ Carton Wei! bo* **k> Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Dooncsburv by carry trudeau t . K ft *A* a’ r *'r y /t; *: ■ • . H. v '. ’;v »Li': .Ai ■ * ’. 'j.s* r \ I «. 4\y. > t*> Th: V • ] l' ' . -I' « >iX\ .i*sv•,< try .' A - • .*« 49t*/7 ' v *J,tr v ■ XriA 7 * r 11 r\ JA' 7*i4 7 *> ’i * a y> .i * * "* ‘'. ’ - L"* < " V k*i4? ♦' u*/ku CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffer, ACROSS 11 obste? * lung 5 Yon b*o*« 0 Fluoresce 12 Battk* cry? 13 Mute jKtnmpa mmenl 14 Near unique 15 Prepared chicken for frying 17 tendl or Denrsovtcb 10 'Some l *• ft —# 19 Christ m as or I asl *r 21 'Horn*. —* 24 Earn a l ero 25 T «odu»* author 20 Counted 30 Chaps 31 Point** 32 Prop for Paul Buoyan 33 Spoke fast and ghbty 35 Mead bar codes 36 Types 37 Considers 30 New ok) movie? 41 CuI’d* 42 f im&had 43 In ragt 44 H equated too dtachmai 49 Mound 1141 50 Catmo •upply $1 Au«l 52 Thom**’ lova and W ai* COM 41 53 GfOun«Jad Ikx* DOWN 1 Ch«i!»< away 2 Play wnght lawn 3 To'chad 4 Worts Shop mac hut#* 5 *Tha Doctor' iltf 6 Tina * »* 7 Acted a* go betwean 6 loud speaker* ftcreao 0 Stfombob spiMover 10 Yves St Laurant'ft birthplace 11 M.*a one* way 16 Dawn daily 20 Poftas 21 Play leapfrog sss 22 Vicinity 23 1 ike new 24 Modem day messages 26 Sold 27 Fight the clock 2« Pre diploma hurdle 29 Hide awayf 31"Cham pagna mute' mo* ar 34 Hagai headgear 36 Withdraw 37 -Can t Halt! lovin' — Man' Eaty win Mai ale Omar a can) 41 Go no further *4 Diamondi Forever* 45 lip 46 Modem European monetary unit 47 Monel Solution ttm« 23 mln»