Heavyweights lead Ducks to first two dual meet wins r*. - h't Wfc • • Oregon’s Jason Jones battles with Brigham Young opponent In Saturday s dual meet The Ducks defeated the Cougars completing a weekend sweep ot BYU and Boise State By Erick Studenicka Emerald Sports Reporter Oregon heavyweights dome mill'd thi'ir weight divisions as Iht' Ducks won their firsl two dual meets of season against Boise State and Brigham Young University over the weekend The meet against Boise Slate Saturday was a ( lasso dual meet, with the lead alternating between the two teams after ea< h matt h I he Dm ks and Broncos split tfie firs! six mail lies, with Boise State hold mg a slim 1A 12 lead Matt Sprague gave Oregon a one point team lead with a .11 will over Allen linos at tfi7 pounds Sprague ami linos were tied 0*0 going into the third period, hut Sprague st ored a reversal early in the period linos escaped, hut was unable to take Sprague down liefore the match ended Boise State's Paul fat kson then defeated Scott Buzzard in the 177 pound match, giving the Bronco*, a 17-IS load with only two mati Bus remaining. From the Beginning of the 1>M> pound match, it was obvi ous Oregon s |cff McCoy would vs in. the onlv question Being vsBetBer Be inula pin Bis oppo nent. Ki< liard Conti Mi Coy. • leading 7-0 in the second peri od. put Conti in a position when- Ins heels were touching the Back of Bis Bead Conti struggled for nearly a minute Before the referee signaled a fall, giving the Duck s a 21-17 lead Heavyweight Chris Anderson was then given the tusk of pro tecting the Oregon lead It was an easy < Bore as Anderson thrashed Tony Vanek around the mat for an easy 10-2 win. insuring the 2r> 17 dual meet win for the Ducks After the meet. McCoy said that Be knew Be Bad a i Bailee for a fall after the first round. "I could tell he was getting Turn to DUCKS Page 12 Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put LJs To Work For You Tomorrow? CAMPUS enjoy A FREE FAMOUS STAR " HAMBURGER CaiTs Jt Place a minimum $6 or 3-day ad at our student or regular rate in person. 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The University Housing Otlice is now accepting applications lor the position ol Resident Assistant in the U ot O residence haiis tor the 1993 94 academe year In order to be considered an eligible applicant, you must be ot Junior class standing by Fall term 1993. 4 nave a cumulative GPA of 2 5 or higher You must also attend one ot the following mandatory orientation sessions Tues, Jan 26. Carson Gold Rm. 7-8 30PM Wed. Jan 27. Ramey Rm, 4-5 30PM (Hamilton Cafeteria) Wed. Feb 3. University Inn, 7-8 30PM (Living Room, 1st Fir) l>w#rvty Hou»*v Uniw*r*ty o* CV*gor a ar £OC AA .^iurtuton *o oJiu'l