DEVELOP & PRINT *3” PRINTS !2.«i|”«IA»72na*|99! ■ exp I exp set ■ I coupon must accompany order. I ■ CAMPUS 1 HR PHOTO | 1231 ALDER • 683-4693 ^///////////////////////////////////////////////////// DANCING! SPECIALS! Every Night of the Week! * r - £ £ 10 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. • 21 A over only £ Guido'S • Mth & Alder /////////////////////////////////////////////////////Z OSPIRGS HUNGER AND HOMELESS GROUP PRESENTS • welcomes r/iTTi: MORE^ /Wfrj on' / W\ - as SPECIAL QUESTS BABES IN PLUS SUNDAY JANUARY 17 7:30pm EMU BALLROOM t«M it o i«w iummm mi rm mu«k mw tuw.c«»Btui wom—« MOOUCIO MV MCA CO*»CI*t» Are you a VEGETARIAN or want to be? Find out how to do it right! VEGETARIANISM • A Free, Non-credit Workshop • When: 3 Consecutive Tuesdays 1:30-3:00 Jan. 19,26, Feb. 2 Where: Student Health Center Downstairs in the Medical Library Sponsored by the Lifestyle Planning Program in the Student Health Center v ^ Preregister by calling 346-4456 i a. I FAITH I Continued from Page 7 ' The 1‘iH‘l release of the* album 7 he Hen I Thing . [| which went platinum, heralded the group s cur rent make-up with vocalist Mike Patton Following the album's release. Faith No More toured with such heavies ns Metallic,! Bills Idol mid Roliert Plant The /ten/ Thmg\ success largely because of "Epic" brought high expectations for the group's latest album. Angel Oust, releas'd last summer But the album didn't sell as mans copies as its predecessor "Sin less hasn't been knocking on our door." Boltum said. "Success is like a stranger Sin < ess used to lie a friend where did he go'" |ust weeks off of a tour of Europe with 1.7. Faith No More is going har k on the road The band began its latest U S jaunt on the Tonight Show Wednesday, continuing onto Vancouver HT Seattle and Portland before its stop in the EMU Ballroom Eugene fans should expect a variety of the group's material. Bottum soi endi MOVIES Continued Ifom Pago 7 played an overtly sexual mur derer in oiii' of tin1 year's most controversial films It's no sur prise tlml her next film is an erolit thriller ami that Basil hi sIiiii t 2 is also slated ( ert.nn actors can rise above this limiting system anti sur prise U-, Meryl Stieep has long iieen I unsidered one ot the top (irarnatit. at tresses in the world. She del ailed to go lor a i hange of juice and has found that she has coniedic talent in films like 1‘nslcnrds I mm tin h.dgr and Death Bet owes lirt Joe f’esi i lias heeil aide to lloal quite sm ii ssfiillv between movies like I It > mt' Alonr. Ipooilfrlhi'., and \U Cousin Vinnv Mill ihe highest box offit r* stars in the world all wcm to In' i.ixl ns tin- same ( haracterx in one MIDI ic after a not her Speaking of which there's another similar trend in Holly wood that i* becoming more painfullv obvious t he rci v cling of plots This year alone, audiem ex are being treated to Dir Hurd t lories t ndrr Siege and Passenger ' And Dir Hurd 3 is dose to becoming n renlit\ ax well Hoi I v wood h as been t r 111 ctzed ol late of losing touch with the American pulse Movies are not being mode about issues people t are about these i ritit x ur\ Hut quite to tlip i:ontrar\, Hollywood is in tom h i)uito xv(>II with wliat Americans want to see. As soon as a mm if makes money, there will lie duplii.ales of that niovif until the\ start losing Why has the Hollywood nun munity. long i onsidered home ol some of the most vocal put) lie advocates of the AIDS crisis, ignored the issue on the s< reen? Hei ause the powers that he have determined it's too depressing anti wouldn't make money - It's as simple as that Right now. there are more scripts being pushed on pro ducers than ever before lint the ideas ire few and far between hei ause st reenwriters know the onls was to he successful is to duplit ate earlier sin < esses KING Continued from Page 9 turf as the son of a Wont ho priest and medit me man from At t ra. (ihanti At ago 1H ho began playing American jar* and fug hand music in At era's thriving night c 1 ith sc one After touring Kurupe. Australia, the Middle hast and tin- United Stains with his group Ohnade. Addy mow'd Iroin Uliana to Seattle, where ho taught it thi' I 'n i versit \ oI Washington llu latui mow'd to Portland. ()re In tliu early l‘)HOs Add\ formed the group Ktikrudu whii h perforins a synthesis of A frii an poll r v I h ms a nd jazz His other group Okrupong, is a more traditional ensemble in which (our musi i unis piny n wide variety of drums, flutes xy lophones, bolls and rutiles to nccompnnv the three dam ers Tii kets for the K p in concert .ire 5H fo» students and are u\ III.(file .it the KMl Mum Desk or n! the door Obo Addv "ill also give a free lecture and demonstration |an. 17 in Beall ( ami ert Mull at t p m. UO School ol Music’s World Music Series presents Music and A T7T) TpA Dance of ATlUL/A 0B0 ADDY and his group, OKROPONG, performing traditional music and dance of Ghana Sunday, Jan. 17 8 p.m. Beall Concert Hall TICKETS: $10 General Admission $8 Students / Seniors Available at the Hult Center, EMU, or at the door on concert night For more information, call Mark Levy at 346-2852 FREE Lecture Demonstration by Obo Addy Sunday, Jan. 17 3:00 p.m. Beall Concert Hall Co-sponsorea oy re EMU Cj'tura Fora-' & UO 0“ ce o* Internationa Alfa rs