Can’t Make It To The Game? Watch the Blazers on our BIG SCREEN TV! \,fliZAR’s &AZAR COME IN AND SEE! WE HAVE EVERYTHING • Posters • Dr. Martens • Cards • Vans • Clothing • Converse • Shoes • Incense • and more shoes! LIFE IS PRECIOUS i PROTECT IT! Our State of the Art Aerosol Defense System On Sale Now £ f 2.99 Reg $20 00 with coupon ^ k A ZA R’s 5/ w Broadway & 957 w<> amette 687-0139 J Until Linker's Priscilla Williams" Is part ot the Martin Luther King Jr Invitational Art Show In Celebration... (,unlc to weekeiui Martin l uthcr King Jr. Activities / ritin y, Inn. 15 In on«> corner a garbage 1 mi is overflowing with .1 Ku Klux Klan hood. Ilin k iron slave i li.iins. a him keited < ross and a rifle These "xvmbols of bigotry, hate and violence are waiting for the cosmic garbage truck.” artist |.u k I Won' said His piece is entitled 'Happy Someday, Dr King.” and it is part o! the 1993 Martin Luther King Ir Invitational Art Show in the LMt' Art (fallen I bis exhibit features tlie work of local artists who have Ireeii inspired by King's leadership of tlie civ d rights mm einent "Kvervthing is in the spirit of Martin Luther km); Jr Jan Mi t^itik’hIin. tin' >» p.m in the KMT Art (.alien Refreshments will he sort ed Saturday, Ian. lb Honoring ()ur New hthllii Youth (IIONI d presents its loth Annual (.'elehration Honoring the hife and Accomplishments of Martin huther king |r at the WOW Hall at 7 p.m In the si erne of Celebration activities. HONT.'l -. program tocuses on the family and on i hildren in partii ular. The evening will int hide skits bv the HONI.’i Players, w ho are part of the organi/at ion s Bettering Our ()w n Students Together (Bf)()S I ) Project, and In students troin the Drinking Gourd Plementary School The i ast ot the Martin I other king |r Theater will then per form sicnes from the upcoming production of Lorainc Hansburie’s "A Raisin in the Sun Following remarks by Sarah Ross, HONK Vs Chairwoman, the evening will be highlighted by an appearance by Karnestine Berkev, an ui tress and rights activist She will lead the audience m a town hall discussion of civil and human rights today and what children will face in the future. The evening will culminate with music from the Community in Unity Jam Baud, a group brought together for the occasion Sunday, fan. 17 "('.in 1 Sing for You. Brother" is a memory pla\ viewing how Afriian \mern .ins were able In survive the institution of slavery In tins one man musical starring hart torn* lewis I'm ker. < harai tiT Inshua Slaves Isaiah sings his wav through tin- tales of taniilv and friends, whom tic lauds as prime examples of how Sfrit an Ainenun culture > an surv uv the t oinmg hard ships hv continuing to pass down spirituals from generation to generation The African American Urama ( oitipany pre vents tiiis performance at the Unit ( enter s Soreng lhentrv at g p m Tu kets are for stu dents and are available at the l Ml Main IH--,k and at the 11ult ( enter lies (iifii e Obo Addy will perform traditional African music ()ho Addt and Ins band (Jkropung will bruit; traditional African music. c olorful costumes and complex dam us all representing a niiin Imt of Ghana's peoples to Beall ( om i*rt Hall Sunday .it 8 p m (urrentlv an instructor at Portland State Hniversity and l ewis and ( lark (ail lege. ()lm Addy plats the full range of African master drums, supporting drums. African xylophone and percussion instruments He learned the tra ditional drumming and singing of the (.a i ul Turn to KING, Page 10 Musicians can sign up to play in the Skylight Cato every other Wednesday evening 3 ky light C afe I.fM >il m ousth mttsK inns art1 no Inngor limited In street i timers .mil i nffee houses thanks In tin' ( Forum's ni'vv Inletai tiv i- Stiisu Workshop her ms Walker I Ryan s Hint's Si'ssmns will giye nnisu inns ul all li.u kgruunds .mil ley i'ls ul etpeneiti e in opportunity In lain together ami learn frnm a lm al master of Ifm lilui's Kvaii, who lias lieen playing his own sly h* ot thi' Dflta Hint's tor more Ilian iJO years. yyill host flu- Irt'i' hint's Mission in thi' Hi'ii lanilnr Room in p in on (an .Ml and Fill) I ’ Ihi' Skylight ( air. also liosttiil Iiy Walkt-r I Ryan, is a nnupit; npportninly fin imisnaans to mint' nut and play or for aiiyonti to gt>l out and hear somi' unknow u tah'iit Mush inns ran sign up in advam thr day of thr -how m ! It** C tillurai I Drum t > (111 «• Sllltr '»f |l;c I Ml tftrr M) Ill or « all J4t> 4 i * i I hu ( alt' runs ‘ Hi p m |an Z ' I rh Hi and I rh .’4 In round mil this o-rn 1 aura krstip will prrsrnt a Sougwritris (art'll’ ll will offri soH^wrilurs of an\ hat krtouiul to pla\ and siltv* thmr songs and thru grt frrdfom k from othtti partic ipants in in udorinai sotting krmp is out* of I aigrnr s most talrutrd songwriters and a (piuklv risim; star of tin* folk music s< enr, and slit* hopes to provide* insight into tin*« hailenge of writing both lyric: and music l hr ( art le will to* fitdd ‘ in p in on ltd) t in ( amturv Room I> and on Man h I m thr Urn landrr Room, hotfi in tin* 1 Ml EMU CULTURAL FORUM WINTER SPOKEN WORD SERIES [ALSO, AS A SEPARATE ADMISSION EVENT FOR INFO ON BOTH SHOWS, CALL KKVIN TRIPP: 346-4373 T1CKITS FOR BOTH SHOWS AVAILABLE Alt IMU MAIN DISK, HUNGRY HKAD BOOKS, RECORD GARDEN, OASIS FINS FOODS, AND HOUSE OF R1CORDS Your Health Care, (dho Carer,??? Itk ball! find out more at the National Health Care forum on lues., Ian. l*#th 7:10 p.m. I NIL I ir Room 136 E. 11th • (near Willamette) 342-3358 Must be 21 or Over Friday ju<. is $5 Sut'pnp recording article Pond Hazel The Spinaines Saturday . I H* •*» i ,f\r, n *> • * w '«3 41 in <*t» Kighlly S 10 (»H t IS. • JO Sun I WOMOiNt Ul. MAGIC Al. MARVI IOUS! On* of tfv» boat th*« yvw Two *ory tmmh* up I Filling k._, • MTiH'l ■UOU l ATI MTI ■ LM MW Adl» IKS* U 35 s* \ % s 492 t iah 686 2458 • urn tm* m * mj-ov Him »» c*i imi»h r Ml 10 OVi M! Nightly * JO % h I » | k\ I ||OW HOI’h INS i mum i:\viin' > • 8U0ULAI! Nl?l • 8U0UIATIMTC Nt§«* II* 1 » }t k DANII I DAY I I VVIS kill! IASI ■U nt mi ^/VlOllk ANS 1 • ACH •« *0*044* MUAMV M t . *. 11 v 11 >4 RESERVOIR )OSS S $2 student* ar J chJJdun $3 (cjutrJ pubU* tii!.** *«'‘i l»y f P ill : I L W.llklM