MADMAN Continued from Page i the otht*r superheroes Allred recently signed .1 deal with Columbia Tri Stiir to write .1 screenplay (vised on the first threw issues of tile .Vf.ii/tlMri series The film is now in pre-production and British a< tor Malcolm Mi Do wall is set to play the main bail pn Mr Monstadt Allred s.iid k\le Mm Lachlan of /Win I’t'uks is interested in ploying Madman Allred. 10. said he's always wanted to !>e in solved in filmmaking But the to Hollywood has a been a most unusual one. with stops even where from Rosehtirg to Germany and work in fields from hroadi .istiug to sculpture Allred t tunic hooks as ,i young bm growing up in Rosoburg. ami lie n I so do v hI o pell a pom limit for draw ing early in 111• ■ l.voti then, hf lol lowed his own path "I've never really been helped with art i lasses.” In' said In fact, in ivinior high, in v art 11' a i h c r would have tho t lass doing sonif projoi ts and t him ho just situ k mo out on a cast*! and lot mo do what I wanted The interest in drawing waned a little as he got older, and Allred went on to slnd\ broadtasting in college lie wanted to develop Ins interests in music and movies, although he continued Ins art work and began sculpting Allred wrote Ins hrst si reenpluy. l)v.i(! An. dur ing that time. The si roenplav, in which the resi dents of Roseburg think a nuclear war has txigun. hasn't (wen filmed vet A friend who was interested in cornu books then suggested that Allred combine Ins writing and drawing skills "He started giving me comic books that were worth a lot ot monev. which made me feel ohli gated to read them." Allred said "And some where along the line I read that cornu s were the poor man's film medium, and that inspired me to go ahead and trv to draw mv si roenplav The first thing Allred had published was a graphic novel version of Dt .tti Air (A lotttii book is traditionally a magazine with about .10 pages A {graphk novel is thicker, with more than 100 pages, and is geared toward a larger audience al though the i om ept is the same as a comic book ) I thought it would just lx- one thing I did so I'd have something on a bookshelf. Allred said "But after I did it I wasn't reallv satisfied, so I started doing it more By the late 1‘WUs, Allred had Ix-guti a two vear stmt working at a radio station in t.eimanv Hut lie < unturned his work with comic books It got to where mv comic books were earning me more monev than broadcasting." \llred said So I moved ku k to Oregon, and my i omic book i areer has |ust kmd of progressed sine e then Chat s something of an understatement lb- lx .in devoting himself full time to comic book work m l.muarv IW«), and within the last vear. M.hlm.m bee ante one of the best sellers for lull dra all independent comic book publishing house started hv Kevin Kastman, whoc mated /be / eenage Aluianl \in/.i Turtlf. Mired has also done work tur Marvel and !'( (minis Marvel h.ts railed on him to < re.ttc among oilier things, i omif hooks based on .1 1 bar mler tailed The Kvervman And P( reientlv askeil him in work on some projet is, ini hiding Th» (■rrk Doom I’.itrol and a H.iinun series Some of those he \s riles and some he draws Mul KLitlmail. as Allred said, is ill mine lie owns the rights to the ( harm ter and the stories one of the benefits of working for an independent 1 ompany Allred said U.iiinuin w is 1 rented out ot Allred s frustration that a series he wrote t ailed C.'rap/iii \fu-"’'( . •*> •»«*■> • “ * 1888 Franklin Blvd. * ★ fittd to Mtovan on V»ardJ ★ ^ Open 10am to 11pm * ♦ a 344-2691 * * If cm*i ■ anve ★ .—ill Good Times ( .1 tf & 375 F. 7th • 4K4-71K1 *1“ Blues Jam every Monday iu,'. 12 a Local Hero & Lost In Transit vvw| 1' Lost Creek Gang umrsn Deadpan Cool Fri 15 Mojo Nixon with the Bolos Sat 16 Curtis Salgado & the Stilettos i r. Crazy 8's MALE DANCE REVIEW "Muscles in Motion" The best male dancers in California, here in Eugene! Date: wed. Jan. 20th Time 9:oo p.m. Tickets: $12.50 in advance $15.00 at the door >iace swingers Nightclub l u 535 Main St. Springfield • 747-0307