Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! ENJOY A FREE FAMOUS STAR® HAMBURGER CAMPUS Place a minimum $6 or 3-day ad at our student or ^ regular rate in person, Room 300 I MU. and we will give you a certificate for a FREE FAMOUS' STAR HAMBURGER, courtesy of CARL S JR. Remember, you must pay for the ad in f>erson (Rm juu tmu omy; oerore you receive wie ueruiicdie. n you have any questions, call one of our classified salespeo ple for details at 346-4343. Only private party ads quali fy. No refunds or credits with this promotion. Certificates are limited... so place your ad today! CLASSIFIED POLICIES I’huTmcnt Aij•• .tv lx- \ :*.cti jl H * Ml *<*• I Mi Hm to h- * » !■ ' Mam I l»*>r t*a\ mvnt billing Ha% fXTH C'UWnhflJ ( .ill 4 if 4M * ! t hilling aiTafigcfucnt* • \ IS-V VW i Dvudlincs I iltt \(!s: i p m» *m huviiwvMlav pti ‘t (<> in*cfth*i I)Kplii> \ds i>* huMiwv* pfmf t»» msennxi ('dp) icccptunce • llli Of >1 li -1 * W ' l he r i p*;! \< revise, revlavsifv. re fee I tif »aixtl an> .hI at am lime • A tlcrm muM lx* submitted prior to live {hihiii allm1 »l V* 1 k . epl .n!' v>'Warning.i I '##» phone number 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS M.*rn»« at King Si Station •S 4 *1 1 i 'llO' #>•’*• • ,* qumnUme* J?06- '*’*> 37?? vVe* h,*J ’ tH*“Oy l-\/r** r < ■ .*>■ Thank* lor !'-«■ (*yfy l Hx iKl t! »»<>*') Urve \XW PI BETA PHI I Hanks lor a vyeut Buii««r Party l »*t% *«x*p the ,i5»p CHI Ptl _ 105 PERSONALS Mi. my name i% Halo I a • a . »y ‘.i’ ' i r> .'- .it NOT* • *.ty I -•■T yOu Afflnl thp rni« f*Clu *ti nght^ i tfyougfti two % !*> th*» ao*n) M. fV , i •- 5 M.» I j: .1 SM , t . *rT%ll*| m COf»«txyxV»H3 .» l.» t »•'*,«.,>n 1 ft a .' . M> n|fK«'*nc*ud© ifulu»lfy dance 'f*** ve"T poeify. ®C*a*H<» 1>on Mo n*« N.k* and w*><»c ^-o'ograpny ■pm** dn.v- ?>ng song w-1-.ng. Ht ; .£.*•-»* yOu S.iy I tin' a •»»:>/*thy*''ii! ofl <*!■'■■*" fldiy - 1*' M inipfosJiHl w»te Ha«c PO Boi 12160 t ugena OH 9/440 Marl !t>ie n«m ,r,w " a *' a ■ «*a •f e< •? a ftatoctiva Introduction*. 110 LOST 4 FOUND FOUNO Monday ’ U* prevr;;' - eyr ./.r.’.M a’* a**r C*fl :MNf>93f’ I k>*t my YJ'S.' PH (>• a •• 4*w* VC tow’ d’ V4f>4/!>6 a«t*-..keys' % y\ t STC 'trwanl ii5 TYPING SERVICES THE wono SPECIALISTS CINDY 4B4-S4M TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land *** 4&5- 3343 m TYPING SERVICES A? 3*4 0?Sf *OtUN GPAOSOOOl approve o : ■’ t ■ > * grOwW* ^ %«» , r i t* ' ) i ,*•.*>- £> ON CAMPUS' JO TMl TYPING PRO Th«*\r% on Laser <_!• iV .* • P»^Qy « Typing $«rvtce i »{*■' .t:.Pd T»1 Si O#*' • ■;} *^' VV *l*RlK I \MN< • • * *4* An V-« *rt*o'i H'YYWT Wutdl'iiUuJJ Juautaiun 605 E. 13th 125 INSTRUCTION Pro/Edit 343-2747 iM FOR SALE MISC Everything you need QUITARS GALORE'M Huy .»■ i - - i-' in « 1 W ft Ca»!H* *nlh*ft Horfte. both A'r tuW ol rr*d*« item* » 720 F 13th MS-Mm (,'/ V / / / Ml S S iSC OR I CASH FOR 501 LEVIS Mill NNiH.unrtl *4*6179 I 135 BUY OR TRADE WANTED t< * t '.A w a su*ihcm#d and ‘•M?04 Srr mag 140 PETS Ttvo Chinese Wale* Dragon* $'>‘ each OU-' 36 g. «».>*' tan* and $/!> OtK> Vp*y tan** hJ'Vit* I 4»i 'OT details /4 ’> .. S8 d* b&7 hf> t ft 145 CARS TRUCKS Government seized St 00 f ;4(h Mr *W‘ * 'v<*MrS Chevy* Sorpfc * B.. ye* *• <* «de {T HOf: 96? aOOG I it S 964? 1971 VW Bug -« mile-. S''‘Ootw v .i * •• 82 Civic, . a>03 I ii_As.sim:i> k>k sai.k | 4 TTr* HluiknU KrU «'• TS«4et Sriirfi V . *, * Ilu>rri TSr H 130 \Ot It ' OIITS l DNNh'l IOV ihrgi'n Ifmil» t met ml J 316 4343 155 BICYCLES M*n» 21 12 h wr ' • » * 04 *- ’ <*■ S i*- c.itS» I i.r«r« 34(i HP 12 %p«NWl ti*cych A 4 II 4 mi hJvr vomrfhmg In %rll %u« h*»»r w«r*rlhinn jJvrflivi' (H)i <. t Assif ii ns 1ft Cycl« Pro Amt>u*h 18 ‘ *■ H% *<•<, f * *1 t v-r Sl••* •» I'#*- -.ocfcW-s *p rr* ' ■• •■ lr*rt ,i -I:*-:*,* 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Compete Sfrweo • !* * ' Yi»" 1’ .1 $u% .»• A m 346 h-’- ’O ParwwontC K*W 900 Wwd Proc*v SO* w *t< *%%ory kil life* nei* S2S0 C«B CB>7S31 Pflnlwi ’.>• • * ■*'• ' »*»■ ..• Si00 MI'S «.. • (A.i C 64 .» I a" .M 4 »« f» .*>«» 344 ft'VJ 170 SOUND SYSTEMS CASH*" /»»■ Su* ' f * ‘ VMS VCtt s i*tm} \!e*r* ■. th«?rvpjo»' I Jwctror;* » l '*V i m* 343 9223 us INSTRUMENTS Sample* Sequence* Keyboard W « hu y •..»•' ;**• ‘ 4.•-«.»-• * $1100 An** me h*S6 riiftC 20 2 ikljtan ‘Hit; -ck? *< n» great v ■- ■ <«c C«*‘ 180 RESALE CLOTHING Men * black leather • ,• «• $'60 v/e 36 te*»V condition '.<*1 ladies Deerskin jacket >-i‘ ?.»< v Pie tM«trd S»y r v/r 4 Ottfe 4673 t =VJ 185 BOOKS CASH FOR BOOKS Two Convenient locations 7M f 13th 625 Willamette , ampuit; Ul.wUm"' 345 1651 343-4717 BUYING HOURS HIM HMMF ♦ 2. Sal Smith Family Bookstore 190 SKI EQUIPMENT Atomic Racing Skis . *x M 46 {>■ 1 *> «» CALL! London M10 * Paris *94* * Frankfurt S14* * Tokyo **•* * Sydney S4J* * b‘; Coundl Travel I /MS" 4 M, * . #400 ; s-.v - Si V V ' 501 99*1900 • *00 99* 5*54 C**Ky yOg'tMt to(h o* S«uOe«t Tr#»e ***#*•/•«« 210 HELP WANTED COMPUTER PROGRAMMER lOC# y v-o*»s part fcm# data Uv pn>>/ .1 raw T'pjn{jip '5 School o* <**£*><*•' ■• « Drug > &f**' 'fi*4 ( Of Appiy ,-%t 10 N (>»*' *»•'-• l.****#**-' 1 AM 4 l M M r ‘ CULTURAL FORUM POSITIONS appw«» f CXKX'> *y*r, 4 W..--R UmjM V»*;>y a M.rtjf 1 prtMT*ijnq Art* {4p part of a yroyrammcqj 5®*n- piOTWiQ j :.*mpw* pvrrii V..' >i'r*4 * rrf a-itorTfiahOn j £«vA «<*• 4'' * \*C< t»1 ‘ • f M 3*6 AV3 Closing date: January 25 » 1 *■ *o I • * LA pT-jAOj-i* J A rtf?' ♦ tj i ;■ 1 ♦ POSTAL JOBS ♦ ■ *r l, ?■■ h a«a start S’1 ky apphc at*>n ar.(1 •< 4 *>779 7#m 5c tOp™ SOS ’993 SluOB^t Or»*f>tat Start S O S St k>oA*ng h# A '«rw good *>!./ y- •*/ Ar cr » g 1 ‘ 4 f *• ,tst« ,»>■ d (Jwkcalld atv-ikW'!* h. com** pa»**' 1s .*> d ' *'k* stud^tt !». tf* UO July ? ' . 7 *Ad Sap* •i1 * # f *«-•* a*-: '..'ftd And SumifMf •cTvool Rw;« ftf* IS ;» - » ' •■ A 9r S ..• in .V4 { J» r L.TW 9 7401 ln«»*l In your fuluro with Oragon Dally tmorald i Claoolflad Advartiali 1h\ i) 210 HELP WANTED SUMMER JOBS • ? • AS ■' $ufrtrr«**r A" •!« • .V tt?;X - r* •«»#.•* »<> *. a ” . c< .► *• • A •r-.V- wJr •• > tors poo* arxl Gooo A.. ■ •• Mr .1 a- •* A *' ’ »«"■ i« •• M,r .v •• « NV ' !f.v4 ’ 1 ’ 4 ' f • A •- ■■••• .i • *i Tf* ( .»'••( Vega fJC Bo* i//’ (>u«r-MA . :. .e* .*• 934 f/ * A** a be pu* . ’ "i3 from 11 4 f Mi a • - ;eft*ad*hg ropes sa txwti'ig -J. scuba tennis track A.t'n- •,* Afights. A- x.-J SupC.XiCtS.laM * ; * »- Vt**ai.i a* bakers C-v; A • * Ok** Mu'-.*.• ■•■**..* Nr '■*>4J *-?• • *> *a.‘ A • *■•' I ' a: * Vega PC Ik)* • • - • Du.L L*Vr' m higher You must also attend j one ot the lo-u vs ng mandatory orientation sessions Tues. Jan ?6, Catson Gold Rm, 7-8 30PM Wed. Jan 27. Ramey Rm 4-b 30PM rHamilton Cafeteria Wed. Ft* 3, Un.versity Inn 7-8 30PM :l v.ng R., om tst Fir) *•-• • •* 4ft fc ( fk A* *'• Aid. t«rt i: arrvty* -tographK j j Pavay kv more into 346 ‘ * 1 • Resident Assistant 1993-1994' Appfcahons >u' the pc st« * Rev.5*--’ Assistant * • '993 94' Dead ■ ♦* M Feb 6tti. ' 03 • *-• • tie considered an f»;-g*b>e apt art you must be o< Junior Class standing by F .»• term 1993. A KAve vl C.;'TU. .»! /e GPA of 2 5 or higher Please see our display .KJ *01 mwe nfo (M • A f n •. !h« ;t Fpt> Stt' c»r call University Housing at 346 42 ’7 Univfi say Hous»ng. University of OeQon «, ,r tOf AA inswulK>n committed to cultural dive'Vty Subjects needed Bac> to bac* studies or judgment and decision making Pay S5-S4C depending on your and others deovons. Cali 346 4325 215 WORK STUDY Work Study f *per *•• n<1 -A tt *v', '■eeded !< sew costumes lev UrVvervty Theake C346 1975 Work study s'ude' ‘ needed to shop and run errands tor University Theatre CNim car .346 ^975 225 APTS DUPLEXES CAMPUS Ado‘.ib-e 1 ton- * ha'rtMrood * * •*. m ■ • rt by 16th CaH 344 B92G 2 Bedroom furnished apt 15*5 Hifyard St Avacabk* 3/21 464 9922 Redwood Park Apts. Quiet. Country Living With City Convenience Unturnifth«d 1 Bdrm $4ft5 (starling Nov 1) Low Utilities On Buslme Equipped Weight Room, Spa Wood Park A Playground laundry Facilities Alto Furnished Suites Studio, 1 4 2 B R $600 to $87$ tndividualty Decorated Completely F urnished Everything From Cable TV to Linens For Bed. Bath A Kitchen On Site Management Team You are welcome to stop by our office tor a free list of our available rentals 3635 EAST AMAZON 2 bedroom dupe* $475 361 E 14TH AVENUE . r«?y pa/V-ng $400 I We ah* have several houses 'i*fed No pels Shown by appointment SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 4103 W 18th 484 5775 345 W 10th 686-1130 NEED QUICK CASH? WE CAN HELP! Advertise am ilern/ilems under $5(H) in the ODE Classifieds for S days ai regular rales If the item doesn't sell within the week, sail us and we'll run your ad for another 5 days FREE! Single party ads only please v. refund, s.nmna riacr au>. ai: Room .100, KMl X l O Bookstor? Or call <46-4343